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Arthas official community is holding an essay call for prizesClick on the submit】


Arthas is an open source application diagnostics tool from Alibaba that provides profiler commands to generate hot flame maps. Performance analysis is performed by sampling, recording, and calling links, which greatly improves the efficiency of online performance troubleshooting.

There is a problem, however, when the SVG file exported by async-Profiler full sampling is too large, it is very difficult to find the key call points.

Here’s an example:

There is no way to aggregate or filter. Native profiler tools such as JProfiler and YourKits are much more convenient. Is there a way to combine the two?

Async-profiler supports JFR (Java Flight Recorder) format output, jprofiler also supports JFR snapshot. The specific operation steps are as follows:

1. Arthas sampling generates JFR files

Once arthas is started, execute the following sampling command:

profiler start -f /home/admin/yourAppName/target/arthas-output/%t.jfr -d 180
Copy the code

% t says the current time, behind – d sampling number of seconds, see more parameters: alibaba. Making. IO/arthas/initial…

2. Download JFR to the local PC

Can use OSS inversion, or SZRZ and other ways to the local inversion.

3. Analysis of jprofiler

When we do performance analysis, we often want to find out who is calling me and who is calling me the most. Here’s an example of how to do it.

3.1 Opening a Snapshot

Open the JFR file with jprofiler, select Open a snapshot, and then select CPU Views:

3.2 Reverse Analysis

Select Analyze -> Calculate Backtraces to Selected Method:

3.3 Analysis Results

If you change the Summation mode to Total times, you can see the number of upstream calls to the method.


  1. Generated by the Arthas profiler commandjfrFile;
  2. Pass locallyjprofilerTo analyze thejfrFile, locate who is calling me;
  3. The best thing to do is to save. The combination of tools can produce wonderful chemical reactions.

Arthas’s essay campaign is in full swing

Arthas is officially holding an essay call if you have:

  • Problems identified using Arthas
  • Source code interpretation of Arthas
  • Advise Arthas
  • No limit, other Arthas related content

Welcome to participate in the essay activity, there are prizes to win oh ~ click to submit

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