IOS has two types of certificates and description files:

Certificate type Usage scenarios
Development certificates and description files For development testing, packaged in HBuilderX and passed in a real machine environmentSafari debug
Distribute certificates and description files For AppStore submission, submit the cloud package in HBuilderX and then submit it to AppStore for approval release

Prepare the environment

  • Must have an Apple Developer account and be enrolled in the iOS Developer Program.
  • Mac OS 10.9 or later (not required if you have applied for a P12 certificate)

Log in to the iOS Dev Center

Open the iOS Dev Center. Log in to the iOS Dev Center using your Apple developer account:

Let’s learn from the beginning how to apply for a development certificate, publish a certificate and the corresponding description file.

First, you need to apply for an Apple App ID (unique identifier of the App).

If you have already applied, skip this section

Select the page’s “Identifiers” to see all the App Identifiers you’ve applied for, and click the plus sign on the page to create a new App identifier:

Note: In HBuilderX, this Bundle ID is entered in the AppID bar when the App submits the cloud package

Next, select the service your App needs to use (if it needs to use Push Notifications, select “Push Notifications”), and click “Continue”

Now that the App ID has been created, it is time to create the development certificate. Before creating the development certificate, you need to create the certificate request file

Generate a certificate request file

To apply for a Development certificate or to distribute a Distribution certificate, you need to use the certificate Request file. CertSigningRequest file is generated using keychain Access tool on the Mac OS.

Search for keystring in Spltlight Search and open the Keystring Access tool:

Apply for a Development certificate and description document

The Development certificate and the corresponding description file are used for the Development phase. The App can be installed directly on the mobile phone. A description file can be bound to a maximum of 100 test devices (the Development certificate cannot be used to publish the App to the App Store).

Apply for a Development certificate

On the Certificate Management page, select “Certificates” to view all the Certificates you have applied for (TYPE: Development for Development, Distribution for Distribution) and click the plus sign on the page to create a new certificate:

So far, we have completed the production of the development certificate (obtained the certificate file of XXX.p12). Next, we will continue to generate the description file required by the development stage. Before generating the description file, we need to add debugging devices (iPhone and iPad).

Adding a Debugging Device

The development description file must be bound to debugging devices. Only authorized devices can install App directly. Therefore, add debugging devices before applying for the development description file. (Skip this section if devices have been added.)

On the certificate Management page, select Devices to view information about all added Devices. Click the plus sign on the page to add a new device:

To obtain the UDID of the device, connect the device to the computer, start iTunes, click this area to switch the DISPLAY of the UDID of the device, right-click and choose Copy

Application for Development description documents

On the Certificate Management page, select “Profiles” to view all applied profile files. Click the plus sign on the page to add a new profile:

Now that we have obtained the development certificate (.p12) and the corresponding description file (.mobileprovision), how to make the release certificate and the release description file

Apply for a Distribution certificate and description file

The Production certificate is used in a formal release environment for submission to the Appstore for approval. Ipas packaged with release certificates cannot be installed directly on mobile phones

Apply to publish the Production certificate

On the Certificate Management page, select “Certificates” to view all the Certificates you have applied for (TYPE: Development for Development, Distribution for Distribution) and click the plus sign on the page to create a new certificate:

At this point, we have completed the production of the release certificate (got the XXX.p12 certificate file), and continue to generate the release description file

Apply for a Distribution description file

On the Certificate Management page, select “Profiles” to view all applied profile files. Click the plus sign on the page to add a new profile:

So far, we have obtained the publishing certificate (.p12) and the corresponding publishing description file (.mobileprovision).

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