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Make the world a better place by using my programming skills or making a lot of money by typing code


Run B2C (Beggar to Citizen) and create a business model that turns beggars into working legal citizens.

Giving the poor refrigerators, TVS, and gold won’t alleviate their poverty, but teaching them how to make money will certainly put them on the fast track from survival to life.

My model is to buy lots of 10 to 100 acres and hire only beggars to work. What is grown on these farms will become their food. They will also be given clothes, and I will have a small team of tailors sewing them up, as well as a temporary shelter patched up with coconut leaves. After a few months, get them jobs in industries that need workers. Find the next batch of beggars and repeat the process.

In this way, we teach beggars how to work, how to earn food, and send them to other places where workers are needed, lifting them out of the poverty line and filling gaps in industries that need manpower. In the true sense of the word, we turn beggars into citizens.


Build websites that make the world a better place, like Quora, LintCode, etc.


With the ability to destroy the world.


There are no bugs when running code after programming.


When you type code, every time you type some new code, the whole code can evaluate itself immediately.


To enable creatures throughout the universe to communicate, including but not limited to text, conversation, computers, and instant travel.


Batman’s computer system: Batman’s computer is so powerful that he can easily do anything he wants with his system, such as simulation, pattern recognition, etc.


My own JARVIS: Create my own JARVIS. Jarvis is unique as an AI, able to communicate with other AI and understand everything his master Iron Man says (though how he is trained is never revealed).


A lazy, arrogant person with the intelligence to solve any mystery.



Write a program or a simple piece of code, like Email or whatsapp, that everyone can use.


Be able to figure out every time a program works and why it doesn’t.


One day you can make a hit game.


A creature called the project manager disappeared completely.


The computer virus no longer exists.


When you’re programming, you know at the end of the day what you wanted to write in the first place.


Being able to sleep well.


To take off the list.

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