This article will introduce the use of several common tags

A tag (a tag defines hyperlinks that are used to link from one page to another.)

  1. Value of href attribute:

    (1) site:,, //

    /a/b/c and a/b/c index.html and./index.html

    ③ Pseudo protocol: javascript:; “Mailto” : goes to the relevant email address. “tel” : goes to the phone call page

    (ID: # XXX, jump to the corresponding ID element
  2. Value of the target attribute:
    1. _blank: After clicking on it, open a separate page to open the url
    2. _top: opens the linked document in the entire window
    3. _parent: Loads the linked file into the parent frameset or parent window that contains the linked frame. If the frame containing the link is not nested, the linked file is loaded in the browser’s full-screen window.
    4. _self: Opens the linked document in the same frame or window. This parameter is the default.

Table label

Table: Usually includes three tags.

  • Tr represents a row, TH represents a table header, and TD represents the data in a row. Tr usually contains td, which represents the data in the row.
  • table-layoutProperty: Auto fixed autu is to adjust the width according to the content, while fixed is the average width, width is the same.
  • border-collapse: controls whether tables are merged. Value equal to collapse indicates merge.
  • border-spacing: Sets the width between tables.

Img tags

  • Function: Make a GET request to display a picture.
  • Alt (when the image cannot be displayed, prompts the image content in text form)
  • Img image width and height set one, the other will be proportional to the change, do not set both at the same time to distort the image.
  • Max-width :100% width:100% width:100%


Learning HTML is a little easier than I thought, but it takes a little more patience to remember! The way ahead is so long without ending, yet high and low I’ll search with my will unbending.