

When you want to write a new module, whether to manually create files one by one, this article will take you into script automation to create template files.

1. Installer

First we install some command-line plug-ins and develop dependencies

    yarn add fs-extra chalk log-symbols -D
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2. Set basic parameters

    // Get the command line parameters to generate the corresponding file
    // Get the module name entered on the command line
    const moduleName = process.argv[2];
    // Default template directory
    const componentModulePath = path.resolve(
    ); // Generate the Component in Pages
    const assetsModulePath = path.resolve("./assets");
    const localeModulePath = path.resolve("./locales");
    // Target directory for output
    const componentTargetPath = path.resolve("src/views"); // Target file corresponding to output
    const assetsTargetPath = path.resolve("src/assets");
    const localeTargetPath = path.resolve("src/locales");
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3. Generate components

@param componentModulePath @Param componentTargetPath @Param moduleNme createComponent(componentModulePath, componentTargetPath, moduleName); createComponent(assetsModulePath, assetsTargetPath, moduleName); createComponent(localeModulePath, localeTargetPath, moduleName);const createComponent = (demoPath, targetpath, name) = > {
      console.log(symbols.success,"Start creating.......... Please wait a moment."));
      fs.copy(demoPath, `${targetpath}/${name}`) // Copy the template file to the destination directory
        .then((a)= > {
          reWrite(`${targetpath}/${name}`, name); // Generate the file
          console.log(symbols.success,"Created successfully"));
        .catch(err= > {
          console.log(symbols.error,"Create failed", err));
    const reWrite = (path, name) = > {
      const files = fs.readdirSync(path);
      files.forEach(file= > {
        const fileName = `${path}/${file}`;
        if (fs.statSync(fileName).isFile()) {
          const content = fs.readFileSync(fileName).toString();
          // Create sub-component XXX/yy, intercept YY
          const demoName = name.split("/").reverse()[0];
          // Truncate the component name -, then write the component name with a big hump
          const result = content.replace(/template/g, stringToCamel(demoName));
          fs.writeFileSync(fileName, result);
        } else{ reWrite(fileName, name); }}); };// Convert the string to a big hump
    const stringToCamel = str= > {
      let temp = str.split("-");
      for (let i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
        temp[i] = temp[i][0].toUpperCase() + temp[i].slice(1);
      return temp.join("");
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