
Due to the shortage of power supply and demand, Guangdong integrated power generation resources within the province and strengthened the monitoring and early warning of primary energy and fuel. Through digital and intelligent power grid technology, Zhejiang has formed a 10 million kilowatt “virtual power plant” in 12,000 power enterprises, which can control the load intelligently at any time and activate enterprises to actively participate in peak cutting and valley filling.

Results show

Taking the commercial virtual power plant in Shanghai as an example, the operation process of the “virtual power plant” is described from six aspects: resource management, real-time status monitoring, load prediction, power generation task management, power generation task traceability and operation effect decision making through the visualization integration of the HT data of the graph.


Distributed Generation (DG)

Distributed Energy Resource (DER)

Virtual power plant integrates different types of distributed energy, such as DG, energy storage system, controllable load and electric vehicle, through coordinated control, intelligent metering and information communication technologies, and realizes coordinated and optimized operation among multiple DER’s through higher-level software architecture to achieve advantageous allocation and use of resources. And as a special power plant to participate in the power market and grid operation of the power supply coordination management system.

With the help of THE HT for Web product of Tupu, it can effectively carry out data fusion, aggregate the scattered DER into the visual system for unified management, and provide rich display forms and effects through the Web. The visual coordination and control of “virtual power plant” reduces the impact of DER connection on public network, reduces the scheduling difficulty caused by DG growth, makes distribution management more reasonable and orderly, and improves the stability of system operation.

System analysis

Commercial virtual power plant is a kind of flexible expression of DER portfolio. Based on user demand, load forecast and power generation potential forecast, power generation plan can be formulated to participate in market bidding. In the local network, DER operation parameters, generation schedule, market bidding and other information are provided by commercial virtual power plants.

Capacity indicators

The number of registered virtual power plants, registered generating sets, registered generating units and rated installed capacity of distributed energy in the region are counted separately, which is beneficial for managers to predict load and power generation potential and control DER to execute power generation plan.

The operation mode

The regulation ability of the registered virtual power plant is monitored, and the real-time data of peak cutting and valley filling are accessed to evaluate the regulation ability. The power supply capacity of the virtual power plant can be judged by real-time comparison between network supply load and online load. Distributed power generation system mostly adopts advanced small and medium-sized modular equipment, which is quick to start and stop, convenient maintenance and management, flexible adjustment, and each power source is relatively independent, which can quickly meet the demand for power supply.

The graphs of total power generation, total electricity consumption, power generation and electricity load are effective indicators to understand the results of power regulation in this city, and the managers can use the charts to control strategies. The data of response deviation rate, response completion rate and unit climbing rate can be used as assessment indicators for virtual power plants and each DG. DG with slow response speed can be phased out and distributed energy with faster response speed can be established.

Generation unit type distribution

Tupu software provides a solution for building advanced 2D data visualization. Based on the self-developed HT for Web graphics engine, it can quickly build real-time data-driven charts in the “virtual power plant”, providing rich visual display forms and effects. The distribution of DG, energy storage system and controllable load was calculated by histogram and scatter diagram respectively. In urban areas with heavy load, virtual power plants should be constructed with controllable loads to serve as system backup or reduce peak power consumption. In rural areas or suburbs, virtual power plants are constructed with large-scale DG and energy storage to realize stable and continuous power supply to the system.

Resource management

It is the key and difficult point of coordinated control of virtual power plant to realize the high demand of power output by aggregating diversified DER. In fact, some renewable power plants (such as wind power and photovoltaic power plants) are intermittent or random and prone to prediction errors, so large-scale grid connection must take into account the impact of uncertainty. This requires reasonable cooperation of energy storage system, distributable generator set and controllable load to ensure power quality and improve power generation economy.

Comprehensive analysis of

Ranking of virtual power plants

The higher the ranking, the stronger the regulation ability and the faster the response speed of the virtual power plant, the relevant departments can take into consideration when bidding.

Proportion of registered regulation ability

Peak clipping data, valley filling data percentage statistics, understand the strength of each virtual power plant. China is a typical country with uncoordinated load center and power generation center. The southeast region has developed economy and is the load center, but it lacks coal, light and wind. The northwest and southwest regions are relatively backward in economy, but they are rich in coal, water, wind and light. This disharmony determines that China can only rely on the construction of dozens of super-large clean energy power generation centers, and then through the ULTRA-high voltage channel (DC or AC) to the southeast load center.

Ability of

The radar chart is used to represent the data of generator set registration regulation in various industries and the registration regulation of each generation unit category, and to distinguish the percentage of generation plan execution in different DER periods.

The number of

Make statistics on the proportion of different types of distributed energy, such as aggregated DG, energy storage system, controllable load and electric vehicle, predict the power generation potential and make power generation plans in an orderly manner.

Partition information

As an indispensable part of power system, substation transforms voltage and current, receives and distributes electric energy. The substations marked on the big screen are mainly four types of substations with 110kV and below, including Tingwei Substation, Yuandong Substation, Huangdu Substation, Liantang Substation and other substations in different areas of Shanghai. Click the substation name to display peak cutting and valley filling data. HT realizes the data visualization requirement of cross-platform (desktop Mouse/ mobile Touch/ virtual reality VR) and cross-region management of “virtual power plant”.

Management overview

Power grid load mainly includes rigid load and flexible load. Among them, the rigid load is the load that users must meet in life and work, which cannot accept the regulation of the power grid and has a low degree of control. The generalized flexible load includes elastic load (reducible load), adjustable load (load aggregator), transferable load, and source load (energy storage and electric vehicle).

The data of the number of power generation units and the proportion of power generation capacity of uncontrollable distributed energy, energy storage, controllable energy and controllable load are collected to determine the demand of users for power grid load in different periods, so that users can arrange working time in advance through tOU price to reduce peak electricity consumption.

The statistics of capacity ratio and quantity ratio can be used to determine the capacity of small power generation units in peak load adjustment, power supply for remote users, commercial and residential areas. Distributed power supplies can greatly improve the reliability of power supply and maintain power to critical customers in the event of grid failures and unexpected disasters, such as earthquakes, snowstorms, and sabotage.

Resources to register

Virtual power plant specific information

Tupu software focuses on the visual application field of industrial Internet monitoring operation and maintenance, and facilitates the management of distributed energy by accessing the multi-channel video of DER. Distributed generation system mainly includes: CHP and micro CHP, fuel cell, solar power generation, wind power generation, Stirling engine, reciprocating engine, diesel engine, gasoline engine, etc.

Energy saving effect

One of the main reasons for China’s high electricity consumption is the low energy efficiency of industrial equipment and household appliances. Flexible controllable loads such as central air conditioning and electric vehicles can be monitored in real time. Statistics of power saving, daily power saving, energy saving rate of precision air conditioning at the end, overall energy saving rate of the machine room, and unit load to reduce the frequency of use of high-energy equipment.

Virtual power plant audit management

The huge virtual power plant data can be aggregated in batch in the graphical visualization system. HT for Web can withstand the data volume of ten thousand or even one hundred thousand levels. Different types of virtual power plants have different emphases. Some of them aim to achieve reliable grid connection of DG and power market operation. DG occupies the main component of DER. Some plants are developed based on demand response plan and consider renewable energy utilization, with controllable load as the main component. The virtual power plant suitable for local area should be selected according to the energy distribution during the audit.

Generation unit management

Each power generation unit is connected with real-time data for monitoring, so as to avoid the shutdown of important equipment caused by insufficient power generation and ensure the continuity and stability of power supply.

Real-time condition monitoring

Intelligent metering technology is an important part of virtual power plant and an important basis for virtual power plant to monitor and control DG and controllable load. The most basic function of intelligent metering system is to automatically measure and read the consumption or production of electricity, gas, heat and water in the user’s house, namely Automated Meter Reading (AMR), which provides real-time information of power supply and demand side for the virtual power plant. As AMR evolves, automated metering management and advanced metering systems are capable of remotely measuring real-time user information, managing data reasonably, and sending it to interested parties.

Through the 2D panel and data binding of HT visualization, as well as the statistical way of different types of charts to display the ranking of industrial enterprises in different districts and counties, the potential ranking of industrial enterprises, and the measured load ranking of industrial enterprises, the local power consumers can be distinguished, and they are the main customers of the virtual power plant.

Monitor real-time load, power load factor, load regulation, main transformer, generator set, generator unit capacity, around the user and the system requirements, automatically adjust and optimize the response quality, reduce the investment of the construction of the power sources and power networks, while to create a good comfortable life environment, realize the user and the system, technology and business models of a win-win situation.

Load forecasting

Adding up the power consumed by industry, agriculture, post and telecommunications, transportation, municipal, commercial, and urban and rural residents gives the combined power load of the power system. Load is a random change, whenever the electrical equipment starts or stops there will be corresponding load changes, to some extent can be found with a certain regularity, according to the law can be predicted.

Data query

The quantitative statistics of uncontrollable DG, controllable DG, energy storage and controllable load combined with the network information of commercial virtual power plant (topology structure, restriction conditions, etc.) are conducive to the technical virtual power plant to calculate the contribution that each DER can make in the local system and form the cost and operation characteristics of the technical virtual power plant.

Multi-dimensional load forecasting

Power generation load and electricity load are at both ends of the balance and need to be balanced to protect the interests of both sides. The historical data query of generator sets and virtual power plants can make managers understand the changes of supply and demand in different periods and effectively regulate them. The query interface adopts the event mechanism to partially update the interface, avoiding FPS game mode, too much meaningless interface refresh, and avoiding problems such as desktop lag and hot mobile phone.

Power Generation Task Management

The virtual power plant adopts two-way communication technology, which can not only receive the current state information of each unit, but also send control signals to the control target. Communication technologies used in virtual power plants are mainly Internet-based technologies such as Internet Protocol based services, virtual private networks, power line carrier technology and wireless technologies such as Global System for Mobile Communications/Universal Packet Wireless Service (USM/UPRS) etc.

Price signals

Real-time electricity price and tOU price should be set according to the different components of renewable energy in the virtual power plant. At the same time, it is stipulated that renewable energy power generation should be connected to the grid as far as possible, so as to further improve the current tOU price method and encourage and promote power saving and DG generation by users in peak hours.

Use radar map to distribute planned load of virtual power plant and define planned power generation load.

Excitation signal

Timeline Settings

Certain preferential measures can be taken for the electricity price in the wet season, and the time of the notification period and the running period can be determined according to the historical data to carry out the activities in an orderly manner.

Control mode Setting

Load adjustment mode and control mode statistics, short and medium term demand response event management, can reduce the difference between maximum load and minimum load, so that the load curve graph is relatively flat. The reasonable and planned arrangement of power consumption time of various users can make full use of the capacity of power generation and power supply equipment (main transformer, etc.) and improve the economy of system operation.

Generation task tracing

By tracing back, it can be judged that summer and winter are peak load periods. At this time, if the gas turbine with natural gas as fuel and other cold, heat and electricity triple supply system is adopted, it can not only solve the needs of cooling in summer and heating in winter, but also provide a part of electricity, so it can play a role of peak cutting and valley filling for the power grid. In addition, the peak-valley difference of natural gas supply is partially solved, and the complementary role of natural gas and electricity is played.

Motivational information

Information on load control, orderly electricity consumption, emergency demand response, demand side bidding, capacity/ancillary services can be traced by year. The line and area charts show a comparison of measured and predicted loads over the course of a week, helping forecasters to correct the accuracy of the data.

Power back to quickly search out some important power supply equipment of the actual power supply path, and combined with visual display, clear and intuitive way to show, make the grid personnel can quickly to each important load of power grid power supply channels bao was formed by carding and electricity and equipment sets, as the important load of power supply security tasks provide strong technical support, Moreover, it can help the dispatching personnel to master the power grid structure more comprehensively and quickly, and provide technical guarantee for the safe and stable operation of the power grid.

Demand Response Details

Demand response refers to the situation when the price of electricity market increases (decreases) significantly or the safety and reliability of the system is at risk, power users change their power consumption behavior and reduce (increase) power consumption according to the price signal or incentive measures. The radar chart shows the ratio of response speed, response completion rate, response deviation rate, etc. At the same time, the specific event name and type are displayed to facilitate the statistics of major events.

The proportion of virtual power plant and generator set in demand response capacity shows their response speed, which is an important part of the evaluation of operation and maintenance personnel.

Participate in the virtual power plant list

All kinds of resources in the virtual power plant (compared with the traditional demand response, all kinds of distributed energy are added) automatically receive the demand response signal, control and adjust the electricity consumption through their own energy management system, and report the demand response results automatically. The demand response can realize rapid, efficient and accurate real-time dynamic control of power, and can effectively solve the huge uncertainty caused by renewable energy generation on the power supply side. The list shows the virtual power plants with strong responsiveness.

Preview event curve dynamically displays load changes in notice period, slope period, active period, recovery period, recovery period and end period, which is more intuitive. Through the time axis setting, the consumption time of each period can be understood as the basis for the next operation.

Ordered Electricity Usage Details

Event information shows the preparation stage, execution stage, recovery stage and settlement stage of accidental events. For a certain accidental event, the target control load, target control quantity, actual control load, actual control quantity, event income, start time and end time can be recorded. Make clear the processing flow and required load of such events as a solution for handling such events in the future.

According to different accidental and inevitable events, the proportion of generator sets, the proportion of virtual power plant regulation ability, the list of participating virtual power plants and the proportion of load in the event can be counted to analyze whether the stability of the entire power system.

Operation effect decision

Technical parameter assessment

The regional information of distributed energy in the virtual power plant is clear and easy to manage. The virtual power plant operation system can monitor the load changes of the specific equipment that customers participate in the demand response, and the granularity of the load management work is finer and the response is faster.

Technical parameter assessment of virtual power plant

Virtual power plants start from demand-side response, set revenue incentive differently according to technical parameters, innovate transaction mechanism, and create a new power load scheduling mode. Unified management is conducted according to climbing time, number of participating units, number of online units, climbing speed, response, completion time, electric quantity deviation, load deviation, target control load and actual control load.

Publish unit type rankings

Various forms of energy such as solar energy, wind energy, fuel cell, gas cold, heat and electricity combined power supply, gas fuel and so on are ranked according to power load to select high-quality energy.

Deviation rate assessment

According to the event name, power plant name, date and year name, the HT visualization system can query the data of climbing speed, response amount, completion time, electric quantity deviation, load deviation, target regulated load and actual regulated load, so that the electricity load can be checked.


The most attractive function of the proposed power plant is that it can integrate DER to participate in the operation of the power market and auxiliary service market, and provide management and auxiliary services for the distribution network and transmission network. The solution idea of “virtual power plant” has a very large market potential in China. It is undoubtedly a good choice for China, which is faced with the contradiction of “power shortage and low energy efficiency”.

Although DER aggregation is carried out in the virtual power plant, the current energy storage is basically configured on the “source” side and the “network” side. In order to maximize the use of clean power, smooth the “intermittence, volatility” of clean power and stabilize power supply, energy storage has become the key to solve the problem. The traditional “source network load” power system will be transformed into “source network load storage” power system.

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