Add the following code to the main.js file (importing the iView Spin component to expose global public methods) :

iviewthe SpinComponent…

import { Spin  } from iview;
Vue.prototype.$Spin= Spin; /** * @todo loading method, this. ShowSpinLoading (message); * @ param load message prompt words * / Vue. Prototype. ShowSpinLoading =function (message){
		render: (h) => {
			return h('div', [
				h('Icon', {
					'class': 'demo-spin-icon-load',
					props: {
						type: 'ios-loop-strong',
						size: 50
				h('div', {
					style: {
						fontSize: '20px', }, },message) ]) } }); } /** * @todo to hide the loading method by calling this.hidespinloading (); */ Vue.prototype.hideSpinLoading =function (){
Copy the code

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