Author: Idle fish technology – Zi Si

Introduction to the

The continuous development of business, the increasing of product types and the increasing business requirements make the code of Idle fish appear “bad smell” — the coupling of platform code and business code is serious and difficult to separate; Business and business code interweaving lack of disassembly. This is also a common problem in the industry. To solve such problems, Xianyu developed a set of technical framework — SWAK. This article takes a look at how SWAK deconstructs idle fish code.

Short for Swiss Army Knife, the SWAK is known as a small, flexible tool that can be used in many scenarios. On the free fish server side, the SWAK framework is also a small and flexible technical framework that can be used in a variety of scenarios, all of which have the same characteristic — regular execution between multiple implementations. This article will begin with an example to explain the concepts in detail.

Multiple implementations and regular execution

Those who are familiar with Xianyu App should know that there are various forms of goods in Xianyu App, which can be called type A, type B and type C. Each type can also have its own sub-type. Each type of business logic has some similarities, but there are also some differences — for example, in shared pages, the display logic of the subtitle field is different:

Such a single implementation would normally be written as follows:

if(Type A) {ifType A1 {doSomething1();
    }else if(A2 type) {doSomething2(); }}else if(type B) {doSomething3();
} else if(C) {if(C1 type) {doSomething4();
    }else if(C2 type) {doSomething5(); }}Copy the code

You’ve probably written a lot of code like this. This is fine when the logic is simple, but when the logic starts to get more complicated it can be more harmful:

  • Common logic is hard to extract, and blocks of code become bloated.
  • New types of implementations with more similarities and fewer similarities have a hard time reusing the original code.
  • Each type of code actually blends together, and changes to the code can affect other types, raising the risk of going live and the cost of testing regression.
  • For new developers, the cost of understanding is high, difficult to get started, virtually reduce the development efficiency.

In object-oriented thinking, getting title is the same for all types and should be precipitated into platform logic, while getting subtitle can be abstracted into an interface method, and the babies of types A, B, and C have their own implementations. The interface method of getting subtitle has multiple implementations.

So what is regular execution? In the example above, we logically separated the goods by type, but usually not so completely. For example, the operation team may be divided by product type, category (such as mobile phone, 3C digital, clothing, books, etc.) system, or even by region. Then a commodity may be constrained by both the commodity type system, the category system, and the region. If several constraints are inconsistent, a conflict can occur. For example, the subtitle field, from the perspective of type A, should show the price, and from the perspective of book category, it might show the publishing house — after all, most readers care more about quality, and publishing house is an important criterion to measure quality. Show prices, or publishers? Or both? If you show them both, do you show the price first or the publisher first? What if there’s not enough space in one line? In either case, there are “rules” (in design patterns, called “policies”) behind them, and the code is simply written to follow them.

The above example is a classic scenario for multi-implementation regular execution. Similarly, logic such as ABTest and double-write is also the application scenario of multi-implementation regular execution.

The basic idea

In the above example, classifying by type of goods or by category of goods would cause conflict. In fact, there is no type or category. For the object of goods, it is just labeled with different labels — for example, A book of type A is labeled with two labels: “Type A” and “book”. The subtitle interface method for “type A” corresponds to one implementation, and the subtitle interface method for “books” corresponds to another. When an object is labeled with more than one label, the implementations of the labels will conflict.

Conflict resolution depends on “rules”. The two most important parts of the “rules” are Priority and Reduce policies; The order of execution is determined by priority, and showing the results of the first implementation, showing the results of the second implementation, or concatenating the results of the two implementations is a reduction strategy. “Rules” can also contain other components such as “parallel execution mode” and “exception handling mode.”

As mentioned above, the basic idea of SWAK can be concluded:

  • Labels that the analysis object has.
  • Separate immutable logic from mutable logic. Mutable logic is abstracted into interfaces.
  • Mutable logic has multiple implementations depending on the tag. Each implementation is independent, that is, each implementation is isolated from the other.
  • When objects have multiple labels at the same time, priority and reduction strategies are used to resolve conflicts.

It is worth mentioning that the basic idea of SWAK is borrowed from the TMF structure of Alibaba Middle Stage. For details of TMF, please refer to the chapter of Trading Platform Architecture Based on TMF Framework in the book “All in Double 11– Alibaba’s Technological Evolution and Transcendence”.

Accordingly, using the SWAK framework provides the following benefits:

  • Code logic is clear, variable and immutable at a glance.
  • Code reuse becomes high.
  • Variable logic is isolated by tag, and the implementation of a single tag does not affect the implementation of other tags, reducing development and testing costs. Whether divided by “type” or by category, the corresponding development and testing students only need to focus on the corresponding logic.
  • New developers are quick to understand and easy to pick up.

Realize the principle of

Rather than scanning and loading implementation classes by label at run time, the SWAK framework is more likely to be able to analyze the execution logic of objects with certain tags under different implementations at static time. While caching can significantly reduce response times, it also makes it easier to find and troubleshoot problems during development. The overall implementation principle can be divided into two parts: registration and execution. The basic process is as follows:

During the registration process, the SWAK framework scans files (multiple implementation interfaces, reduction policies, and conflicting priorities configured using Java annotations or XML files, as shown in the following code example) and registers the scanned results with the local cache. During execution, the SWAK framework looks up the required conflict priority configuration and reduction policy directly from the local cache, which helps reduce response time. In addition, the use of a unified local cache helps “visualization” — developers can visually see and analyze the flow of application execution; Product managers can also visually see which feature points can be easily extended, where priorities need to be updated, and so on, and can even help with requirements estimation and scheduling. The use of unified local cache also provides the possibility of “visual configuration”. Combined with Alibaba’s internal Diamond or Switch framework (lightweight Switch and dynamic configuration item management framework), conflicts can be updated by pushing configuration without updating code, which provides great convenience for development and testing.

*/ @swakInterface (desc= 0) */ @swakInterface (desc= 0"Get the subtitle"Public interface SubtitleFetcher {@swakMethod String fetchSubtitle(); } @SwakTag(tags = {"tagA"} @Component public class TagASubtitleFetcher implements SubtitleFetcher {@override public StringfetchSubtitle() {
        return "I am TagA";

@SwakTag(tags = {"tagB"}) public class TagBSubtitleFetcher implements SubtitleFetcher {@override public StringfetchSubtitle() {
        return "I am TagB"; }}Copy the code

Idle fish server applications are basically based on the Spring framework. To facilitate the use of the SWAK framework in server-side applications, we designed SWAK to be 100% compliant with the Spring framework. The final implementation version does this, with both business beans and beans introduced by the SWAK framework itself being fully hosted by the Spring container. The framework also uses cglib proxy to implement a series of processes in the execution process shown in the figure above. It is completely executed by the framework and is completely transparent and unaware to developers. It works like a common single-implementation interface, as shown in the code block below.

@Autowired private SubtitleFetcher subtitleFetcher; // omit a large chunk of code....... String subtitle = subtitleFetcher.fetchSubtile(); // omit a large chunk of code.......Copy the code

The application of idle fish

Currently, the SWAK framework has been used in some of the product publishing and editing processes, and we are actively expanding the SWAK framework to more processes. Below is a revamp of the core functionality of the Commodity domain based on the SWAK framework. After the upgrade and transformation based on SWAK, the core functions of the Leisure fish commodity domain are isolated according to business. All business developers only need to develop their corresponding businesses. The general logic and business isolation are fully guaranteed by the first and second layers based on SWAK framework. Code quality and development efficiency will improve significantly.


SWAK, a multi-implementation rule-based execution framework developed by Xianyu, can well solve the problems that the coupling of platform code and business code is seriously difficult to separate and the code interweaving between business and business lacks disassembly. And SWAK is 100% Spring compatible, easy to use and quick to get started. True to its name, the SWAK framework is like a Swiss Army knife that can be used in a variety of scenarios, small and convenient. Of course, SWAK is still evolving, and features and functions are still being enriched. Similarly, there are a lot of interesting and creative ventures at Xianyu. If you are interested, please join us. Resume: **[email protected]