(87) Winter home

Since the launch of Tiantian Information, the user growth rate is fast, although there is a big gap compared with the well-known, but the growth momentum is good. In view of this, the company leaders increased the annual bonus of the entire project team.

Sometimes giving may not pay off, but most of the time, you will get what you deserve.

A week before the Spring Festival, the mobile phone received a pay card financial changes SMS. 6 months of year-end bonus awarded by the company to the account. After a year of hard work, I finally have a decent harvest.

After years away from home, I want to return home more than ever this year. Looking forward to throwing the bank card in front of old Yao and saying with an air: Take it to spend. More looking forward to four eyes relative to hua Mei, gently say: long time no see, very miss.

Die for those who know themselves, for those who please themselves. It has been a long time since there were people who liked themselves and people who liked themselves. Most of the clothes in my closet were bought a year ago.

Thinking of meeting with a beautiful woman in the Spring Festival, I urgently need to buy some beautiful clothes to make up my appearance. Then, a cruel, a stamp spent two thousand dollars to buy a brand down jacket.

I wanted to bring some gifts to Hua Mei, but considering that we haven’t formed a good marriage, sending things would be a little abrupt, so I gave up. There are plenty of opportunities to spend money in the future.

On the afternoon of New Year’s Eve, I packed up and set out for home. My hometown is not yet connected to the high-speed train, I grabbed a green train standing ticket, fortunately, the journey is not far, also only 3 hours by car.

Just before I left, Old Yao called me to pick me up at the train station. I was flattered. Old Yao grew up believing in hard work, and when there was an opportunity for me to become self-reliant, he didn’t love you enough. He had picked me up at the station a few times before, except during my first year at college when I was home. I spent most of my time alone.

Night had fallen when the train stopped at the station in my hometown. When the lights came on, the narrow platform was full of returnees. The exit was mobbed with people trying to meet it. People rub their shoulders and look around on tiptoe for fear of falling behind, which seems to be the only way to look grand.

I caught sight of old Yao in the dark crowd. Cigarette dangling from his mouth, he was looking around for me. I walked through the crowd, ducked my face, walked around behind him and called out, “Dad.”

Trembling with fear, old Yao came at me with a raised hand, and I stepped back to dodge. He grabbed the suitcase from my hand and complained, “Why don’t you buy the morning ticket?”

“After days of trying to get a standing-room-only ticket, it’s good to be back today.” I stared at old Yao. “Why did you suddenly pick me up? Isn’t that like you?”

“I happen to be in town.” Old Yao looked up, avoiding my tender eyes.

“Just to pick me up?” “I said playfully.

“Yes.” Old Yao glanced at me and sneered.

The old fellow was always like this, doing all the good things without saying anything, but saying nothing. It must be that being close to his son does not fit his “three mountains and five mountains, only I am superior” temperament. For as long as I can remember, he’s been a stern father to me. Trying to get him to say “I love you” or “I miss you” is just delusional.

Old Yao peeled off his military coat to reveal a dark blue one and pointed at his back. I turned my head, followed his finger, and saw the words “Traffic Assistant” written in big letters on my coat.

“Your fourth uncle was recommended to you. Recently our city applied for provincial civilized city, the province sent people to investigate. The traffic bureau hired a group of temporary workers to maintain traffic order, and your uncle and I came here. However, your fourth uncle worked for a few days and then went back.”

“Why did Fourth Uncle go back? No company with you.”

Lao Yao smiled and said, “With your fat physique, how could he stand standing at the intersection for four hours during rush hour every morning and evening?”

“You try to be brave. Just stay at home in this cold weather. You can make some money doing this.” I frowned.

Lao Yao gave me a look and said, “Three thousand yuan a month, plus food and housing, it’s a fat job. If it weren’t for your four uncle comraes-in-arms in the traffic bureau, we can’t go into.”

“The home is not bad you this little money, after the year don’t do ah.” Knowing old Yao was stubborn, I had to strike a tone of consultation.

“You don’t tube, we hurry home, your mother made a table of dishes waiting.”

I was carrying my backpack and Old Yao was pulling my suitcase as we walked in tandem to the bus stop. Hometown has the custom, in the first month can not cut hair. Old Yao found a barber shop near the station before the New Year.

I have no problem with him doing his own hair. But he insisted that MY hair was long and forced me to have a buzz cut, too. Of course I didn’t want to do it. I was hoping to prop my hair up.

Ten years ago, old Yao would have crushed my resistance ruthlessly. One of the perks of being an adult is being your own hairdresser.

At 50, Old Yao’s hair was much greyer, but still as lush as a forest. This strengthened my desire to work as a programmer. Inherited such good genes of Old Yao, despite the years, I will never be like some industry leaders in the head of the regional support of the central state.

Be lenient to confess

The bus drove on the rural road for more than an hour, and when Lao Yao and I reached the village, it was already more than 8 o ‘clock in the evening.

The meal has passed, the village occasionally have a few firecrackers, should be naughty children for. Standing in his hometown on the yellow land, overlooking the village, in the mist lights, heart suddenly warm filling.

After going out to study, home only winter, no spring and autumn.

I walked several streets and finally arrived at my own door. Mom was standing outside the hospital, waiting. I was greeted with no hugs, no kisses, no tears, only a familiar ramble.

A table full of good food, chicken, duck and fish. Even if you have tasted many delicacies, it is not as good as the table brought by the taste buds to enjoy.

Lao Yao was so happy today that he brought out a bottle of 52-degree laobaigan from the cupboard and winked at me. “Drink?”

‘Drink some! I nodded.

In ordinary days, I would shake my head like a rattle. I’m not a big fan of alcohol, let alone the 52 degree liquor. I can expect a stomach upset tomorrow, but right now I really want to get drunk with Yao.

“Keeva, you need to talk to your father…” My mother mumbled to me as she filled my bowl with meat. Old Yao glared at her.

“If you stare at me, I will.” Mom pointed to Old Yao’s head and said, “Look at your dad’s neck.”

I noticed a few scab scratches on old Yao’s neck, even though he was trying to shrink it.

‘Who did it? I banged my chopsticks on the table.

“Good morning, nothing, just a passer-by, when he ran a red light, I said something to him. He got into a fight with me. We have a rule not to fight, so I didn’t fight back.” Old Yao buried his head in the food, said quietly.

“After the New Year,” I shouted, “stay at home and don’t go anywhere.”

“I think to buy a house for you in the county, still need tens of thousands of yuan, first borrow with your fourth uncle, next year to work for a year assistant manager, can give him up.”

I have no good spirit way: “you buy what house in the county? I’m not going to live there.”

“Anyone who has any savings in the village has bought it. Now you are embarrassed to ask a matchmaker to introduce your partner without a building.”

“I don’t need an introduction,” I whispered.

Old Yao slapped his chopsticks down on the table and said angrily, “Have you been single all your life? You can’t be ashamed. I can’t afford to lose him.”

“I can’t find it myself. I have to be introduced.” I gave Old Yao a look.

Old Yao was stunned. It never seemed to occur to him that I might bring a daughter-in-law home without him. Maybe he thought about it, but after waiting a few years, he realized there was no rhyme or reason to it.

My mother suddenly two eyes light up, smiling way: “like a girl? Where is it? How old? When do you bring home?”

“Haven’t become, became affirmation the first time to take home to let you see.”

Mom gossip: “there are photos?”

“Yes, you have. You came to our house.” “I whispered, bending my head.

“Been to our house?” Mom raised her head to think and banged her forehead. “Is that the girl who came to our house to bring you books?”

I nodded.

“Send a book? When did this happen? Why didn’t I know that?” Old Yao Zhanger monk looked confused.

“There are so many things you don’t know. She’s a very handsome girl.” My mom was smiling from ear to ear.

“Is it not certain? Don’t rush to arrange a blind date for me. I have my own plans.” As for this blind date, I have to announce it in advance so that Lao Yao won’t take up precious vacation days.

Old Yao picked up his chopsticks again, took a mouthful of food, and drank from the cup.

“Whether you talk about it yourself or have someone set you up, we need to buy it now. I read the news that housing prices will rise again next year, and I will have to sell blood.”

“Sell what blood? Don’t worry about buying a house. Even if you buy it, you won’t buy it in the county.”

I filled it for old Yao, and he drank it down again. “Are you going to buy it in Beijing?” old Yao grinned. Beijing’s house how much money a set?”

I knew that old Yao’s inquiry was in vain. He could not afford so much money, so I said perfunctorily, “Hundreds of millions, tens of millions, millions.”

Lao Yao was silent for a moment, then sighed, “It’s hard for your father to spare hundreds of thousands, let alone hundreds or tens of millions. Now the state units do not give the mm?”

I was surprised when I realized that it had been a year and I hadn’t told Old Yao about my resignation from the state-owned enterprise. Lao Yao still thinks I work in a state-owned enterprise.

I sneer 1: “Beijing so many people, the country share come over? The beauty of matchmaking is long gone. Beijing’s house za also don’t miss, not a 1.8 million down payment, in Beijing simply can’t buy a house.”

Old Yao lit a cigarette and said nothing.

“Qiwa, why don’t we go back to our hometown and find a job? I see Boya and Huisheng are doing business in the county seat, and they are all doing well.” “My mother chimed in.

Lao Yao wrinkled his brows and said, “A woman’s opinion. Qiwa made it to Beijing and found a decent job. Do you want him back selling breakfast or opening a barber shop?”

Mom glared at old Yao and said angrily, “You said that the place where my son lives is dirty and shabby, just a slum. We have no money and no power, so let the children in Beijing all the time?”

I comforted the old niang: “Mom, my major can not find a suitable job back home. A small business would do, but I don’t like it and I don’t have the brain.”

“Mom loves you.” Said said mother began to wipe tears. A woman’s lacrimal gland is like a dam full of water, the slightest movement of wind, have to release the flood.

I moved the bench and leaned over to mom, snuggling in her arms. One will experience many unforgettable scenes in one’s life. When I was a child, the happiest thing I could do was lie in my arms on a midsummer night, counting the stars, while my mother and my neighbor sat in the front yard talking.

“It’s not so poor as you think, Mother, except for the accommodation, which is otherwise very nice. After the New Year, you come to Beijing with me, I’ll show you around.”

“I won’t go. It’ll keep you up.” My mother waved her hands.

I clenched my mother’s hand and said, “Unlike you, old Yao went south to Guangdong when he was young and went north a few days ago.

Old Yao pulled a towel from behind him and handed it to his mother. “Why are you crying this Spring Festival? Who didn’t suffer when they were young. I will try to make Boqi’s life better, and Boqi will try to make his children’s life better. Isn’t it true that za Chinese people have come step by step like this?”

I lifted the cup and smiled. “Actually, Mom, I am enjoying myself in Beijing. Don’t worry about your day to day. We go one in three.”

By the time I coaxed mom and had a drink with Lao Yao, it was already eleven o ‘clock. I had planned to stay up late to celebrate the New Year, but the three-hour journey was too tired, so I went to bed early and slept peacefully.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a pool of urine. When I went out to go to the bathroom, I ran into Old Yao. He was sitting in front of the coal stove, with his overcoat on, a cigarette in his mouth, a ballpoint pen in his hand, staring blankly at a piece of white paper.

“Dad, don’t sleep, what is it?”

“Nothing, you sleep yours.” Old Yao didn’t look up.

After I finished, I came behind Old Yao. Incandescent lamp, below fibular glow reflect, that a few pieces of red passbook on dining table dazzling all the more.

“Dad, don’t suddenly tell me I have a mine to inherit?” I reached for my passbook and flipped through it while talking to Old Yao.

“After a few years in Beijing, has your mouth become so poor? You’ve been standing on the train for three hours. You’re not tired. Go to bed.” Lao Yao grabbed his passbook as if I was concerned about his money.

I sat on a bench next to Yao, took my phone out of my pocket, opened the calculator app and handed it to him.

“It’s fast and accurate.”

“No, I can do it by hand.” Old Yao has always resisted advanced productivity and is stubborn.

“If you buy a house with all the money. Betrothal gifts, weddings, I can’t afford it.”

I opened my mobile bank account and showed old Yao the balance of my pay card. Old Yao took off his reading glasses and put his eyes close to the screen of his mobile phone. Pointing at the balance from single digit to ten thousand, his face changed from cloudy cloud to clear sky and he smiled and said, “What you earn in one year is as much as what I earn in ten years. Didn’t you say that your company’s salary is not high? And watching your father?”

Taking advantage of Lao Yao’s happiness, I confessed to leaving from state-owned enterprises and job-hopping into Langyun. Old yao’s face instantly became black cloud pressure city. However, after I a statement of pros and cons, talking about the future grand plan, old Yao this is somewhat relieved.

Father is a person who takes a long time to understand. I have come to understand Old Yao over the years.

In the past ten years, he was like the sun, all the living materials of the family came from him, and everyone had to revolve around him. He is more like an indefatigable old ox, working hard today for tomorrow’s harvest.

As time goes by, the face grows old. I knew, and so did Yao, that I would eventually replace him as the sun in the family.

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