With the development of Internet technology, traditional physical stores will encounter such difficulties: fewer users, fierce competition in the industry, high store rents and so on. In the face of such situation, if we do not make changes, we will be eliminated from the market sooner or later.

Only by keeping up with the pace of The Times can traditional enterprises improve their competitiveness and stand out in the industry. And small application attached in the WeChat billion platforms, the flow of power in enterprise business flow, and a small program in after two years of development, more and more areas covered, but also has tremendous support to store, the store promotion effect is very outstanding, stores want performed very well in the industry, to solve the small program contains business pain points.

Small programs for traditional industries to enhance their own competitiveness

1. Small programs help traditional enterprises and merchants to achieve a new mode of online integration, and create a mode of online purchase and offline distribution.

2, small program development time is short, and the cost of development is low, and the use of wechat that billion or so traffic and small program special marketing way, so that the cost of traditional entity stores to acquire customers become very few.

3. Small programs can also use coupons, discounts and other activities to attract new users, so that old users can share and spread independently, so as to maximize the interests of entity enterprises and merchants.

Today’s small program has a public number, small program sun code, five kilometers nearby, search more than 60 entrance, its online and offline scenes are more and more.

Small program can be said to have become the most frequently used application in wechat, its development potential is huge.

With WeChat to pay more and more attention to small program, small program back WeChat, has a wide flow pool, has entered a rapid development period, through the electricity business model of the birth of small procedures, the audit strictly, feature-rich, enterprise business and the interaction between the more convenient the user, and transaction cost will much lower than the other platforms, This makes the small program has a huge market development potential.

“A good product should be disposable, not sticky,” zhang said. Any product is just a tool, and a good tool for a tool is one that does the user’s job as efficiently as possible and then leaves as quickly as possible.”

There is no doubt that the convenience of small programs has become the first choice of e-commerce for many businesses. But even so, there are still a lot of businesses worried about the future trend of small programs, and whether it is really worth the layout. On this point, we can see from Tencent, Ali at all costs to support the behavior, small program must be the future development of e-commerce industry vane.

Alibaba launches mini Program Star Project with 2 billion yuan

On March 21, in 2019 Ali Cloud Summit · Beijing, Alibaba’s Ali Cloud, Alipay, Taobao, Dingding, Autonavi and other companies jointly released the “Alibaba Small program Stars Plan” : to provide subsidies of 2 billion yuan to support 2 million + small program developers and 1 million + businesses. Where selected into the “super star” small program, settled in Alipay, Taobao, Nail nail, Gaode can also get traffic focus support.

At the meeting, Ali Cloud also officially released the small program cloud. One-stop cloud service is the biggest bright spot of small program cloud. It can provide developers with stable and convenient back-end cloud services, including Serverless development suite, application hosting services, function computing, etc.

Ali Cloud will also provide unified back-end cloud services for each small program platform of the whole network, helping developers to carry out unified resource management, data management, operation management, business management, etc., to achieve one cloud and multiple terminals. Alipay, Autonavi, Taobao.com, Nail nail and many third party traffic of the small program backend unified standards. Developers can implement unified application release, resource management and data management on these small programs.

Small Program cloud also deeply cooperates with the service market of alibaba Group’s various open platforms to help developers reach enterprise users more and more widely.

In the future, the business capabilities of Alibaba’s business operating system will also be gradually opened on the small program cloud, helping developers and enterprise customers in e-commerce, finance, life services and other industries to quickly connect to alibaba’s economic ecosystem.

Tencent financial results show that small program data exploded 54%

On the same day, Tencent released its 2018 annual financial results. The financial report shows that the combined monthly active accounts of WeChat and WeChat have reached 1.098 billion, and the daily daily visits of mini program users have increased 54 percent year on year, covering more than 200 service industries.

Financial reports show that small programs have been widely adopted by wechat users and enterprises, setting the industry trend of connecting online users with offline scenes. The payment platform connects to tens of millions of merchants through multiple channels, including shortcuts on the chat interface, search functions in the wechat app and qr codes for offline mini-programs. In the fourth quarter of 2018, monthly active merchants increased by more than 80% year-on-year. The payment penetration rate in the food and retail industry has increased with miniprograms and scan and purchase functions.

The low barriers to entry of applets enable developers to develop and deploy their products and services across platforms in real time. The launch of “Small program · Cloud development” helps developers improve their development efficiency, especially providing a convenient development environment for long-tail developers.

During the financial period, the average daily traffic of small programs increased significantly, accounting for 43% of the total daily traffic of small programs. More small and beautiful apps emerge and win the favor of users.

We can also see from the earnings report that social and other advertising revenue grew 55% year on year to 39.8 billion yuan in 2018, and 44% year on year to 11.8 billion yuan in the fourth quarter, driven by wechat Moments, mini programs, QQ Watch and mobile advertising alliance.

These data all reveal a message, that is, the development of small program has become an inevitable trend, and “back to the tree good shade”, rely on wechat this big man, small program still worry no market?

Therefore, small program will only be more and more popular in the future, it can combine online and offline, greatly promote the consumption mode of new retail, and businesses and ordinary consumers get very good experience, especially with the help of third-party service providers, more and more businesses in the long tail market to join the small program camp, Small program agent to join business or choose flash cloud technology small program platform.