The little ant says:

At the 5th World Internet Conference – ARTIFICIAL Intelligence: New Opportunities for Integrated Development forum on November 8, Qi Yuan, vice president and chief data scientist of Ant Financial, said THAT AI can control risks, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and improve user experience.

On November 8, the 5th World Internet Conference – Artificial Intelligence: New Opportunities for Integrated Development forum was successfully held. Qi Yuan, vice president and chief data scientist of Ant Financial, presented his wonderful views on AI. This article is an excellent summary.

Qi Yuan, Vice president and chief data scientist of Ant Financial (first from right)

Qiyuan cited Ant Financial as an example of how AI is important. First, AI can control risk, which is at the heart of finance. Second, AI can improve efficiency and reduce costs. Third, AI can improve the user experience.

As for the value of AI in these three aspects, qi far used examples to prove.

First of all, from the perspective of risk control, transaction risk and loan risk can be controlled by AI. Ant Financial’s Weidai 310 model is a good example of risk control through AI. “With AI, Ant Financial can apply for a loan in three seconds and make a decision in one second with zero labor. Ant Financial uses its own AI technology to analyze lending problems from multiple dimensions, such as correlation and user data, and combine these data for analysis.” Lacquer far indicated.

Ant Financial displayed the fixed loss treasure at the “Light of the Internet” expo

Second, from the perspective of cost reduction and efficiency improvement, Ant Financial has a classic example, that is, loss bao. By analyzing photos with computer vision technology, maintenance costs of damaged vehicles can be assessed and determined. This process is completed through deep learning and machine learning. Qiyuan said dingzuo Bao was launched in June 2017, saving more than 1 billion yuan in labor costs a year. The biggest value of AI technology in this is to turn “a very long and painful human process into a fully automated computer vision problem”.

Third, from the perspective of user experience. At present, ant Financial has built more than 97% intelligent customer service through AI technology “robots”. These “robots” outperformed people on several measures.

The challenge in AI development is convergence and co-creation, so Ant Financial wants to open up its AI technology to the outside world, Qi said. Before, Ant Financial cooperated with Zhonghe Rural Credit In a national poverty alleviation project, and opened AI technology. Under the condition of shared learning, the risk control ability of Zhonghe Rural Credit was greatly improved, and the digital loan business was fully guaranteed, realizing the role of 1+1>2.

Regarding the future of AI, Chiyuan believes that AI technology has just begun, and there are still many questions to be solved in the process of development. For example, what is the goal of AI development? How do you make AI universal? In the long run, this determines how AI can change society as a whole.

The key thing about AI, Chizhiyuan points out, is that the current talk is about individual intelligence, but the real intelligence is an organization. “Swarm intelligence is critical, for example, driverless cars, smart navigation, it’s not a car behind it, it’s a city behind it, and what kind of impact it has behind it, it’s critical.” Lacquer far indicated.