I finished my project and sorted out a bug I met yesterday. To be honest, as a pure front-end, IT was really muddled, and I had to rely on one of my python friends to solve it

Project introduction

Vue-cli is a project I created using VUe-CLI, using node 12.19.0 version, vue-CLI 4.2.3 detailed steps are as follows:

Vue create test // Create a project CD test // Enter the test project NPM run serve // start the projectCopy the code

The project is ready, and then it’s time to configure the vue.config.js file, set up hot updates and ports

CTRL + S gives you Error, as shown here:

At that time, I saw this, I am confused, although MY technology is not how, but, make this can report errors, self-doubt. Error must be solved ah, and then all kinds of Baidu, finally, saw the same error, hurriedly follow some modification, summed up, baidu looked at a very reliable method:

Add the system variables to the CMD directory C:\WINDOWS\system32

HMM… Press with a time, no effect? ? ? ? I see a post that restart the computer is trying, I also tried, made an afternoon, or did not get to, well, need to seek advice, I think this has exceeded my ability, and then hurriedly seek advice, took ten minutes to solve, ah, and big technology is a primetime… Is a lot of people did not think of a point: authority, in fact, I Baidu configuration system variables, the administrator also matched, is not know why did not take effect

WebStorm can be opened as an administrator, without setting path or changing port. There is a premise that the console can run normally when opened as an administratorCopy the code

When you encounter something you don’t understand, you still have to ask for help in time. If there is a better way, you can chat in a private letter