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Over the weekend, I found that a server was about to expire, and I needed to switch servers and domain names. This time will be based on the pagoda server and domain name switch, special record, share with you.

To prepare

A cloud server records the IP address of the Internet. When switching domain name resolution, the Internet address needs to be filled in. The registered domain name. Pagoda addresses and account information for both servers.

Domain name resolution

Domain name resolution is to resolve the domain name registered by the information management Bureau to the external IP of the cloud space server, so that users can access the relevant service information through the domain name. So when we switch servers, we need to resolve the domain name again. As shown in the figure below, you have created a secondary domain name for test. After logging in to the pagoda server, you can directly configure the domain name.

Note that the newly added parsing is expected to take effect in about 10 minutes. Domain application tutorial can refer to: developers, how can there be no personal blog! How to choose the right domain name

Log on to the pagoda

Log in to the pagoda page of both servers, find the website in the console, select the website information that you want to switch, and click Settings.

Click the Settings and the information in the picture below will appear. You need to enter the new domain name information and click the Add button. At this point the domain name has been added.

At this time, you can click to view the configuration file. As shown in the following figure, you can see that the domain name based on test.*****. Com has appeared in the configuration file, which proves that the configuration is successful.

Configure SSL

You can configure SSL information under the configuration file. In the following figure, you can configure the SSL KEY, KEY, and certificate (in PEM format). It is recommended to enable forced HTTPS, so that users are prompted with trusted websites when they visit.

You can apply for a free SSL certificate. Specific tutorial reference developers, how can there be no personal blog! HTTP upgrade HTTPS, site deployment SSL certificate developers, how can there be no personal blog! Record an SSL certificate expires to replace SSL certificate process developers, how can there be no personal blog! The site is deployed with SSL certificates based on pagodas

Load the configuration

After we have configured all the above information, we need to reload the configuration. The operation process is as follows: Select the agent tool used by the system from the home page and click Reload configuration.

Access the service

After restarting the proxy tool, wait for a moment, clear the browser cache, and then access the service by domain name. Here are the web services that will be accessed through the new domain name after configuration.


Well, thank you for reading, I hope you like it, if it is helpful to you, welcome to like collection. If there are shortcomings, welcome comments and corrections. See you next time.

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