In the actual development process, I am familiar with the use of Linux or Windows related network tools, so I can find the fault faster and more accurate, so today I share a few must network tools
1 nc
“> < p style =” max-width: 100%; clear: both; I do not know whether you use nc to do something with shell in the infiltration process. It is used to quickly build web links. Used to debug client programs.
A case in point
Perform a task | Execute the command |
Scan machine A for service with port number 30-40 | nc -z A 30-40 |
The port number for connecting to server A is 5000 | nc -C A 5000 |
File transfer | MachineA:nc -v -n ip port <D:\a.exe MachineB:nc -v -l -p port >E:\a.exe |
2 ping
It is used to detect network connectivity. We know that the machine on the network has a unique IP address, sends packets to the place, and based on the information returned, preliminatively determine whether the target machine exists or what the operating system of the target machine is. Another common use of Ping, what is the underlying principle, is TCP/UDP?
ICMP is actually used in the concrete implementation, it is a control protocol based on IP protocol, Internet control protocol, what is the packet like
The following describes the field meanings
- Type: indicates the ICMP type. 0 indicates the request type, and 8 indicates the reply
- Code: used to find the cause of the error
- Checksum: Checks for faulty data
- Identifiers: Use identifiers to identify who sent the control protocol
- Serial number: a uniquely identified packet
The ping command is used to assemble IP packets and send them. The destination IP address of the packet is the destination IP address of the ping host, and the original IP address is the IP address of the ping host. Then fill in the data according to the ICMP rules.
Then IP packets are known through ARP
Viewing Detailed Parameters
Common parameter [-l] : defines the size of the data packet to be sent. The default value is 32 bytes
[-n] : specifies the number of packets to be sent. The default value is 3
[-t] : indicates that packets are continuously sent to the destination IP address
TTL is a value in an IP protocol packet that tells the network router whether a packet has been in the network for too long and should be discarded
The longer the TTL is set, the longer the cache time will be and the less likely the update will take effect. Increasing TTL can save domain name resolution time and speed up web site visits
The TTL value is reduced to reduce the inaccessible time during space replacement
The return value
- Request timed out
Possible scenarios
The other party has their phone turned off or does not have this address
They may not be on the same network segment and cannot find each other through routing, resulting in timeout
The peer exists but firewall filtering is configured
- Destination host Unreachable
The peer and the peer are on different network segments and no default route is configured
The cable is faulty.
- Bad IP address
Either the IP address does not exist or is not properly connected to the DNS server and cannot be resolved
3 ifconfig/ipaddr
View information about the server network adapter and IP address
The location blurred in the figure above is assumed to be, which is an IP address. There are rules for all IP addresses. The IP address is divided into four parts according to the decimal point
So IPV6, 128 bits
At that time, 32 bits were considered sufficient, and they were divided into five categories, as shown in the figure below
Let’s look at the number of hosts at each address
There are too few class C addresses, but too many class B addresses
None Type interzone route selection
CIDR addresses contain standard 32-bit IP addresses and information about network prefix bits. For example,, the number 24 after the IP address slash indicates that the 24 digits are the network number and the next eight digits are the host number.
How do I get a network number?
Use the IP address AND subnet mask to calculate the network number.
4 tcpdump
A similar tool in Windows is Wireshark, which is implemented using the underlying library Winpcap /libpcap. BPF filtering mechanism is adopted. Let’s look at the implications of the different parameters provided.
Now that we know the parameters, let’s look at a few examples
Perform a task | Execute the command |
Capture a specific network port packet | tcpdump -i eth0 |
Capture a specific number of packets (1000) | tcpdump -c 1000 -i eth0 |
Save the captured package to a file | tcpdump -w a.pcap -i eth0 |
Read the package in PCAP format | tcpdump -r a.pcap |
Added a timestamp to capture packets | tcpdump -n -ttt -i eth0 |
Specifies the protocol type for capturing packets | tcpdump -i eth0 arp |
Capture the specified port | tcpdump -i eth0 post 22 |
Capture a packet for a specific destination IP +port | tcpdump -i eth0 dst address and port 22 |
Capture DNS requests and responses | tcpdump -i eth0 -s0 port 53 |
Matches Http request headers | tcpdump -s 0 -v -n -l | egrep -i “POST /|GET /|Host:” |
5 lsof
Lists the file descriptor tools currently open on the system. You can tell which processes are using the descriptor of interest
Again, let’s look at the parameters
Same old rules. Just a couple of examples
Perform a task | The command |
List all web links | lsof -i |
Lists all udp network links | lsof -i udp |
Lists who is using a port | lsof -i :3306 |
Lists who is using a particular TCP port | lsof -i tcp:80 |
Lists the file information according to the file description scope | lsof -d 2-3 |
7 netstat
Netstat is a network statistics tool. It can get all the information on the network interface, routing table information, network interface information and so on. We usually use it in network programming to display TCP connections and state information.
Here are some common examples
Perform a task | Execute the command |
List all connections | netstat -a |
Only TCP or UDP is listed | netstat -at/netstat -au |
Lists the connections in the listener | netstat -tnl |
Obtain the process name, process number, and user ID | nestat -nlpt |
Printing statistics | netstat -s |
Netstat continues output | netstat -ct |
Prints connections in active state | netstat -atnp | grep ESTA |
Check whether the service is Running (NPT) | netstat -aple| grep ntp |
7 dpkt
DPKT defines the packet class, which defines the base class of network packet types. IP and ICMP inherit from DPKT class, and each subclass has a __ hdr__ structure. This structure defines the header of different packets for retrieving corresponding control fields. The sample is as follows
#! /usr/bin/python
import dpkt
import socket
import optparse
def printPcap(pcap): Pass through an array of [timestamp, packet] records for (ts, buf) in pcap: try: Get some Ethernet data eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) Get IP layer data ip = eth.data # convert the IP address stored in inet_ntoa toa string src = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src) dst = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.dst) print '[+] Source address: ' + src + '--> destination address:' + dst except: pass def main(a): parser = optparse.OptionParser('[*] Usage : ./pcapTest.py -f <file>')# test package parser.add_option('-f',dest='fileName',type='string',help='specify target filename') (options,args) = parser.parse_args() fileName = options.fileNameGet the package name if fileName == None: print parser.usage exit(0) else: #f = open('geotest.pcap') f = open(fileName) pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f) printPcap(pcap) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Copy the code
8 scapy
This is a sniffer pack, not a crawler frame. Check out the official website for “powerful interactive package manipulation tools”, “support a large number of protocols for package parsing and package construction”, “easily replace Hping, 85% of NMAP, arpspoof, tcpdump and more”. At the end of the day, however, it is all powerful because Scapy is a powerful network packet manipulation tool. Just a general introduction, the specific usage of the official website is very detailed, help to learn the network protocol