There are a lot of great one-click deployment tools like Jenkins on the market, but the company’s front-end deployment is still in the slash-and-burn era (SFTP visual tool for uploading and deleting files).

Today I just have time to learn something about shell scripts and make a script for one-click deployment project.

Let’s cut to the chase

1. Upload files

UploadFile. Sh file

#! /bin/bash
ip="Server IP"
password="Server password"
local_dir="Absolute path to project directory" #eg: /Users/geekchen/Desktop/juejin/
remote_dir="The absolute path to upload to the server" #/web/juejin/
opt_type="dir" #dir or file Type of upload: entire directory or file

chmod +x # add command. Sh to command

./ ${local_dir} root ${ip} ${remote_dir} ${password} ${opt_type} Note: This is the default root identity, if other identities, please modify the second parameter above
Copy the code

The command. Sh file

#! /usr/bin/expect

if {$argc < 2} {
    send_user "usage: $argv0 src_file username host_ip dest_file password\n"

set src_file [lindex $argv 0] The receiving parameters are the same as below
set username [lindex $argv 1]
set host_ip [lindex $argv 2]
set dest_file [lindex $argv 3]
set password [lindex $argv 4]
set opt_type [lindex $argv 5]
set timeout 60

if { "$opt_type"= ="dir" } { 
    spawn scp -r $src_file $username@$host_ip:$dest_file # use SCP protocol for upload
    expect {
        "Connection refused" exit
        "continue connecting" {send "yes\r"; exp_continue}"password:" {send "$password\r"; exp_continue} eof } } elseif {"$opt_type"= ="file" } {
    spawn scp $src_file $username@$host_ip:$dest_file # use SCP protocol for upload
    expect {
        "Connection refused" exit
        "continue connecting" {send "yes\r"; exp_continue}"password:" {send "$password\r"; exp_continue} eof } }exit
Copy the code

How to eat: Ready to eat out of the box

Place the above two scripts in the same directory, open the terminal in the current directory, and enter

Copy the code

Wait until the upload is complete

2. Delete files

Delete_file. Sh file

#! /bin/bash
ip="Server IP"
password="Server password"
file_delete="Folder path on remote server to delete" #/web/juejin/

chmod +x # add command. Sh to command

./ root ${ip} ${password} ${file_delete}Note: This is the default root identity, if other identities, please modify the first parameter above

    echo "./ root ${ip} ${password} error!"
    exit 1

exit 0
Copy the code

The command. Sh file

#! /usr/bin/expect

if {$argc < 2} {
    send_user "usage: $argv0 username host_ip password\n"

set username [lindex $argv 0]
set host_ip [lindex $argv 1]
set password [lindex $argv 2]
set file_delete [lindex $argv 3]
set timeout 15

spawn ssh $username@$host_ip
expect {
    "Connection refused" exit
    "continue connecting" {send "yes\r"; exp_continue}"password:" {send "$password\r"; exp_continue} eof } expect"#"
send "rm -rf ${file_delete}\r" 
expect eof
Copy the code

How to eat: Ready to eat out of the box

Place the above two scripts in the same directory, open the terminal in the current directory, and enter

Copy the code

Wait until the deletion is complete

Note: With the fortress is not available.

It is the first time to write blog, welcome to study together, mention issue, merge new functions. 😝