
Hi, this article is a summary of my learning about TypeScript. The current version only covers the basics of typeScript usage, modules, namespaces, modifiers, and so on, making the case a bit paltry when summarizing. I will summarize and output in the ts project demo later. I studied by watching the combination of teaching videos and TS official documents. In the learning process of the difficult part, I will also check the experience posted by some masters to absorb. The original intention of this article is to hope to deepen their impression, at the same time can learn their own content for a certain output. Of course I as a vegetable chicken summary is not very in place. If you find any problems, please point them out bluntly. I will correct them in time. Thank you for your support. ღ(´ · ᴗ · ‘)

Part 01 – TypeScript

TypeScriptisA programming language developed by Microsoft, it isJavaScriptA superset of.

TypeScriptExtended syntax, so any existing JavaScript program can run inTypeScriptIn the environment.TypeScriptIs designed for large application development and can be compiled into JavaScript.

TypeScriptThe cost of learning is not as great as imagined. As progressive programming syntax, you can write it directly up frontJavaScript“, and then add a feature by learning about it.

Part 02 – Installing TypeScript and basic commands

Install the TypeScript

npm i typescrpit --dev
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Execute ts file to compile to JS file

tsc .\getingTs.ts
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Perform configuration file initialization

tsc -- init
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Error message in Chinese

tsc -- locale zh-CN
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Part 03 – TypeScript configuration files

Json If a tsconfig.json file exists in a directory, it means that the directory is the root of the TypeScript project. The tsconfig.json file specifies the root file and compile options directory structure to compile this project

---- src/ 
    ---- dist/ 
       |---- index.js // Compiled js file
    |---- index.ts // The entire tool library entry
    |---- tsconfig.json// Config file

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Commonly used configuration items — because too much so detailed list only commonly used to view the official document…

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES5".// The target language version
    "lib": [ "es5"."es2015"].// Standard library declaration
    "module": "commonjs".// Specify the template standard for generating code
    "noImplicitAny": true.// Implicit any types are not allowed
    "removeComments": true.// Delete comments
    "preserveConstEnums": true.// Keep const and enum declarations
    "sourceMap": true            // Source code mapping to generate target file sourceMap file
    "rootDir": "src".// Entry folder
    "rootDirs": ["src"."src/class",].// Set multiple entry folders
    "outDir": "dist".// Output folder after compilation
    "strictNullChecks": true.// Check if the variable cannot be null
    "experimentalDecorators": true      Support for decorator features
  "files": [   // Specify the file to compile
    "./src/index.ts"]}Copy the code

Part 04 – TypeScript Basic data types

TypeScript supports almost the same data types as JavaScript, and it also provides useful enumerated types for us to use.

Boolean Indicates the Boolean value type

const doBoolean: boolean = false; // true
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Number Number type

The Number types specified in TS are supported in addition to constants, NaN, Infinity, and floating point numbers, including decimal hexadecimal binary and octal literals.

const doNumber: number = 1; 
const doNaN: number = NaN;
const doInfinity: number = Infinity;
const doHex: number = 0xf00d
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Sring The value is a string

In addition to recognizing normal strings, template strings and concatenated strings can also be used normally and can be defined in combination with other variables.

const doString: string = `foo`; 
const testString: string = `foo${doString}and${doNumber + 1}`;
const spliceString: string = 'foo'+doString+'and'+doNumber + 1;
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Object Object type

Object is not a generic object type, but refers to all non-primitive types. That is, a type other than number, string, Boolean, symbol, null, or undefined. This means that when an object is defined, all primitive types are not specified.

Error: const foo: object = 123; // Type "number" cannot be assigned to type "object".
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And the object type doesn’t just refer to ordinary objects

const foo1: object = function name() {};
const foo2: object = [];
const foo3: object = {};
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Of course, you can also define objects in literal form. Note that if you add specified members, you have to make sure that there is a one-to-one correspondence, neither more nor less

const foo4: { a: number; b: string } = { a: 1.b: "1" };
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Array Array type

There are two ways to define array method one: you can follow an element type with a [] to indicate an array of elements of that type

const arr1: number[] = [1.2];
const arr2: object[] = [{}, {}];
const arr3: any[] = [{}, function () {}];
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Method two: array generics can be used to represent

const arr1: Array<string> = ["a"."b"];
const arr2: Array<object> = {}, {}];const arr3: Array<any> = {},function () {}];
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Tuple Type of a tuple

The tuple type allows you to represent an array with a known number and type of elements that need not be of the same type.

const tuple: [number.string] = [18."a"];
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However, the type and quantity of the array must be the same as the specified type. Otherwise, an error will be reported.

 const tuple: [number.string] = ["Ethen".18];// Error
 const tuple: [number.string] = [18."Ethen".'boy'];// Error
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Enum Enum type

By default, element numbers are assigned to members starting at 0

enumEnumeration name {member1Members,2. }enumFamily Me} {Mom, Father,// Mom=0 Father=1 Me=2
enum Color { Red, Green,Blue,}
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And enumeration values are only readable properties that cannot be changed after definition. Enumeration is a type that can be used as a type annotation for a variable

let c: Color = Color.Green; // c=1
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Of course, you can also specify the value of the member manually. Note, however, that if the initialization assignment is of a string type, other members are also assigned accordingly.

enum num {
  one = 1,
  two , / / 2
  three , / / 3

Family  {
  Mom = 'emily',
  Father='joe' ,
  Me='mark',}Copy the code

And we can find its name by enumeration. For example, if we know that the value is 2, but are not sure which name it maps to, we can look up the corresponding name.

enum Color {Red = 1, Green, Blue}
let colorName: string = Color[2]; // Green
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Any Any type

Any stands for any type, which means that any type can be specified. At the same time, there is no difference between dynamic types and JS types, which means there are still type hazards. Therefore, the any type is typically used to pass these values through compile-time without requiring the type checker to check them. For example, document.getelement json.stringfy

const flag: any = 'string'; //number undefined ....
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Void Void type

Void void indicates that there is no type and is usually used to specify a function that has no return value. It usually doesn’t make any sense because you can only assign null and undefined (if not null, you can only assign undefined)

function void() :void { 

    console.log("no return"); 

const noTarget: void = undefined;
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Never type

The never type literally represents the types of values that never exist.

When you throw an exception inside a function, the function Never returns a value, so it is defined as type Never
function error(message: string) :never {

  throw new Error(message);
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Part 05 – TypeScript type features

TypeScript has many types in addition to these types.

Type inference

In TypeScript, type inference helps you specify the type of a variable where it is not explicitly typed.

let age = 18; // Number
age = 'string' //Error
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Of course, if you declare a variable without specifying Any type, it defaults to Any, and Any subsequent assignments are accepted

let age        // Any
age = 'string' //true
age = 18       //true
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There is also a case where you use reference data types, such as multiple expression types inside an array. TypeScript deduces the most appropriate generic type based on the type of these expressions

let age=[18.'string'.null] // (string | number | null)[]
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Types of assertions

One of the things that happens when we use TypeScript is that you know the type of the variable’s value better than the program does. Such as:

const tel = [110.120.119];
const emergency = tel.find((i) = > i ==110 || i==120); // number | undefined
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Type assertions, however, tell the compiler that no special case has occurred in cases where TypeScript inferences assume undefined when we can be sure that it will not. There are two ways to define type assertions: first, by (XXX as type).

let someValue: any = "this is a string"; 
let strLength: number = (someValue as string).length;
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let someValue: any = "this is a string"; 
let strLength: number = (<string>someValue).length;
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Note that in JSX files, there may be syntax conflicts in the way Angle brackets are written. Therefore, as inference is recommended

Part 06 – TypeScript类Classes

The classes class can be used to describe abstract characteristics of a specific class of things

The definition of a class

The use of classes here is no different from the use of methods in JS, containing the same members, namely properties, constructors, and methods. But it’s worth noting that in TS you have to set the initial values in properties or constructors at declaration time, not dynamically in constructors as in ES6

class student {
  name: string;
  age: num;
  constructor(name: string, age: num) { = "Zhang";
    this.age = 18;
  study(course: string) :void {
    console.log(`The ${}This year,The ${this.age}Years old. He's going to work today${course}Class `); }}Copy the code

Class inheritance

Classes in TypeScript can also inherit instances of their parent classes and have properties and methods in the parent class. Also use super to call instances of the parent class and get this of the parent class, etc. And inheritance can still be implemented through the extends keyword. This reusability of enhanced code is preserved in TypeScript.

class student {
 public name: string;
 public age: num;
  constructor(name: string, age: num) { = "Zhang";
    this.age = 18;
  study(course: string) :void {
    console.log(`The ${}This year,The ${this.age}Years old. He's going to work today${course}Class `); }}class four extends student {
  constructor(name: string, age: num) {
    super(name, age);
  study(grade: string) :void {
    console.log(`The ${}This year,${grade}Grade `);"Chinese"); }}const Li = new four("Bill".22);"Three");

// Li Si is in grade three
// Li Si is 22 years old. He is going to have Chinese class today
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Class modifier

Private Private attributes can only be accessed inside the current class

class student {
  private goodStudent: string = "Merit Student";

class four extends student {
  constructor() {
    super(a);this.goodStudent // The Error attribute "goodStudent" is private and can only be accessed in class "student".}}const Li = new four("Bill".22);"Three");
Li.goodStudent // The Error attribute "goodStudent" is private and can only be accessed in class "student".
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However, when we hand private modifiers to constructor, they can neither be inherited nor instantiated externally, and can only be implemented through static methods inside the class.

class student {
  private constructor(name: string, age: num){}static go() {
    return newstudent(); }}class four extends student { // Cannot extend class "student". Class constructors are marked private.

const Li = new student(); // Cannot extend class "student". Class constructors are marked private.
const create = Li.go() //Success
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Protected # Properties can only be accessed from inside the class (they can be used in inherited subclasses)

class student {
  protected goodStudent: string = "Merit Student";

class four extends student {
  constructor() {
    super(a);this.goodStudent // Success}}const Li = new four("Bill".22);"Three");
Li.goodStudent // The Error attribute "goodStudent" is private and can only be accessed in class "student".
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Protected is used in constructors like private, but can be inherited

Readonly Read-only properties Read-only properties must be initialized at declaration time or in a constructor

class Student {
  readonly name: string;
  readonly age: number = 18;
  constructor(studentName: string) { = studentName; }}class Four extends Student{
    console.log(; }}let three = new Student("Zhang");
let four = new Four("Bill"); = "Fifty"; / / error! "Name" cannot be assigned because it is a read-only property. = "Daisy"; / / error! "Name" cannot be assigned because it is a read-only property.
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Class accessor

TypeScript supports intercepting access to object members through getters and setters. It helps you control access to object members. For example, in the following method, we use the set method to determine whether the password is correct or not before changing the permission. If the permission cannot be controlled, the fullname can still get the old name through get.

let passcode = "Password";

class Employee {
  private _fullName: string = "Old name";

  get fullName() :string {
    return this._fullName;

  set fullName(newName: string) {
    if (passcode && passcode == "Password") {
      this._fullName = newName;
    } else {
      console.log("Permission update failed"); }}}let employee = new Employee();

employee.fullName = "New name";
if (employee.fullName) {

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An abstract class

Similar to how interfaces are used, they are also abstractions of members, but unlike interfaces, abstract classes can contain implementation details of members. The abstract keyword is used to declare and define abstract classes and to define abstract methods within an abstract class. However, a dummy class cannot be created as an instance. It can only be inherited by a derived subclass, and super methods cannot access abstract methods in their parent class.

abstract class Family {
  people(name: string.relation: string) :void {
    console.log(I `${relation}call${name}`);
  abstract eat(food: string) :void;

class Father extends Family {
  eat(food: string) :void {
    console.log(food); }}const father = new Father();
const family = new Family(); / / the Error! Unable to create an instance of an abstract class. word "apple");

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Part 07 – TypeScript Interfaces

You can think of an interface as a specification that can be used to regulate the structure and type of objects. In TypeScript, interfaces are conventions about which members an object contains and how their types are specified.

Interface Interface

We use the interface keyword to specify the structure of the object’s members, which means that you must have all the members bound by the interface, and the members must conform to the specified type.

interface rsvrConfig {
  resName: string;
  resCode: number;
  resType: Array<string>;

function createRsvr(rsvrData: rsvrConfig) {
const rsvrData = {
  resName: "Huairou Reservoir".resCode: 2002011.resType: ["PP"."ZZ"."ZQ"]}; createRsvr(rsvrData);Copy the code

Optional attribute

Optional attributes are just like when you define an interface, there are some attributes that are optional that don’t affect the use, so we’re going to add one to the definition, right? To represent.

interfacersvrConfig { resName? :string;
  resCode: number;

function createRsvr(rsvrData: rsvrConfig) {

const rsvrData = {
  resCode: 2002011}; createRsvr(rsvrData);Copy the code

One of the benefits of optional attributes is that you can pre-define possible attributes, and another is that you can catch errors when references to non-existent attributes. For example: prompt when the property name is misspelled

Read-only property

Some object properties can only change their value when the object is created. You can specify read-only properties with readonly before the property name

interface rsvrConfig {
  readonly  resName: string;

function createRsvr(rsvrData: rsvrConfig) {
  rsvrData.resName = 'Miyun Reservoir' / /!!!!!! Error Read-only attribute
const rsvrData = {
  resName: 'Huairou Reservoir'}; createRsvr(rsvrData);Copy the code

TypeScript also has the ReadonlyArray

type, which is similar to Array

except that all mutable methods are removed, thus ensuring that arrays can never be modified after they are created:

interface rsvrConfig {
  resType: ReadonlyArray<string>;

function createRsvr(rsvrData: rsvrConfig) {
  rsvrData.resType[0] = "Miyun Reservoir"; / /!!!!!! Error Read-only attribute
const rsvrData = {
  resType: ["Huairou Reservoir"]}; createRsvr(rsvrData);Copy the code

Function types

In addition to describing ordinary objects with attributes, interfaces can also describe function types. It is equivalent to defining the types of arguments to a function. The arguments to the function are checked one by one to ensure that the argument types in the corresponding positions are compatible.

interface SearchFunc {
  (source: string.subString: string) :boolean;

let mySearch: SearchFunc;

mySearch = function (source: string, subString: string) :boolean {
  let result =;
  return result > -1;

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Dynamic type

When you do not know whether your interface needs to add other unknown fields, you can use the form [auto:type]:type to define dynamic typing.

interface StringArray {
  [index: number] :string;

let myArray: StringArray;
myArray = ["Bob"."Fred"];

let myStr: string = myArray[0];
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interface StringName {
  [name: string] :string;

letnameDate: StringName; NameDate = {Huairou Reservoir:"1", Miyun Reservoir:"1", Black Mountain Reservoir:"1"};Copy the code

TypeScript supports two index signatures: strings and numbers. You can use both types of indexes.

nameDate[0] = "A cloud"; 
nameDate["1"] = "Softer";
// nameDate={ '0': '密云', '1': '怀柔' }

myArray[0] = "A cloud";
myArray["1"] = "Softer";
// myArray=[' miyun ', 'huailu']
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Finally, you can set the index signature to read-only, thus preventing index assignment.

interface ReadonlyStringArray {
  readonly [index: number] :string;
let myArray: ReadonlyStringArray = ["Alice"."Bob"];
myArray[2] = "Mallory"; // error!
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Class types

TypeScript uses interfaces to explicitly force a class to conform to a definition. Here we use implements to define a member type that the class must implement. Of course, you can also make only one rule for each interface, through interface concatenation, to make the definition of the interface more detailed.

interface FamilyRespons {
  cook(doing: string) :void;
  clean(doing: string) :void;
interface Teach {
  teach(type: string) :void;
interface Study {
  study(time: num): void;

class Father implements FamilyRespons.Teach {
  cook(doing: string) :void {}
  clean(doing: string) :void {}
  teach(type: string) :void{}}class Children implements FamilyRespons.Study {
  cook(doing: string) :void {}
  clean(doing: string) :void {}
  study(time: num): void{}}Copy the code

Interface inheritance

Like classes, interfaces can inherit from each other, giving them more flexibility to split them into reusable modules using the extends keyword, and an interface can inherit multiple interfaces to create composite interfaces.

interface Background {
  color: string;

interface Content {
  width: number;

interface BoxStyle extends Background, Content {
  borderWidth: number;

let boxCss: BoxStyle = {
  color: "red".width: 100.borderWidth: 1};Copy the code

Part 08 – TypeScript generics

The definition of generics

Generics are when we define functions, interfaces, etc., instead of specifying their types, we specify their characteristics when we use them. For example, when we declare a function we do not declare the type of the argument, and when we use a call we define the type passed in by the need to pass the argument.

function identity<T> (arg: T) :T {
  return arg;
let output = identity<string> ("myString"); // function identity<string>(arg: string): string
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Typically we represent type variables by

. T helps us modify the type that is passed in for the user. Once we define a generic function, we can use it by passing in the desired type in <>. For example,

Generic variables

When creating a generic function, you must use it as a generic type within the function body. For example, the following situation is wrong

function loggingIdentity<T> (arg: T) :T {
  console.log(arg.length);  // Error: attribute "length" does not exist on type "T"
  return arg;
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When you’re an arbitrary type you can pass in number so there’s no length property, so we can define this generic by creating an array.

function loggingIdentity<T> (arg: T[]) :T[] {
  console.log(arg.length);  // Success
  return arg;
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When you define an array and the values inside the array are generic, the length method makes sense.

A generic interface

First, the types of generic functions are no different from those of non-generic functions, and interfaces can also be defined through generics, enclosing generic types by <>.

interface TestInterface<T> {
  <T>(arg: T): T;

function FunctionInterface<T> (arg: T) :T {
  return arg;

let myIdentity: TestInterface<number> = FunctionInterface;
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A generic class

Generic classes look much like generic interfaces. Generic classes also use <> to enclose generic types after the class name.

class TestClasses<T> { value? : T; add? :(x: T, y: T) = > T;

let doSomeThing = new TestClasses<string> (); doSomeThing.value ='creatString';
doSomeThing.add = (x, y) = > x + y;
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Generic constraint

Taking a generic variable as an example, we want to access the length attribute of the arG inside the function body, but because the type of the ARG is uncertain, we need to constrain the type of the ARG to include at least that attribute.

interface Length {
  length: number;

function loggingIdentity<T extends Length> (arg: T) :T {
  console.log(arg.length); // Success
  return arg;
loggingIdentity(10); // Error has no length attribute
loggingIdentity({ length: 10 });
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When T inherits the generic Length, the argument must contain the necessary attributes, so the use of Length becomes reasonable.

Part 09 – TypeScript declaration merge

Combined interface

When two interfaces with the same name are merged, the members of both interfaces are put into one interface with the same name.

interface Box {
  height: number;
  width: number;

interface Box {
  scale: number;

let box: Box = {height: 5.width: 6.scale: 10};
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Note that when interface A is merged with subsequent interface A, the subsequent interface has higher priority. This means that later interfaces will be overloaded at the front.

interface Box {
  scale: number;
  height: number;
  width: number;
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At the end

Because at present, I only study according to part of the 3.1 version of the Chinese official website. Therefore, the new features after 3.1 have not been studied and exported in detail. I’ll follow up on the typeScript official release with a closer look and continue to output what I’ve learned. As a new blogger, I hope you can provide me with more advice to help me improve. If feel write bad hope everybody big guy light spray! Thank you so much!