Project introduction

JeecgBoot is a low code platform based on code generators! The back-end separation architectures springboot2. x, SpringCloud, Ant Design&Vue, Mybatis-plus, Shiro, JWT support microservices. Powerful code generator makes the front and back end code one click generation! JeecgBoot leads the low-code development mode (OnlineCoding-> code generation -> Manual MERGE) to help eliminate 70% of the duplication in Java projects and make development more business-focused. Both can quickly improve efficiency, cost savings, while losing flexibility!

The current version: v3.0 | 2021-11-01

Download the source code


Technical documentation

  • Official website:
  • Beginner:…
  • Technical documentation:
  • Online demo:
  • Online demo (VUE3 Beta) :

The upgrade log

To welcome the arrival of VUE3 cohesive version, the background for VUE3 compatibility to do some optimization and upgrade, and a complete reconstruction of Online query logic, support more databases including domestic and solve SQL vulnerability problems. The research and development of the new VERSION of Vue3.0 is coming to an end, and 2022 will be the first milestone year of VUE3 for JeecgBoot.

Serious Bug fixes

  • Online Three-level linkage component. The list translation is faulty
  • Error I4E0NO is reported when the Online form permission control page is opened
  • ID hidden in Online function test details
  • The Online form duplicates the rowKey attribute definition, causing IE11 incompatibility
  • Online JS enhancement click invalid #2912
  • The WebMvcConfiguration is updated, and the long is converted to a string. It causes pagination errors and time types
  • After upgrading mybatisPlus, the multi-tenant plug-in caused SQL Server compatibility problems, and the SQL parsing increased a column #2915

Low code upgrade

  • Upgrade the block report to the latest version 1.4.0
  • Update the code generator to support the generation of VUE3 pages, vuE3 version is coming soon!
  • Minidao was upgraded to support configuring multiple data sources
  • For the release of the new VU3 UI, compatibility changes have been made to the back end (related requests, code generators, generator templates, permission interfaces, etc.)
  • Reconstruct Online forms and Online report query logic, compatible with more databases (including domestic databases)
  • Reconstruct Online form synchronization logic, compatible with more databases (including domestic databases)
  • Solve the query SQL injection vulnerability of Online forms and Online reports
  • Online Forms Java enhancements add HTTP mode
  • Online form associated query problem, check only one table, resulting in two table SQL generated
  • SQL parsing is configured for Online reports. >= is not supported.
  • The Online child table adds the component Textarea
  • Online user component that supports unique verification
  • Online server directory traversal vulnerability, limit only admin user can access #3060
  • Online Failed to add a foreign key to a single table. I4BXOH I49F81
  • Online reports support safe mode configuration. Data source in safe mode is mandatory
  • [Online form] Fix the problem that THE ERP style cannot be saved
  • Dictionaries and href are mutually exclusive
  • Online form, schedule User selection component support properties {” multiSelect “:false}
  • The front-end region translation is simplified
  • JVXETable Added the example of background query three-level linkage
  • JVXETable added multi-level linkage
  • ShiroToken authentication exception AuthorizationException cannot be uniformly intercepted by Spring (filter exception) I40JKA
  • Code generator one to many, sub-table components support select departments, select user control generation
  • The Online form supports custom pop-up form widths
  • Update Mysql driver package to resolve Mysql JDBC XXE vulnerability (CVE-2021-2471)

Free repair

  • Interface parameter mismatch between Online form and building block report #3106 #3072 #2994
  • After authorizing the home page menu, the custom home page function does not take effect
  • Solution #2898 for third-party APP message testing problem “Field too long, exceeding the length of database field”
  • SQL to Parse is later incompatible with SQL Server #2915
  • Online Java enhancements Display exception #2880 when setting too many enhancements
  • If the online text is too long, it will block the page issues/I44F0R
  • Oline oline inline main table and schedule, setting the extension parameter limit width does not work #2881
  • Online Click details, id appears, good look #2922
  • Upgrade 2.4.6 Online form development cannot use “one to many” “ERP topic” I468JY
  • JVXETable linkage display with selection BUG #2867
  • 2.4.6 Failed to synchronize the mobile phone number with I471XE correctly during the synchronization
  • Micro Service version integrates enterprise wechat single sign-on #2959
  • JEditable sub table addBefore() method in which custom calls to other methods do not take effect
  • How to solve the problem that field label is too long to be covered? # 3046
  • Online form, switch between two Online form tabs, resulting in redundant query #3016
  • Online form function, inline theme “advanced query” button permission setting does not work #3020
  • How w to select multiple data for a custom button? # 3032
  • Online form user component control types support uniqueness check rule #2949
  • Online online form loading dictionary error causing page crash #I49F4F
  • Mysql5.7 conflicts with Postgresql #2918 when adding a new data source in multi-data source management
  • Problem #2914: duplicate item_value of sys_DICt_item table “database type” in database script
  • JTreeSelect displays the expansion arrow #2885 even if the tree structure has no child nodes
  • Extended configuration popover widths and default full screen are not valid for inline subtables and TAB themes
  • Online report configuration -SQL parsing, “>=” #2985 is not supported
  • Error #2990 synchronizing stapling personnel to local
  • ShiroToken authentication exception AuthorizationException cannot be uniformly intercepted by Spring (filter exception) #I40JKA
  • Linkage component displays problem #3084
  • Import scheduled task, will not be started and scheduled, you need to manually click start, will be added to the scheduling task #2986
  • If the Online form is a schedule, the control type option is missing multi-line text, rich text box, etc. #2948
  • [Online form development] Delete form without deleting associated table data #2988
  • I48I0E cannot be displayed in the three-level linkage list of provinces and cities
  • [2.4.6] When opening a new TAB page and clicking the sorting field on the previous TAB page, an error will be reported I47FEZ
  • How to select I49IE7 by default
  • The microservice Feign exception I49ENE is reported in the message queue
  • Online Online form saving failure I49F81
  • Error I4E0NO is reported when the online form permission control page is opened
  • There is a problem with the attached department, user control
  • The autopoi template is exported. You are advised to add a null judgment or throw an exception to the method of assigning values. # 3005
  • Duplicate jPOPup table key BUG #3121
  • Oracle Routing Gateway bug I4EV2J
  • Online SQL injection problem #3075
  • In the online report, the type is set as date (YYYY-MM-DD), but the actual display is in the date-time format (YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS) #3042
  • Online form, attached user selector {“multiSelect”:false} does not take effect, single table can take effect #3036
  • Dictionary table translation annotation cache not updated #3061
  • The schedule control type has no time control I4C854
  • Online Report query condition When a data dictionary is configured, the value in the drop-down list box is selected for the first time. After the query, the value I4C23E cannot be cleared
  • Websocket error I4C0MU
  • Error I4C5QR was reported when the gateway dynamically updated routes. Procedure
  • When a certain item is deleted or disabled by the routing gateway in micro-service, the gateway can still be routed to I47DEM in the corresponding service
  • Route Gateway After Demo configuration is disabled, the system can still route to Demo through the gateway. I49457

Online Reconstruct compatible databases

  • Mysql, Mariadb, Oracle, DB2, H2, HSQL, SQLite, PostgresQL, SQLServer
  • Dameng database, Virtual valley database, da Jincang, Ntu general
  • Phoenix 、presto 、Gauss 、Firebird、clickhouse 、 OceanBase

Why JeecgBoot?

Open source community “small pu yuan” beyond the traditional commercial platform. Leading the low code development pattern (OnlineCoding-> Code generators -> Manual MERGE), low code development while supporting flexible coding can help eliminate 70% of the duplication in Java projects and make development more business-focused. It can quickly improve development efficiency, save cost, and lose flexibility at the same time.

  • Using the latest mainstream separation framework (SpringBoot+Mybatis- Plus +Ant-Design+Vue), easy to use; Low dependence of code generator, flexible expansion ability, flexible realization of secondary development;
  • The development efficiency is very high, using code generator, single table data model and one to many (father and son table), tree list data model, add, delete, change and check function automatically generated, menu configuration directly (front-end code and back-end code are generated by one key);
  • Code generators provide a powerful templating mechanism that supports custom template styles. Currently, four sets of style templates are provided (two sets for single table and two sets for one-to-many).
  • Complete encapsulation of users, roles, menus, organizations, data dictionaries, online scheduled tasks and other basic functions. Powerful authority mechanism, support access authorization, button authority, data authority, form authority and so on
  • Zero code online development ability, online configuration form, online configuration report, online configuration chart, online design form
  • Common encapsulation and various tool classes (scheduled task, SMS interface, email sending,Excel import and export, etc.) basically meet 80% of project requirements
  • Simple Excel import and export, support single table export and one to many table mode export, generated code with import and export function
  • Integrated simple report tool, image report and data export is very convenient, can be extremely convenient to generate graph report, PDF, Excel, Word and other reports;
  • Before and after the separation technology, beautiful page UI, for common components to do the packaging: time, line form control, intercept display control, report components, editors and so on
  • Query filter: query function automatically generated, background dynamic spell SQL query conditions; Support a variety of matching methods (full match/fuzzy query/include query/do not match query);
  • Data authority (refined data authority control, control to row level, list level, form field level, realize different people to see different data, different people on the same page to operate different fields
  • Online configuration report (no coding, through online configuration, to achieve graphs, bar charts, data and other reports)
  • Page verification automatically generated (must input, digit verification, amount verification, time space, etc.);
  • Provide CAS integration solution for single sign-on. Complete docking code has been provided in the project
  • Form designer, support user custom form layout, support single table, a pair of forms, support SELECT, radio, checkbox, Textarea, date, POPup, list, macro and other controls
  • Professional interface interconnection mechanism adopts restful interface mode, integrates Swagger-UI online interface documents, and Jwt Token security authentication to facilitate client interconnection
  • Interface security mechanism, can be refined control interface authorization, very simple to achieve different clients only see their own data control
  • Advanced combined query function: online configuration supports associated query of master and child tables and saves query history
  • Provide various system monitoring to track system performance in real time (monitoring Redis, Tomcat, JVM, server information, request tracking, SQL monitoring)
  • Message center (support SMS, email, wechat push, etc.)
  • Integrate Websocket message notification mechanism
  • Provide APP release scheme:
  • Support multi-language, provide internationalization program;
  • Data change logs record each data change and view historical changes using the version comparison function
  • Platform UI powerful, mobile adaptive
  • Platform home page style, provide a variety of combination mode, support custom style
  • Easy to use printing plug-in, support Google, Internet Explorer and other browsers
  • Example code is rich, provide a lot of study case reference
  • Maven module development is adopted
  • Supports menu dynamic routing
  • Permission Control adopts RBAC (Role-based Access Control).

System Function modules

├─ System Management │ ├─ User Management │ ├─ Role Management │ ├─ Menu Management │ ├─ Privileges (Support Button Privileges, Data Privileges) │ ├─ Forms Privileges (Control Field Disabled, Hiding) │ ├─ Department Management │ ├─ My Department (Level 2) │ ├─ Dictionary Management │ ├─ Classification dictionary │ ├─ System Management │ ├─ System Management │ ├─ User Management │ ├─ Role Management │ ├─ Menu Management │ ├─ Forms Privileges (Support Button Privileges, Data Privileges) │ ├─ Department Management │ ├─ My Department (Level 2) │ ├─ Dictionary Management │ ├─ Class Dictionary │ ├─ ├─ all exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises │ ├─Online Graphics │ ├─Online Graphic Template Configuration │ ├─Online Layout Design │ ├─ Multi-Data Management │ ├─ Building Block Report Designer │ ├─ Print Designer - - │ ├─ Data Report Design - │ ├─ Graphic Report Design (Echart support) - │ ├─ Message Center │ ├─ Message Management │ ├─ Template Management ├─ Code Builder (Low code) │ │ ├─ Code Generator Template │ ├─ Code Generator Template │ ├─ Code Generator Template │ ├─ Code Generator Template │ ├─ Code Generator Template │ ├─ Code Generator Template │ ├─ Code Generator Template │ ├─ Code Generator Template │ ├─ Advanced Guitar School (Popup window automatic combination of Query conditions) │ ├─Excel Import and Export tool integration (support for single table, │ ├─ Platform Mobile Adaptive Support ├─ System Monitor │ ├─Gateway Route Gateway │ ├─ Performance Scan Monitor │ ├─ Monitor Redis │ ├─Tomcat │ ├─ JVM │ ├─ Server Information │ │ ├─ Request Trace │ │ ├─ Disk Monitor │ ├─ Time Task │ ├─ System Log │ ├─ Message Center (Support for SMS, Mail, etc.) │ ├─ Data Log View the data changes) │ ├ ─ system notification │ ├ ─ SQL monitor │ ├ ─ swagger - UI (online interface documentation) │ ─ statements example │ ├ ─ graph │ └ ─ pie chart │ └ ─ histogram │ └ ─ line chart │ └ ─ area chart │ └ ─ entirely │ └ ─ │ instrument diagram ├─ ├─ exercises, ├─ exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, Exercises ├─ ├─ uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press, uninhibit-press ├─ double JEditable │ ├─ double JEditable │ ├─ double JEditable │ ├─ double JEditable │ ├─ double JEditable ├ ─ show │ ├ ─ time │ ├ ─ advanced query │ ├ ─ dictionary │ ├ ─ select department │ ├ ─ select department │ ├ ─ select department │ ├ ─ select department │ ├ ─ Pack curve, bar chart, pie chart, line chart, etc. │ ├─ online code editor │ ├─ all kinds of advanced forms │ ├─ all kinds of list effects │ ├─ all kinds of results │ ├─ all kinds of results │ ├─ all kinds of results │ ├─ all kinds of results ├─ Personal Page ├─ Advanced Features │ ├─ System Code Rules │ ├─ Offers SINGLE sign-on CAS Integration │ ├─ Offers APP Release ├─ Websocket Message notification mechanism │ ├─ Process Module functionality │ ├─ Process Designer │ ├─ Online Form Design │ └ ─ my task │ └ ─ historical process │ └ ─ historical process │ └ ─ process instance management │ └ ─ process monitoring management │ └ ─ process expression │ └ ─ I initiated the process of │ └ ─ my cc │ └ ─ process to delegate, cc, jump │ └ ─... ├ ─ other modules ├ ─ more functions in development.Copy the code

The system screenshots


Mobile terminal

The PAD end

Effect of the report

Big effect

Welcome to ridicule, welcome to star~