Said many interview skills, today qianfeng and every programmer to talk about something easy, but also apply for a very key step – resume. Many students, especially those in the IT industry, worry that the interviewer is not fully aware of your skills. However, “beautiful” is “beautiful”, if there are several situations, the company may “send you to leave, outside the company door”!

First, the job is being offered to everyone. Of course, the resume is the first step, some students in a company to take a wide net, from interns, assistants to senior designers, product managers all cast again, and even completely with their own jobs are not let go, this is to the company “fishing” to or you love this company deeply?

Second, list the awards. Such students are not a few, the poor on the wall of their own home awards have moved over, such as “XX primary school yo-yo contest first prize”, “XX middle school campus singer contest second prize”, “XX university excellent scholarship”… I advise you that HR won’t even look at this kind of awards that are totally irrelevant to your major!

Third, skills are all “proficient”. Some programmer students think they are omnipotent, “experienced, codified, efficiency horrible, Java, H5 omnipotent, proficient in various frameworks” HR sees this description, heart thought: my god, such an omnipotent god, how come you are not in heaven! Even if each programmer mastered the skill of very skilled, also want to express in the text a little bit more modest!

Fourth, full of mistakes and inconsistencies. For example: “Objective: Not planning to change jobs for a year; Work Experience: 2016.01-2016.08 Tencent, 2017.02-2017.10 Baidu “. The student really when HR eyes bad, you know that HR read countless resumes every day, that level with the college entrance examination marking teacher some struggle. So rigorous and rigorous, remember: wrong words do not appear, professional mistakes do not appear, all kinds of terms, nouns do not make mistakes!

There are a lot of things to pay attention to when writing a resume, but I won’t list them here. In a word, remember: in order to stand out, the most important thing is to be practical and rigorous. Perhaps the highlight HR wants is only a project experience, a work, and a unique advantage. Directly grasp the recruitment pain point of each company, to find a good job is no longer just superficial efforts!