If you hate a programmer, trick him into doing iOS development. Whether his background is Cobel or Java, give him a book on iOS development. This kind of book had better be written by Chinese people, easy to overgeneralize a bit, compared with foreign devil’s book, easier to learn fur. This is called reluctant to children can not catch the Wolf, who called you hate him.

Then you’ll find that he’s thinking about running MAC OSX in a virtual machine. The Mac is awesome. It’s addictive. Gradually, you find that he is no longer satisfied with the virtual machine. Programmers, for one, are performance-sensitive. He began to think about black apples. This is the first stage of the disease. At this stage he will enjoy it, but he will also dissipate his energy.

After playing the first stage for a while, he couldn’t take it anymore. Black apples can be used, but they are not reliable, and are often rejected. He began scrimping and planning for a real Mac. The real Mac, it’s exciting to talk about! But macs are so expensive. He began to enter the second stage. This stage does not enter dissipative energy, and consume money! Not only does he need to buy a Mac, he needs to buy an iOS device. The iPod Touch can also be used for real phone debugging, but few people use it. He also has to sign up for a $100 developer account. He didn’t even know that when he signed up, it could take a year or two to get his $100 back.

Once he buys an Apple device, it’s only a matter of time before he changes jobs. IOS developers pay a lot of money, and that’s a big temptation. Coupled with his love of writing iOS apps and occasionally showing others what he has created on his phone, the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. In addition to the market iOS development fire, any company to do iOS development. Yeah, he’s planning iOS development. The disease is entering its third stage. From the third stage on, he spent a promising career as a coder.

IOS development is hot, but not many people can do it quietly. The vast majority of companies, are a few dozen in the control of technical recruitment, so it is not difficult to get into iOS development. Getting paid horrible salaries and writing horrible code is the state of iOS development. Under such circumstances, he soon changed two jobs and his income increased by maybe two or three times. But trust me, he has no future. He gradually thought that a cool interface is a master, make a little animation is a master. His work is getting further and further away from creating value.

Sooner or later, he’ll do it himself. If you enter the fourth stage of iOS development disease. There are many reasons to do it yourself. Such as he couldn’t take another minute with a don’t understand of iOS development manager for their orders, such as what did he do to the customer after several applications found that much (because he didn’t know the customer has spent millions of yuan to hundreds of thousands of downloads), such as he had the idea to change the world (iOS development, jobs’ story will see). For example, he saw BMW brother on cocoaChina showing off the trouble that his bank would not carry forward too many DOLLARS. For example, his iOS development department was disbanded by the company. So he swallowed, cruelly gritted his teeth, and went to work.

It’s even harder to do it yourself. He spent a week writing a video download app and confidently submitted it to Apple. And waited patiently for apple’s arrogant approval. The process takes about a week, sometimes more. He was very anxious while waiting. A week later, he finally got the good news — bad news — from Apple that the app had been rejected. His app was suspected of infringing other people’s intellectual property rights, and the great Apple did god’s work and cut him in half. At this time, his heart is full of despair, even hate him you can not help but pity for him.

But once again his strong will got him through. He spent another week writing an app. And then a week later the app went live. Are we happy for him? Don’t worry, he’s already in the fifth stage of iOS development sickness. He found it hard to get apps downloaded, and even harder to get people to spend money. That’s when he realized there were millions of apps on Apple’s App Store alone. Once launched, the app was lost in a sea of water without a ripple. Therefore, you will find that he has never been on Weibo or wechat and has registered his account and pushed his app information to the circle of friends over and over again.

Unfortunately, the circle of friends is also the sea. A few likes is the best I can get. Downloads are still intact. You noticed he started twitter. Because he found that 100 percent of the few paid downloads came from the United States. To be closer to his customers, he signed up for Twitter. So he took to Twitter every day. As long as he hasn’t studied abroad, you don’t have to worry about him turning over. He doesn’t have more than a row of followers, and most of them are bots 🙂

And then you realize he’s taking a platform like Jane’s book. Start filling the book with water. Will flooding his app with water on Jane’s book pay off? You do Java or COBOL development, take a sip of coffee, hehe.

You see, by now you should be satisfied that your deception led an aspiring young man to a promising but essentially dead-end path in iOS development. Your hate has finally paid off. Amen!

(Welcome to reprint, reprint please indicate the copyright belongs to Marknote, first published in Jane book)