
With the continuous development of Internet network communication, network security is just like a door to intercept and protect our daily network activities. Unknown attack, how to know the defense, from the beginning of the birth of the network, the war of attack and defense has never stopped, so derived a large number of network information security management skills competition, in order to enhance the sense of social network security responsibility, strengthen the construction of network security technical personnel team.

We also built a visualized big screen of technical competition between technicians through Hightopo’s product HT. Simulate a competitive guard battle in cyberspace, so that the originally boring information competition is more intuitive to the audience and participants through THE FORM of HT 3D visualization.

Results show

Special effects scene rendering

The 2D and 3D engine of HT is used to create the scene, with data panel and animation driver. The whole scene is based on the science fiction planet style. The scene is spread out from the perspective of the solar system orbiting, with the sun as the center and halo rendering effect, surrounded by the celestial system. The panels on both sides present information about the race. The scene supports regular rotation, panning, and view zoom.

The 3d visualization of Hightopo uses the way of lightweight modeling to build the scene, combined with the powerful rendering capability of HT engine, to ensure that the scene can be loaded and run efficiently and smoothly in the Web and ensure the excellent visual effect of the scene.

Level visualization simulation

Capture The Flag (CTF), in The field of network security, is a form of technical competition between network security technicians. It originated in 1996 at DEFCON, a global hacker conference, as an alternative to the previous way in which hackers competed with each other by launching real attacks. So far, it has become a popular form of competition in the global network security circle.

This case will also be presented in the form of CTF capture the flag competition, with visual animation effects to simulate the competition scene, process and results.

CTF competition modes can be divided into three categories:

1. Jeopardy mode

The CTF competition of this mode is similar to ACM Programming Competition and Informatics Olympiad. The topics mainly include reverse, vulnerability mining and utilization, Web penetration, password, forensics, stegography, security programming and other categories.

2. Attack-defense Mode

The AWD mode emphasizes attack and defense. This mode can reflect the situation of the game through the score in real time, and the winner can be directly determined by the score in the end. It is a network security competition system with fierce competition, strong ornamental and high transparency.

3. Mix Mode

Combine understanding problem mode with attack and defense mode. A typical example of mixed-mode CTF competition is the iCTF International CTF Competition.

The case also shows the three types of matches through HT visualization. After each match, it will automatically jump to the next stage of the match, or skip to the next stage interface through the match type selection on both sides of the panel.

Visualization of race information

Through the radar chart, multi-index system to analyze the game situation, more concise, convenient, accurate and intuitive to reflect more data information. Show the situation of the game in real time, the answer time of the participants, the time and so on. In addition, real-time data can be accessed to display the scoreboard, dynamically update the scoring data of players, and keep abreast of the current ranking situation of players.

The event list

Events triggered during the competition will be updated in the list, which records the key nodes in the event. From the list, you can see the time when the players solve the problems, or the elimination broadcast beyond the limited time, and special events such as additional questions triggered randomly.

Multiple types of special effects attacks

Single at this flag, in addition to the table we can also through the player the location in the scene to help judge the current situation, the player is successful problem solving spacecraft will end a step forward toward the sun, especially are too many teams, the image of 3 d virtual battlefield can list more than intuitive reflect the strength of the gap between the current situation and the team. When a contestant fails to solve a problem and is eliminated, the corresponding model ship will be destroyed and explode.

In the semifinal, each team sent a contestant to compete with a difficult problem, and the ship showing the attack effects.

In the final, with different ships attacking different pieces, we can clearly show the choices and strategies of different teams.


Users can access the HT visualization system anytime and anywhere through PC, PAD or smart phone as long as the browser is opened to realize remote inspection and control. HT 3D visualization technology adopts B/S architecture. By combining B/S architecture with lightweight model, HT 3D visualization technology reduces the pressure on users to purchase high-performance hardware to a certain extent, and breaks many limitations of previous users in management, operation and maintenance.

In 2020, west Lake sword · Network security line summit, Tupu software and Hangzhou enterprises cooperation. For virtual city map map, the map rendering features elements such as architecture, drones, airship to show contestant, subject information, such as real-time data through the background dynamically rendered aperture, flow, lightning effects, etc., in the form of rich visual display event schedule, player or team problem solving, customs clearance, attack, defense, real situation. In the theme of the “digital security intelligent future” conference added full technology color.


In addition to the usual CTF mode, HT visualizations can also perfectly display the network competition mode in different scenarios, such as ISW (Intranet range exercise), RHG (ARTIFICIAL intelligence attack and defense), BTC (pass), CTL (territory), CFS (scene mode) and so on.

CFS mode is different from CTF mode in that it is related to comprehensive topics. It can be understood as the topology of a network, and Flag can be obtained through step by step infiltration. However, we have made innovations and changes in the traditional competition mode or the presentation of topology. With the increasing of data, the representation form of 2D graphics visualization is too flat and dense, which is not easy to present data. On this basis, the addition of HT 3D visualization form can more directly see the embodiment of various kinds of data, which has the advantages of multidimensional, three-dimensional and multifaceted.

HT 3D topology solves some problems of traditional 2D topology in display. For example, compared with 2D topology on a single node, 3D topology can carry more business information, and show the health status of applications, services and hosts as well as the upstream and downstream dependency of applications in a more three-dimensional manner. PC terminal, mobile users, big data, Internet of vehicles, Internet of Things and other nodes are 3D graphics, more beautiful and vivid, not as boring as the traditional single node topology. Hightopo 3D topology diagram can be applied to telecommunications, network management, 5G, base station and other fields.

Innovative applications

In the era of big data and artificial intelligence, visualization technology connects people, big data and intelligence. Through HT visualization, complex data can be presented in the most simple and intuitive way. The application of visualization also has a lot of imagination space, which can be applied in many areas of innovation. For example, Situation Awareness (SA) can also be integrated with visualization and applied to network security prevention in other industries. Situational Awareness is an environment-based, dynamic and holistic insight into security risks, based on security big data. It is a way to improve the capability of discovery, identification, understanding, analysis, response and disposal of security threats from a global perspective, which is ultimately for decision-making and action, and the landing of security capabilities. The concept of situational awareness was first proposed in the military field.

As highlighted the importance of network security, intelligent city security, data security, cloud security, 5 g safety, industrial Internet security security problem is more seriously in every field, and the combination of emerging technologies, situational awareness play a role in many fields, such as: military joint operations, the urban construction security situation, the regulatory system control, the enterprise network operations monitoring, etc. The combination of HT visualization makes network information security more intuitive monitoring, analysis, response and prevention. Establish a secure network early warning mechanism, manage and control network risks, and improve the overall level of security protection.