• How I used Stack Overflow & GitHub to get dream job before 19 without degree
  • Originally written by Daniel Kmak
  • The Nuggets translation Project
  • Translator: jiaowoyongqi
  • Proofreader: Romeo0906, Yifili09

At 19, I didn’t have a degree but found my dream job through Stack Overflow and GitHub

Hello, my name is Daniel and I am 18 years old. I don’t have a technical degree. I want to write about my own experience. Right now I have two dream and well-paid jobs, full-time front-end development engineer and remote part-time consultant for Ember.js.

No doubt, both jobs are thanks to Stack Overflow and GitHub. I learned from these two websites:

  • The popularity ratings that impress recruiters
  • I got the attention of the company I wanted and got 10 to 15 remote video interviews
  • Ember.js Remote consultant part-time job
  • A full-time job as a front-end programmer

Stack Overflow

A few years ago I thought Stack Overflow was the surest way to help me find a job without a college degree. I was right.

How do I know? Thanks to the self-promotion of open source projects. I’ve learned that candidates evaluate your expertise by scanning your Stack Overflow account. But it’s not that simple. When I arrived at my current company to interview full-time programmers, my popularity rating (as of June) of around 10,000 plus my age was enough to make the interviewer’s jaw drop. Finally they decided to enroll me. Thank you, Stack Overflow!

Stack Overflow account, August 2016.

I’ve written programs in a variety of languages and frameworks. Net & Mono developed the game service list, XNA, Java services, C# WPF programs to write the computer version of the tower defense game. The only thing that might interest me is using the Internet to get and send data.

My strength is ember.js. I started learning it when I was 16 (2013) and then I watched Yehuda Katz’s video at the HTML5 conference in San Francisco — truly remarkable. And that’s when I started learning Ember. I needed more motivation and determination. The words in this video have stuck in my mind ever since I first heard them.

Whatever you do, be passionate about it.

Back to Stack Overflow. In the beginning when I was in the learning phase, I asked questions from above. Then I started answering other people’s questions to get popularity points. I open up all new questions and try to answer them as quickly as possible before they become a hot topic, such as JavaScript. The question about Ember is easier for me. I spent a lot of time writing down my answers and analyzing the complicated questions in detail. Very few people answer these kinds of questions.

Sometimes I was no. 1 for 30 days, so I had followers, and then I got a lot of interviews in the mail. One of them is a remote part-time adviser to ember.js. I got an invitation for an interview for answering a person’s question in Stack Overflow Ember! This is real. This is proof.

A screenshot of the email.

Later I had a technical interview about my understanding of Ember. I passed. Since November 2015, I’ve been working as a technical consultant for Ember.js.

Creating a Stack Overflow career profile page is also important for two reasons:

  • You’ll get a cool resume with all the answers you answered on Stack Overflow
  • Recruiters will find you on it and send you a private message, and more than two recruiters have contacted me on it, and they were serious enough to send me an interview invitation

My Stack Overflow resume


Believe in yourself and try harder. And showcase your skills on Stack Overflow and GitHub. Contribute to a public open source project and create your own repositories. Let people know you. Tell them where you live and how competent you are. Tell them about your passion. In the tech industry, recruiters try to find people like you every day. Make it easy for them to find you.

Thanks for reading. Welcome to share if you like. If you have a different opinion or better story to share, feel free to leave a comment! I welcome any feedback!

Be sure to email me at [email protected], or visit my website where you can learn more about me and see more cool projects.