Back in the 2019

Time is fleeting, time is hard to catch up with, and 2019 is in a hurry to draw an end.

I spent the first half of the year wandering back and forth between Beijing and Shanghai. I saw Beijing at 6am and Shanghai at 1am. I travelled 2,000 kilometers in a day more than once.

Hurried home from the magic, almost did not catch up with the high-speed train, fortunately met the old driver

I did not forget to stay up late in the hotel to write articles on business trips

After his former employer left the company, he felt grateful that he still felt the world was worth it.

On the first day of the second half of the year, I left my hometown and came to Guangdong.

This year is a year of cognitive improvement. Leaving a familiar place is bound to bring some new experiences. The technology stack has received some updates, such as Skywalking, Cloud Native, vert.x, which I will write about one by one on my blog.

However, I think the biggest change brought to me this year is not a specific technical skill, but a skill that not only programmers can use, but also other professions can use to make their work life balance — GTD.

Maybe you know how to change the world, but don’t know what to do on a rainy afternoon?

Programmer GTD tao and magic

Ashamed to say that, in the second half of the mostly focus on the above, “fix (a)”, “fix (2)”, “fix (3) the” read more than three times, and consulted some GTD online data, combined with their own practice and improve constantly, cooperate with some modern tools I finally figured out a set of their usage patterns. Although it consumed a lot of energy and time, I think the change for my future is very great.

Tool preparation (non-advertising)

  • Tick list
  • Evernote (Youdao Cloud Note, Onenote also available)

Why do I choose these two tools? The reason is relatively simple. In terms of device compatibility and synchronization, these two software are the best two I have ever used

Concept to understand

  • GTD: The name GTD comes from Get Things Done, and it’s really a behavior management approach
  • The principle of GTD: the brain is used to think about how to do things, not to remember things, brain capacity is limited, people’s energy is limited, remember too much, will do too little. So we need to build a second brain to help us remember what we need to do, and what we need to do is to trust our second brain completely, and then figure out a thing and Get Things Done.


The first step in GTD is to collect all of our messy real-world transactions and thoughts swirling around in our heads into the Inbox. As a gamer, I prefer to call it the “warehouse,” into which everything that comes my way is gathered.

The key to this step is: Do empty! Empty! Empty! You have to believe in your system completely for it to be valuable (remember this phrase, it will come up a lot later)

What do I do as a programmer?

  1. Useless things on the desk (though in general, the desktop is no useless stuff), then take out your drawer of all, into a big box (a treasure a lot, also very cheap), I usually use is to rent the apartment to a clothes basket, throw the contents of feeling really good, Try it once and you’ll love it.

  2. As a programmer, I usually go to Zen dao /jira, mail, Confluence/Git, Dingpin, wechat, SMS, etc., to collect some unfinished business and delete the software that I don’t usually use on my computer or phone. Anything of value is recorded and written to a collection box in a ticking list (can’t change the name, damn it!

Praise the convenience of collecting tick lists, the simplicity of the UI, and some cool little features like Siri’s quick addition of tasks, automatic recognition of entered dates, and the ability to select lunar calendar for repeating tasks (this one is awesome for recording birthdays of loved ones).

  1. The third step is to clear some things from my mind. I usually make a reminder list as a list of items in the tick list, and I go through it every time I collect it. Here I have divided my daily tasks into four categories: Work, life, personal and technology (here, due to maintaining the love of technology, technology is separated into a separate category, used to sort out their own shortcomings and skills to learn)

    Work: I divided it into business requirements, technical research, project management, and the other four categories

    Life: I divide it into five categories: entertainment, fitness, daily, travel, family and vacation

    Technology: I will not talk about this in detail, this is more targeted ~ everyone will have their own understanding

    Personal: mainly divided into academic background, blog, English, cognition four categories ~

    I can keep my mind empty by recalling items under these categories and collecting tick lists.

This is the end of the first step of collecting the repository. Keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Don’t take it as a small thing and put it in your head, you have to trust your second brain completely (read this sentence word for word three times!!). Do not search your brain before you do it search your second brain.
  2. Don’t try to accomplish these things while collecting, this is the blood lesson!! If you try to accomplish these things while collecting, you will surely drift off the track and disrupt the rhythm of collecting can be deadly!!

Process (clear meaning)

The second step of GTD is usually called processing, I prefer to call this step: “ask yourself”, when we see the “warehouse” dense material, certainly feel scalp tingling, tingling is very simple, cut the mess!

  • The first step is simple. Ask yourself the first question:What’s this? What does it mean to me?We need one herethinkingTo think about this matter for ourmeaning“, and then writing meaning to our step is the key to whether you can really trust your GTD system. So how do you think about it? Ask yourself the following four questions:
    • What is my desired outcome?
    • Am I determined to achieve it?
    • What’s the next step?
    • What do I need to do next to get there?
  • Second question: Can China take action? ** By actionable, I mean whether the to-do list is a verb or a noun like data.
    • The answer is no. Ask yourself the second question:Is it garbage?
      • The answer is yes, delete it or throw it out of the trash
      • The answer is no, and the third question:Is it electronic?
        • If the answer is no, put it on a bookshelf or somewhere you can easily access and consult
        • The answer is yes, put it on Evernote (or upload it as an attachment if it’s an ebook).
    • Answer yes and ask yourself the fourth question:Should we take action now? What kind of action?Here need to pay attention to, the key word is now, must graspnowThe two words
      • You can put these items into a place called Evernote — a wish list, such as cities you want to visit, things you want to buy, things you want to do, books you want to read, skills you want to learn, etc
      • The answer is yes. Here you goCan be determinedWith so many things you need to do at this stage (usually in the last week), now you need to ask yourself the next question:Is it done by yourself?
        • The answer is no and put it in an Evernote-waiting list
        • If you can do it by yourself, do you think you can do it in one step?Open the web page to search for information about volunteers in Guangzhou
          • If you can’t do it all at once, put it in evernote — Project List
          • If you can do it in one step and within two minutes, do it immediately. If not, put it on evernote next list. I particularly recommend anything that can be done in two minutes, and do it now, because a lot of your stuff can be done in two minutes.

At this point, our second step has come to an end. The materials in our “warehouse” have been processed into several notes in Evernote:

  1. The project list
  2. Callback (Waiting for reply list)
  3. Materials library (evernote and a place to store information that is always available)
  4. Wish list
  5. Next action list

The second step has a few caveats:

  1. Don’t try to do something you can’t do in two minutes while asking yourself.
  2. When you answer questions, be honest with yourself, with your heart, with yourself.


After the second step of a few questions, our backlog are classified into several listing, but if you want to let our system have a good effect, only do the second step is not enough, then we need to just classification to the list of items for further processing, can be turned into executable, specific actions.

  1. First of all, we need to further divided into the next action list, if we promise at some point before or within a certain period of time to do something, so we need to add it to our impression notes – schedule, here also note that schedule is sacred, can’t add, if added to the calendar, We have to get it done.

  2. Then, in this step, we will plan each item in our project list (this may take a long time, but please be patient), find the next action for each item and put it into evernote – Next list.

    So how to make a project plan here? The answer is natural planning

    1. Define goals and principles

      Do one thing, you must know, I’m going to do it, why where is the significance of the matter to me, for I grow up, or what’s the meaning of my life, know what you want, in order to better to achieve, nor from the heart to resist it, will only be true heart to do it.

    2. Looking forward to the results

      It is very simple to predict the result, I need to complete the matter to what extent, applaud the process, pay for the result, only when you really understand what you want to do will achieve a final effect, you will have a direction, will subconsciously to the result.

    3. brainstorming

      You can write out any ideas you have about the result you want. You have to write them out. Don’t let them stay in your mind.

    4. organize

      Organize your ideas in your head. Inexperienced people may feel confused and don’t know how to do this, but it doesn’t matter. Just make a rough list of priorities, and as things move forward, you will gradually improve your project plan.

    5. Define your next course of action

      For example, if I want to learn vert.x, maybe ALL I need to do is open Google and look up some official documents and demos. The key to this step is to make sure it’s an executable action, not a generic noun like: Learning vert.x is not going to help you at all. It’s going to take you a while to think about how you’re going to learn, and it’s going to take a while to think about how you’re going to learn.

  3. Next, we need to consider the question of our vision, principles, values for our life goals, this word is different, no students can slowly fill in the future practice, my life goal is very simple ~ is to make the world a little bit different because of me ~

  4. Then, we can do the final step of moving the evernote list to the tick list, and some of you might wonder why not just go to the tick list, because the tick list is divided by category, and we have to have an overall control mechanism to make sure that we don’t miss anything.

    So how do we migrate?

    1. First, we define two types of tags in terms of space and scene.

    2. Then be sure to attach these labels when importing items from the list, prioritizing our long-term goals, short-term goals and values and visions from the previous step (all of which can be conveniently set in the tick list).

  5. We then set the smart list in the tick list to get a context-specific list ~

  6. It’s also possible to type in repetitive tasks, and lunar repetition is one of the reasons I support ticking lists

  7. If our list of items can be divided into multiple identified steps, it can be set up using the sub-task function of the tick list

  8. Migrate tasks from Evernote – calendar to tick list, set the time and corresponding reminders, and set priority to first

  9. The last step is to add the items in the waiting list to our tick list by the same classification. It is better to use the waiting label before the list, so that we can easily find and customize the smart list to manage.

Our impressions of this process is completed, the listing your except perhaps in the future list and bill of materials have been transferred to our tick list, maybe you will feel this process is very complicated, but if you use the GTD thought to do it, every time we have to do the next step is actually very simple


I have been thinking about myself three times a day. Have I been disloyal to others for their advice? Have I made friends but not believed in them?

If the first three steps were a start in creating our own GTD system, the remaining two steps were to keep the system alive and effective.

Review is one of the GTD system remained active again, this depends on the individual in, if we worked so hard to set up the system without regularly to review, to maintenance, so our system may be effective for a period of time, soon will return to the same, then we should be how to maintain to review our systems, A new concept is to be introduced here — the 50,000-foot theory

  • 50,000 feet — Purpose and core values, the principles and goals of our life, is a very abstract concept that needs to be gradually realized in practice

    • Generally speaking, we can refer to our own life plan. Life plan is actually the same as five-year plan, which will be constantly adjusted as we grow up
    • The frequency varies, usually more than a year, or when we feel the need to further clarify and direct direction, coordinate efforts, and generate momentum.
  • 40,000 feet — Vision. Vision generally refers to a goal and plan that needs to be reached in 3-5 years.

    • The year 2020 is the beginning of a new decade, so we can take this opportunity to make our personal five-year plan. We may be worried that we don’t have a direction or a detailed goal. It doesn’t matter, what we need is a direction.
    • The frequency of retrospection is generally once a year, or when we feel the need to further clarify and direct direction, coordinate efforts, and generate momentum
  • 30,000 feet – Specific short and long term goals, what we hope to achieve in the year ahead in order to achieve our vision.

    • This is usually based on your annual resolutions and goals. If you haven’t made one yet, let’s cheer up for 2020 and make a New Year’s resolution
    • The frequency of reviews is generally summarized and adjusted quarterly
  • 20,000 feet — Area of concern and responsibility. An important area in which a standard of living or working must be maintained in order for life to function properly.

    • There is no specific list for us to refer to, we need to create, what we need to do is that when you see here, now record this thing into your “warehouse”, and then you can refer to easy efficiency time management advocates: Think about your health, family, career, study, wealth, leisure, social life, and productivity. Keep a note and compare it to the current situation in your next review.
    • The frequency of retrospectives is usually once a month, or when there is a major change in the direction of our work, family, or personal life
  • 10,000 feet — project. The result we want to achieve, generally speaking, is that it needs to be implemented in steps, and we want it to be done within a year.

    • The reference list is the general list of all projects, as well as the corresponding project planning developed in the previous step. At this time, the overview of evernote plays a very important role, which can be very convenient to help us do the overview ~
    • Review at this level during weekly reviews, or when we’re looking at our next move but it’s not clear
  • Runway — action, the next action we need to take or are taking to move the project forward, is a single action that needs to be executed

    • The list for general reference is the ticking list and the next action list
    • Do this as many times a day as we can when we’re wondering what to do next

Now we know the frequency of the review and review on the level of six things, then I said to focus on the weekly review what to do, a week’s time is not long not short, for we continue to grow, adjust the direction, if unable to beginners do annual review, quarterly review, so weekly review must be!

Weekly review

  1. Keep fresh. After a week, we may have accumulated a lot of things in the “warehouse” waiting for us to deal with. What we need to do is simply perform a Collect operation to keep our environment and brain fresh.

  2. Kept up to date, check out our next action list, calendar, waiting list, the project list, check the unfinished matters, and is about to enter the work, ready to put the list of projects need to do the next step to tick list, update our list every week, every week is a new start.

  3. Create, check our wish lists, see if there are any that can be achieved next week, take them out and put them into projects, do some natural planning and put them into lists.

    The key point of this step is two words: persistence, persistence to do a review, don’t care about right and wrong in front, there is always a price for trial and error, but we can afford this price for a week, the key is to persist, you will have a new yourself.

Do (execute)

Finally came to our last step, but also the most critical step, implementation, our system is perfect, if we do not execute, everything is useless, so how should we execute?

  1. First, we need to execute the business on our schedule. That’s the first priority.
  2. Then we choose the transaction to complete based on the current time, place, energy, and time available.
  3. If temporary tasks take less than two minutes, do them immediately. If they take longer than two minutes, dump them to the “warehouse” and return to them when you have completed the work at hand (except for something extremely important, such as a production accident)
  4. We made some custom smart lists of tag combinations earlier, and we just did it according to the priority of the list according to different scenarios.
  5. Before doing these things, we can use a mobile phone to tick list high mental action preset a tomato consumption to estimate the clock, and then we start in the implementation of the pomodoro, to prevent our distraction at the same time can also be done to help us to statistical our mental tasks this bad to estimate the time needed for the task of time, So that we can better arrange what we should do when, it is a feedback process.


GTD steps here came to an end, although look more cumbersome, but in fact we have a lot of method have been used in the daily life and work, but here the perfect and series, we cannot manage time, we can do is to manage themselves, this is all the GTD is the key to time management, If we can manage ourselves, we can master the tao of GTD. The art is just a form, and what I have explained above is just the most simple and popular one, which can let friends who have never been in contact with GTD master a direction for entry. Everyone’s habits and hobbies are different, but our goal is the same. That’s Get Things Done.

Outlook 2020,

The above introduction is over, my biggest harvest of 2019, if you feel that you are still not satisfied or have any questions and suggestions, you can follow my official account: “Vi technology blog” or directly add me vx: cm_950825 to discuss.

Let’s talk about the direction of this year


After I came to Guangzhou, I gained more than ten kilograms. I hope I can return these ten kilograms in 2020 and keep them.

Blog update

In 2019, due to some personal reasons, the update frequency of my blog was not very high, so I stopped for a long time. In 2020, my goal is to finish 52 original articles at the end of the year at least once a week. Of course, the more the better in terms of quality assurance


After I came out, I found the importance of English. I have learned part of it in 2019. In 2020, I will improve my English level to make normal communication with foreigners barrier-free, so that I can support a full English interview.


2019 is a year without travel. Due to various reasons, travel plans have been put on hold from the beginning to the end of the year, so let’s at least check in macau, Guangzhou and Singapore in 2020


In terms of technology, I will focus more on basic knowledge, such as computer network and algorithmic data structure, because I am not in the class. (Mainly the reason why I was abused during the interview at Shangtang.) To sum up, there is still a lot to learn and a long way to go


The github project, which I have been putting off for two years, will finally be put on the agenda. The general direction has not been determined yet, but there are several plans. It will be launched after the Lunar New Year.

In 2020, I hope I can make myself stronger. Finally, I would like to give you a paragraph of my favorite words

No ask seton hall

If you know in advance what you have in front of you, it is often frustrating to know that what you have seen and heard is too powerful to think of changing it. But if you had the opportunity to know your life in advance, to know that youth is only for these days, I wonder if you will still care about those things that the world expects you to care about, such as how much is more glorious to have, what to own, to be loved. When you grow up, you will rejoice in the green shoots popping out of the earth, you will cheer and leap at the rising sun, you will give kindness and warmth to others, but you will praise other lives, and often, even forever, you will forget how precious you are. May you remember your preciousness and resist malice when you are struck; May you believe that you are precious when you are lost, love what you love, do what you do and listen to your heart without questionCopy the code

The resources

Getting It Done ⅲ — The Art of Work-Life Balance

No Questions asked

Ramble about two sentences

If you can stick to see this paragraph, it means that you at least as good as me, ha ha ha ha, a joke, this article is half a year ago I began to conceive, write was two weeks ago, prepared for a long time, a magnificently wrote more than seven thousand words, prepared nearly 30 picture, only in order to help my readers in the new decade can be more efficient to earn money, more efficient life.

If it is helpful to you, please give me a thumbs up + attention, also can be regarded as an encouragement for my hard work in these two weeks ~

Finally, may we run in love to welcome the next decade

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