(Graduation Project)Vue+Go front-end and back-end integrated enterprise-level microservice gateway project

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Whether the website is based on Java, Python, PHP or Go, the higher the website traffic, the higher the performance requirements of the gateway, especially in the website with hundreds of millions of traffic, the gateway is the core, as an access layer to carry traffic forwarding, load balancing, service traffic limiting, fuse degradation and other functions. As a back-end developer, grasps the gateway technology, the ability of watershed is the backend architecture, understand design gateway to know architecture is sophisticated, this course take you step-by-step design and implement a universal front-end + back-end integration of micro service gateway project, at the same time the performance advantages of using the language itself, make better performance of the gateway, to raise their hard power, Also can harvest the micro service gateway project works, enrich personal resume.

Suitable for people 1. New job seekers 2. Technical reserve requirements for server-side developers 1. 2. Have the basic knowledge of any programming language

Chapter Contents:

Chapter 1 Refuse training institutions rotten street project, sprint Offer preferred [Vue+Go, scarce combination, hurry up and get on the bus!]

Do you have this problem? Send out a lot of resumes, always lost to the sea, never heard back? After analyzing the resumes of many partners, most of them adopted the Lanndajie project of training institutions as project experience, resulting in no interview invitation. This course will take care of that for you. At the same time, Vue is very hot, the combination of Vue+Go as soon as possible to learn, as soon as possible! .

1-1 Abandon cookie-cutter project, choose me: Front and back end integrated microservice gateway project trial

Chapter 2 Literacy Gateway pre-technology: Essential Network foundation

To understand the pre-gateway technology, master the necessary network foundation, and mainly explain the OSI 7-layer network protocol, classic protocol and data packet, TCP stick packet unpacking and udp, TCP, HTTP code writing by combining [principle illustration + brain map + example proxy]. Enjoy network programming pleasure easily.

2-1 Yongbu Qianli – Why to learn network foundation

2-2 Best in the world – classic protocols and packets

2-3 Ogling – Tcpdump packet capture analysis Three handshakes and four waves

2-4 – why does time_wait wait 2msl

2-5 Throttle Open source – Illustrated why flow control is needed

2-6 One-person Lotus – How to adjust network load

2-7 Meng House – unlock the mystery of sticking package and unpackaging

2-8 Go your own way – Custom message format for packing and unpacking

2-9 Sword gun sword lance – UDP implementation turns out to be so simple

2-10 Sword Gun sword Halberd – Play TCP server

2-11 Spear and Halberd – What happens if you forget to close the connection

2-12 Knife gun sword halberd – HTTP Server and Client

2-13 know its so – brain map elaborate HTTP Server source code

2-14 know its so – brain map elaborate HTTP Client source code

2-15 Spear and Spear – RoundTripper link upstream and downstream

2-16 Swords and Halberds – HTTP timeout control for super details

2-17 Summary of the Network Foundation chapter

Chapter 3 Network Proxy HTTP proxy * Basics

HTTP proxies are so important that this section unlocks core functions such as multiple load balancing policies, url_rewrite support policies at will, proxy content substitution: unified special return values for specific state values, connection pooling.

3-1 Overall picture – Brain map shows gateway agent knowledge system

3-2 Probing – Proxying and forwarding are not the same thing

3-3 Straight Path – Develop a browser proxy 1

3-4 Straight Path – Develop a browser proxy 2

3-5 Back to Basics – Reverse proxy used to be like this

3-6 Precision Strike – HTTP proxy outline

3-7 ReverseProxy is invincible

3-8 Shape change step – return content as you wish to change 1

3-9 Shape change step – return content change 2

3-10 Review the old and learn the new – Take you to implement x-forward-for, x-real-IP

3-11 ReverseProxy source code analysis

3-12 Random variable – Random load balancing

3-13 Orderly – Polling load balancing

3-14 Close Water Tower – Weighted polling load balancing

3-15 Consistency – Consistent load balancing

3-16 Add to the mix – add load balancing wings to the agent

Chapter 4 Network Proxy System HTTP proxy advanced chapter

This chapter introduces high availability technologies: current limiting, fusing, downscaling. Core functions: Leakage bucket traffic limiting, token bucket traffic limiting, examples to show the actual effect of traffic limiting, learn the principles of fusing and demoting, and introduce the principles and usage of Hystrix-Go and Hystrix-Dashboard.

4-1 Targeted – Middleware onion structure

4-2 Targeted – Develop a middleware

4-3 Open source and Throttle – meaning of concurrent speed limit

The speed limiter is simple but not simple

4-5 Open source throttling – give the agent the wings of the upper limit flow

4-6 Overload protection – power-off protection for microservices – fuses and downgrades

4-7 Overload protection – Hystrix – GO fuse

Chapter 5 WebSocket + Secure Encryption HTTPS

This chapter will cover the webSocket protocol and principles, the integration of webSocket testing process, webSocket proxy implementation, a chapter to understand the difference between HTTPS and HTTP2 and HTTP1.1, as well as custom certificate and HTTP2 proxy server implementation.

5-1 Lightning Fast – Diagram of Websocket protocol

5-2 Building blocks – WebSocket proxy is so simple

5-3 Keep your Secrets – Learn the differences between HTTPS, HTTP2, and HTTP1.1 in one chapter

5-4 Add a brick – add a key to the proxy transmission

Chapter 6 layer 4 TCP Proxy

Omnipotent TCP proxy, as long as the underlying TCP protocol can be used, and the individual protocol format can do fine control. Let’s get the good stuff in. This chapter will provide an in-depth understanding of the differences between layer 4 and layer 7 proxies, and teach you how to develop a TCP proxy, test thrift, Redis, HTTP, webSocket, and HTTPS. .

6-1 Precision Strike – The difference between tier 4 and tier 7 agents

6-2 Precision Strike – teaches you to develop a TCP proxy

6-3 Precision strike – Thrift service agent

6-4 Precision Strike – Redis service agent

6-5 Building blocks – What without middleware

Chapter 7 Support cool GRPC Transparent Proxy

GRPC with multiplexing, streaming data transmission and other advantages, large companies are competing to use. Different from TCP proxy, GRPC agent requires more control methods. This chapter N more exciting content: GRPC protocol analysis, using GPC-gateway to enable services to support HTTP function, expand load balancing, support middleware is equal to support traffic limiting, fuse, degrade. .

7-1 Basic knowledge popularization – introduction and packet capture analysis

7-2 Basic knowledge popularization – Installation and construction of test server and client –

7-3 Basic knowledge popular science – build GRPC -gateway test server to support HTTP server

7-4 Implementation difficulties and implementation principles

7-5 Implementation of GRPC agent

7-6 Expanding load balancing by GRPC agent

7-7 GRPC agent expansion middleware

Chapter 8 Gateway Extended Service Discovery Function

Still troubled by the esoteric techniques of “registry,” “service discovery,” and “active detection”? This chapter uncovers these concepts and identifies their technical nature. This chapter contains many wonderful contents: principle and implementation of service discovery, principle and implementation of active detection, basic knowledge popularization of ZooKeeper, principle and implementation of registration center. .

8-1 Introduction to Service Discovery

8-2 Basic knowledge popularization – Introduction and installation reference

8-3 Basic knowledge popularization-ZK core functions-add, delete, modify and search

8-4 Basic ZooKeeper knowledge – ZK core functions – Monitor changes of child nodes \ Monitor changes of node contents

8-5 Discovery of gateway Extension Service

8-6 Build the load balancing configuration in observer mode

8-7 Load balancing Configuration And load balancing integration

8-8 Client service discovery

Chapter 9 Project actual combat: Preparation before development [Vue+Go combination, the whole network is scarce!]

It’s useful to learn how to apply, so we’re going to start planning our project and we’re going to use the standard enterprise development process and we’re going to talk to you about how to develop a project. Previous experience project :gateway.itpp.cn:9527/#/ as a prototype. This chapter will give you many wonderful contents: split function points from the product prototype, organize our thinking into the brain map for function points, understand the function review process, function development process, before…

9-1 Function preview and Introduction

9-2 Split function points

9-3 Development process and review process

9-4 Function points to think about

9-5 Front-end and back-end development if not blocked

Chapter 10 Back-end functions of Project Management after actual combat

The highlights of this chapter include: SQL creation based on function points, background scaffolding with GIN_scaffold, Swagger interface document automatic generation, architecture layered design, interface development ideas, and user, service, tenant business interface functions.

10-1 Data table collation and creation

10-2 Selection of back-end framework

10-3 Back-end development steps

10-4 Directory introduction && process series

10-5 Code simplification Gin_scaffold

10-6 Login Management – Controller and route definition

10-7 Login management function – Parameter verification

10-8 Login management function – Generate Swagger document

10-9 Login management function – login interface development

10-10 Login management function – login information interface development

10-11 Login management function – Exit interface development

10-12 Login management function – Password change interface development 1

10-13 Service Management – Service List – Parameter Verification

10-14 Service Management – Service List – Build paging query method

10-15 Service Management – Service List – Method of building service details

10-16 Service Management – Service List – Formatting access Mode 1

10-17 Service Management – Deleting services

10-18 Service Management – Add HTTP Service Interface Development – Validator Parameter Verification (Part 1)

10-19 Service Management – Add HTTP Service Interface Development – Validator Parameter Verification (Part 2)

10-20 Service Management – Add HTTP Service Interface Development – Data Warehousing (Part 1)

10-21 Service Management – Add HTTP Service Interface Development – Data Warehousing (Part 2)

10-22 Service Management – Update HTTP service interface Development – Parameter verification

10-23 Service Management – Update HTTP service interface development – Data entry

10-24 Service Management – Interface for querying service details – Parameter verification

10-25 Service Management interface for Querying Service details Interface for querying data

10-26 Service Management – Data statistics interface

10-27 Service Management – TCP and GRPC Added updated interfaces

10-28 Tenant Management – Add, Delete, Modify, and Query interfaces

10-29 Home market – index query interface

10-30 Home Page Market – Service type ratio

Chapter 11 Project practice: Background management function front-end function [Vue+Go, early learning, early work]

The so-called technology is not pressure body, nonsense not much to say, as a back-end after learning this chapter, you will be able to masturbate the background management system page. Learn about vue-element-Admin scaffolding, create curds quickly, create VUE components quickly, and access echart support.

11-1 Development principles && frame selection

11-2 Vue-element-admin Framework Installation and Introduction

11-3 Vue-element-admin directory structure

11-4 streamline vue – element – admin

11-5 Request ADAPTS new interface && User login operations

11-6 Changing a user password

11-7 Service Management – Service List – Implementation roadmap and route definition

11-8 Service Management – Service List – Code implementation

11-9 Service Management – Deleting a service

11-10 Service Management – Service Addition – Function Description

11-11 Service Management – Add Service – Build Form

11-12 Service Management – Service Add – Build Form

11-13 Service Management – Service Addition – Form Fine tuning

11-14 Service Management – Service Adding – Interface Request

11-15 Service Management – Service Addition – Function Tuning

11-16 Service Management – Service Modification – Route Definition and Interface Settings

11-17 Service Management – Service Modification – Interface request

11-18 Service Management – Service Statistics – Route Definition and Interface Settings

11-19 Service Management – Service Statistics – Interface request

11-20 Service Management – Service Statistics – Code fine tuning

11-21 Service Management – Code Analysis 1

11-22 Tenant Management – Rapid Development

11-23 Panel Interface – Build layout interface 1

11-24 Tray interface – Indicator component

11-25 Tray interface – Traffic statistics component

11-26 Big Screen – Service Type Component 1

11-27 Front-end code packaging and deployment

Chapter 12 Implementation of HTTP Proxy server in project Practice

Now that we have configured the service through the background administration, it is time to compose our real proxy server through configuration. This chapter includes: loading configuration into memory, header conversion, URL_rewrite, traffic statistics, traffic limits, management platform collation statistics, performance pressure test, etc

12-1 Describes the HTTP Proxy chapter

12-2 Code mixed with management background logic

12-3 Build the HTTP and HTTPS configuration and start and stop methods

12-4 Loading service configuration to memory

12-5 Build access mode middleware

12-6 Build reverse proxy middleware 1

12-7 Build reverse proxy middleware 2

12-8 Build reverse proxy middleware 3

12-9 Building reverse proxy middleware 4

12-10 Building a singleton load balancer and connection pool

12-11 Reverse proxy tuning

12-12 Build header header conversion middleware

12-13 Build strip_URI middleware

12-14 Build URL_rewrite middleware

12-15 Building IP whitelist and blacklist middleware

12-16 Traffic statistician optimization

12-17 Traffic statistics singleton

12-18 Build the traffic statistics middleware

12-19 Aggregating traffic statistics for management platforms

12-20 Current limiter singleton

12-21 Build traffic limiting middleware

12-22 Performance pressure test

Chapter 13 Project Practice building multi-tenant edition Open platform based on JWT [Cross-language, cross-domain]

Leverage the cross-language, cross-domain nature of JWT. Users can access the gateway at a very low cost, we can do for a single tenant without policy restrictions: traffic, permissions, statistical analysis and so on.

13-1 JWT interaction process

13-2 Build token generation interface for JWT – input and output parameters

13-3 Build the TOKEN generation interface of JWT – generate Token1

13-4 Build the token generation interface of JWT – generate Token2

13-5 Build JWT request validation

13-6 Collecting vstore Traffic Statistics

13-7 Vstore traffic limiting

Chapter 14 Implementation of TCP Proxy server in project actual combat

GRPC with multiplexing, streaming data transmission and other advantages, large companies are competing to use. Different from TCP proxy, GRPC agent requires more control methods. This chapter N more exciting content: GRPC protocol analysis, using GPC-gateway to enable services to support HTTP function, expand load balancing, support middleware is equal to support traffic limiting, fuse, degrade. . .

14-1 TCP Proxy – Implementation Principles

14-2 TCP Proxy – Directory Settings and start/stop methods

14-3 TCP Proxy – Builds reverse proxy middleware

14-4 TCP Proxy – Statistics traffic limiting permission Authentication middleware

14-5 TCP proxy – Performance test

Chapter 15 Implementation of GRPC Proxy Server in actual project [Independent of IDL]

The highlights of this chapter include: architecture stratification and implementation principle analysis, loading configuration into memory, traffic statistics, traffic limit, management platform sorting statistics, metedata data conversion, performance pressure measurement, etc

15-1 GRPC Agent – Implementation principles of the agent

15-2 GRPC Agent – Directory Setting and Start/Stop Method 1

15-3 GRPC Agent – Directory Setting and Start/Stop Method 2

15-4 GRPC Agent – Middleware Settings 1

15-5 GRPC Agent – Middleware Settings 2

15-6 GRPC Agent – Functional test

15-7 GRPC Agent – Performance testing

15-8 Fine-tuning of gateway functions

Chapter 16 Code Deployment for actual project [Physical machine Deployment, Kubernetes Deployment]

Now we have three projects. How do we deploy them efficiently? We provide deployment modes in different scenarios: physical machine deployment and Kubernetes deployment. Physical machine deployment: We integrate the front and back end code into a project and automate it through scripting. K8s deployment: We’ll cover everything from basic Docker file creation to file orchestration to instance expansion. .

16-1 Deployment on the front and rear ends of physical servers

16-2 Kubernetes Front-end and back-end deployment 1

16-3 Kubernetes Front-end and back-end Deployment 2

This course is over

Ultra clear original painting complete in MP4 format

Download address:Baidu cloud disk