Curl localhost:9200 curl localhost:9200

Mysql > select * from ‘mysql’

The field types are ingeger,keyword

    "term": { "field":111}}Copy the code

The field type is text

    "match": { "field":"value"}}Copy the code

“Like” in mysql multi-keyword fuzzy query

{"multi_match": {"query": "search for a word, or a keyword ", "type": "best_fields", "fields": ["field1^3", "field2"], "tie_breaker": 0.3}},Copy the code

Normally the best_fields type uses the score of the single best matching field, but if tie_breaker is specified, then it calculates the score as follows:

the score from the best matching field plus tie_breaker *_score for all other matching fields

Normally, the best_fields type uses the score of a single best-matched field, but if tie_breaker is specified, it calculates the score as follows:

Score for best matching field + tie_breaker *_score (for all other matching fields)

Es uses THE IK Chinese word segmentation plug-in, can achieve word segmentation query, synonyms query and other functions.

Mysql > select * from ‘in’

        "terms": {
          "username": ["Zhang"."Bill"]}}Copy the code

“Distance” in mysql

"Geo_distance" : {" short ":" 20 km, "" distance_type" : "plane", "location" : {" lat ":" 41.024124 ", "says lon" : "12.212352"}}Copy the code

To query data within 20km, the type of the location field is geo_point

Mysql doesn’t have any ready-made functions, so you have to implement them in meters

    select 6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(
                            SIN( ( :lat * PI(a) /180 - shop_lat * PI(a) /180 ) / 2  ),
                        ) + COS(:lat * PI(a) /180) * COS(shop_lat * PI(a) /180) * POW(
                            SIN( (  :lng * PI(a) /180 - shop_lng * PI(a) /180 ) / 2  ),  2))) *1000
               AS distance
Copy the code

Aggregation Aggregation

Es’s aggregation is powerful and enables many complex queries through nested aggregation

Copy the code

“Group by” Group query

Terms aggregation method

              "terms": {
                  "field": "group1"."size": 10."order": {
                    "score_title": "desc"."score_price": "asc"}}}Copy the code

This method does not support paging. To paging, use composite aggregation

{ "group1": "composite":{ "sources" : [ { "group1": { "terms" : { "field": "group1" } } } ], "size": 1, # = 0 limit "after": 0 # = 0 offset "aggs":{"items": {"top_hits": { (" * "), # show all fields "size" : "5", "sort" : {# for each items in the order "_score" : {" order ":" desc} ", "price" : {" order ": "asc" } } } } } } }Copy the code

“Count | sum | Max” in mysql query statistics

Various data can be counted by adding sub-aggregations to aggregation, such as the total price

    "score_price": {
        "sum": {
          "field": "price"
Copy the code

Statistical keywords Score

      "score_title": {
        "max": {
          "script": {
            "source": "_score"
Copy the code

Statistical distance (toDO gets distance value)

      "distance": {
        "geo_distance": {
          "field": "location",
          "origin": "todo",
          "distance_type" : "plane",
          "ranges": [
              "to": 100000
        "aggs": {
          "distance_value": {
            "max": {
              "script": {
                "source": "_score"
Copy the code

“Order by” in mysql

This is achieved by subaggregation +bucket_sort

"agggs":{ ... "My_sort" : {" bucket_sort ": {" sort" : {" score_title ":" desc ", # defined above aggration "score_price" : "asc"}}}.}Copy the code