Without further ado, picture above

Select image, upload, link copied. That’s all.

Experience in details

  • The next startup, the upload picture screen is automatically displayed. Efficient, one step further.
  • When selecting an image, you can edit the image, including cropping, shy Mosaic, annotating, etc
  • Images are compressed before uploading
  • Support for multipleLink format: HTTPS, HTML<img>And Markdown

In addition, for Android users, you can add applets to your desktop. This will save you some time if you upload images frequently.

The reason

The iPic tool I made is only available on macOS. From time to time, users say they want a mobile version. However, I always feel that there are not many scenes to upload pictures on the mobile phone, and it is too heavy to be an App, so I keep dragging it.

As time goes by, the environment is changing. More and more users choose to write on mobile devices, such as iPad. There are other related requirements, such as the illustrations for editing articles on wechat official accounts, illustrations for Anki cards, etc. Plus, I’ve been working on a little program lately, so I have this little program.

In the initial stage, only weibo map bed is supported; Please let me know which map bed you want to support first.

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