This is the second day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge 2021


By default, useEffect executes asynchronously at the end of each rendering round. Unlike Class Component componentDidUpdate and componentDidMount, which execute synchronously after rendering, useEffect does not block browser rendering.


UseLayoutEffect works almost as well as useEffect, except that useLayoutEffect is executed synchronously, just like componentDidUpdate and componentDidMount. These changes are executed immediately before the browser renders them.

Usage scenarios

UseEffect is used almost 99% of the time on the project.

The scene of a

  • If the component has a flash during a state update: the initial state value is displayed, and then the updated value is displayed, with a very short interval between changes, the interaction will look like a flashuseEffectReplace withuseLayoutEffect.
  • And that’s because,useLayoutEffectIs to execute its callback function (which blocks page rendering) synchronously before the update is ready to complete, whileuseLayoutEffectThere are also internal operations that trigger component updates, so the initial state is virtualDOMThe value of is updated twice before it is updated to trueDOM, and finally shows only one updateDOMThe effect is to reduce the consumption of backflow or redrawing of the real DOM, so there is no flicker. The following code:
    import React, {
    } from 'react';
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

    const BlinkyRender = () = > {
      const [value, setValue] = useState(0);

      useLayoutEffect(() = > {
        if (value === 0) {
          setValue(10 + Math.random() * 200);
      }, [value]);

      return (
        <div onClick={()= > setValue(0)}>
          value: {value}

      <BlinkyRender />.document.querySelector('#root'));Copy the code

Scenario 2

Before any other code runs that might update a variable (such as ref), if you want to access the current value of the variable, use useLayoutEffect, as in the following example:

    const ref = React.useRef()
    React.useEffect(() = > {
      ref.current = 'new value' // The code that affects ref updates

    React.useLayoutEffect(() = > {
      console.log(ref.current) // Get the value before update instead of "new value"
Copy the code


  • Most of the99%The case is non-blocking using asynchronous executionuseEffect, the user can see it fasterDOMupdate
  • It is not recommended for use except in special casesuseLayoutEffect
  • useLayoutEffectThe execution time of theDOMThe update is executed before the browser completes rendering (drawing)


useEffect vs useLayoutEffect

When to useLayoutEffect Instead of useEffect