
Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back. ‘!!!!!

Today I want to share with you a few advanced features of Swift. The iOS data | address

I. Swift exclusive access

Swift memory security check: Exclusive memory access limits occur when two variables access the same block of memory. Read/write permission conflicts occur:

  1. Inout parameter read/write conflict
  2. Struct function modifies member attribute read/write conflict
  3. Value type attribute read/write conflict

1. Read/write conflicts of inout parameters

Var inputStr = "input" func plusSlef1(_ param: Inout String) {// Swift4 has an exception: access 0x103ED30A0 at the same time, but change requires exclusive access. Param += inputStr} // plusSlef1(&inputstr) // Access the same memory address at the same time, resulting in read/write collisions func plusSlef2(_ param1: Inout String, _ param2: inout String) {// In the >= Swift4 version, exceptions are thrown: overlaps access to 'inputStr', but changes require exclusive access; Let result = param1 + param2 print(result)} // plusSlef2(&inputstr, &inputstr)Copy the code

2. There is an read/write conflict in the structure when a function modifs a member attribute

Struct StructA {var field: Mutating func edit(_ param: inout StructA) { field = param.field } } var structA = StructA(field: 100) // A compilation error occurs when calling the following code: // 1. Inout parameters do not allow each other to alias // 2. Overlapping access to 'structA', but modification requires exclusive access; Consider copying to a local variable // structa.edit (&structA)Copy the code

3. Read/write conflicts of value type attributes

Class ClassA {var tuple = (key1:1, key2:2) func test1(_ param1: Inout Int, _ param2: inout Int) {print(param1, param2)} func test2() {// Crash if called, access 0x600000667cd0, but change requires exclusive access. Test1 (&tupl.key1, &tupl.key2)} func test3() {var localTuple = (key1: 3, key2: Test1 (&localtupl.key1, &localtupl.key2)}} let cla = ClassA() // cla.test2() cla.test3() Print, 3, 4,Copy the code

Swift enhanced string

// Swift multi-line string, same as kotlin's original string, does not need to manually add a newline. Var text2 = "escape single quotation marks \'" print(text2) // Escape single quotation marks' // Var text3 = #" escape single quotes '"# print(text3) escape single quotes' Var text4 = #" newline 1 \n newline 2"# print(text4) // newline 1 \n newline 2 Var text5 = #" newline 1 \#n newline 2"# print(text5) // Newline 1 newline 2Copy the code

Swift dynamic member search

@dynamicMemberLookup // Swift uses @dynamicMemberLookup to add the ability to dynamically find members to a class Class Data {var field1: Int = 0 var field2: String = "" subscript(dynamicMember member: Int) -> String { return "class don't have the field: \(member), type int" } subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> String { return "class don't have the field: \(member), type String"} // Call func dynamicallyCall(withArguments argArray: [Int]) { print("invoke unknown func with args: \(argArray)")} // Pass in the key pair func dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments: KeyValuePairs<String, Int>) { let argPairs ={ key, value in return "\(key): \(value)"} print(argPairs)}} let data = data () // // class don't have the field: someInt, type String. Class don't have the field: SomeString, type String print(data.someint, data.someString) // Invoke Unknown func with args: [1, 2, 3] // Invoke unknown func with args: [1, 2, 3] 2) // ["key1: 1", "key2: 2"]Copy the code

Swift Enhanced Protocol

Protocol ProtocolA {var field: String {get set}} protocol ProtocolB {func method()} class ClassImpl: ProtocolA, ProtocolB {var field: String = "impl field" func method() {print("impl method")}} ProtocolA & ProtocolB) { print(impl.field) impl.method() } testImpl(impl: ClassImpl())Copy the code


Short step without thousands of miles, not small streams into rivers and seas. The process of learning is always painful, the result of learning is always happy. I hope we’ll see you at the top, so like it and follow it.

Recommend materials | to collect on its own

Recommended reading: Preliminary to Swift Concurrency