An Ali engineer joked that he had 5 years’ experience working at BAT, but failed in the algorithm when he applied for Hulu.

Obviously have many years of experience in large factories, why still want to find a job when job-hopping, facing the algorithm examination questions?

01 Why are big Internet companies doing algorithms?

Not only Hulu, but also Baidu, Ali, Tencent, Toutiao, Didi and other domestic first and second tier Internet companies, all take algorithm as the most important interview assessment point. In an interview, algorithms are more or less always tested.

Nowadays, brushing questions has become a fashion. Don’t say just graduated white, is has worked for a few years of programmers a brush is a few months, in addition to their own single-handed brush, there are “nine chapter algorithm class” and other kinds of algorithm tutorial class……

Why do Internet companies like face algorithms so much? One of Ali’s interviewers put it this way:

Take an examination of the algorithm, is to a programmer basic literacy assessment. If your Coding ability is not up to standard, no company will hire you no matter how much experience you have.

Once that’s over, however, your work experience begins to become an important watershed. A 10 years of experience, the title seconds a bit slow, can also easily get ali P7-8.

So work experience is very important, but brushing is also a very scientific indicator of hiring.

Is the algorithm tutorial class that all programmers are taking effective?

To help programmers avoid detour in algorithm interviews, the nine chapter algorithm has been on this road for six years.

As the first and most classic course of nine-chapter algorithm, it has enjoyed a good reputation in the six years since it was opened in 2013. “Nine chapter algorithm class” this course, can be said to be programmers IT job hunting “required course”.

1. Brushing 5 times is not as good as passing the “Nine Chapter Algorithm Class” once

Linghu Chong, the founder of “Nine Chapters Algorithm” and the speaker of “Nine Chapters Algorithm Class”, graduated from The computer major of Peking University, and was recommended to Peking University for the national gold medal in algorithm competition. After graduation, he worked for Facebook, Google and other companies in the United States for 5 years in technology development.

Why do you want to do such a remedial class? Linghu Chong said:

When I first arrived in the US in 2014, I found that Indians often group together to find jobs and felt that Chinese people could help each other and gain a place in the US.

Since I am an algorithm competition professional, the major IT companies in Silicon Valley are focused on algorithm interviews, so I thought I would use my expertise to do something.

Unexpectedly, all the students found their favorite offers after the class and constantly recommended the courses to their friends. And that’s where we are.

Even people who have brushed hundreds of questions often feel “enlightened” in the “Nine Chapter Algorithm class”. The reason is very simple, the main teacher is an algorithm competition background, brush more than 2000 questions, summed up the “routine” and “template” can not brush hundreds of people.

From data structure foundation to binary tree, red black tree, hash table, Mr. Ling Hu can explain every algorithm details in place. Let you build your own data structure knowledge network from the bottom up to the practice.

2. Get to know your future colleagues and silicon Valley elites ahead of time

The nine-chapter Algorithm class has been open for five years and has a very wide radiation range. A recent snoop among Google colleagues in Shanghai revealed that they had all read or listened to The Nine-Chapter Algorithm.

Here, there are engineers working in Facebook, Google, Amazon, Uber, Linkedin, Airbnb and Slack as your teachers, and there are graduates from Tsinghua University, Peking University and CMU to guide you.

More your future colleagues, here to do together, learn.

Free course experience

The most confident course, dare to completely open free audition

Algorithm Bug Free’s secret

How to understand what the interviewer will test me on

How to prepare for an algorithmic interview in a month

Free experience time

April 12, 9:30am Beijing time (this Sunday, don’t miss it!)

How to sign up

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