
Believe that a lot of research and development of junior partner for product managers have higher expectations, particularly in terms of demand management, because most of the meaningless to work overtime, basic it is demand management chaos, as a product manager, effective method of management requirements must be clear, is also of its own should have relevant skills.

Note: The main content of this article is compiled from the book From Idea to Product, but it has been simplified to make it easier to understand and get started.

Lifecycle of requirements

Phase of obtaining requirements

Records at any time

Whenever you hear any requirements, you need to record them for easy sorting and backtracking, even if it’s a one-sentence requirement.

Of course, for serious product managers, there is a more technical term called “product requirements pool.”

Determine the importance of requirements

Have a preliminary judgment of the importance of the requirements themselves, and can simply classify them according to new features, experience optimization, abnormal bugs, functional bugs, etc.

Generally speaking, the highest priority is the bug caused by the mainstream online business, which will lead to the main process blockage or the loss of user rights and interests.

And the lowest priority for some insensitive text display, user experience is agile, convenient and so on.

Consider sources of demand

When a requirement is received, it is important to consider the impact of the source on the requirement itself, whether the source is a real requirement from the user, or whether it is limited to the conjecture of the development team or superiors.

If the parts are not required by the users, you can ignore them.

Understand the background of requirements

The requirement background is why this requirement is done, and there are three main types of requirements that should not be met:

  • Not giving a clear reason
  • Can’t articulate the logic of the requirement itself
  • Do not meet the real needs of users, just intention

Note: Always remember that it is more meaningful to figure out if a need is meaningful than to act on it directly.

Demand for the CARDS

When you receive a requirement, you need a good record, so this article provides a requirement record format to quickly organize the valid requirements you have collected.

Name of demand One sentence description of requirements (in 5W3H basic format)
Demand background Detail what the requirements are and what they are intended to solve
Requirements describe For this requirement, rough requirements segmentation, there are several segmentation requirements
precondition Conditions met
postconditions Conditions to be met for subsequent operations
The solution Provide solutions for each segment requirement

Discussion and design phase

The requirements in the requirements pool should be discussed at regular intervals and then prioritized. The default priority ranges from P0-P3.

Requirement priority describe
p0 Urgent, critical needs that must be met and cannot be deferred
p1 Major process features or serious bugs, must be completed, the split part completed
p2 Do not affect the main process main business bug or function, strive to complete, time is not enough, can be postponed
p3 Interactive experience optimization, copywriting optimization, do not require, can be postponed

Note: In project management or testing, the priority of reference should be set according to the priority of requirements to make the whole process more controllable.

Four quadrants of urgency and importance

Important and urgent first, important and not urgent second, unimportant and urgent third, unimportant and not urgent last.

The KANO model

Evaluate from an emotional point of view how a need is, whether it is a must or an option.

With/without happy It doesn’t matter Not happy
happy contradiction pleasantly surprised Looking forward to
It doesn’t matter error Has nothing to do necessary
Not happy error error contradiction

Draft plan

Follow up the first stage requirement cards and provide product interaction solutions for each segment requirement

Specify responsible persons and time nodes

Assign a product owner for each requirement, which can be divided by module, but is not fixed. Provide a deadline for the specific implementation of each requirement, and move to the next stage when the requirements are refined enough to be developed.

Therefore, you need to add the requirements leader and the deadline for the first draft of the requirements to your requirements card.

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How to become a product manager