The OpenGit_Flutter project is a common library

The OpenGit common library currently consists of three parts

  • Basic UI library (Flutter_base_UI);
  • Common utility class library (flutter_common_util);
  • Install APK plug-in.

Basic UI library

BloC and MVP basic package

For details, please refer to the attempts of MVC, MVP, BloC and Redux on Flutter

Basic Style is provided

The main color, as shown in the code below

class YZColors {
  static const int miWhite = 0xFFF4F5F6;

  static const int white = 0xFFFFFFFF;

  static const int mainBackgroundColor = miWhite;

  static const int textColor = 0xFF081530;
  static const int t65TextColor = 0xA6081530;
  static const int subTextColor = 0xFF8C939F;
  static const int textColorWhite = white;

  static const int redPointColor = 0xFFED5E4B;
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The main text style is shown in the code below

class YZStyle {
  static const lagerTextSize = 30.0;
  static const bigTextSize = 23.0;
  static const normalTextSize = 18.0;
  static const middleTextWhiteSize = 16.0;
  static const smallTextSize = 14.0;
  static const minTextSize = 12.0;

  static const minSubText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.subTextColor),
    fontSize: minTextSize,

  static const minText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: minTextSize,

  static const smallTextWhite = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColorWhite),
    fontSize: smallTextSize,

  static const smallText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: smallTextSize,

  static const smallTextT65 = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.t65TextColor),
    fontSize: smallTextSize,

  static const smallTextBold = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: smallTextSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  static const smallSubText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.subTextColor),
    fontSize: smallTextSize,

  static const middleText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: middleTextWhiteSize,

  static const middleTextWhite = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColorWhite),
    fontSize: middleTextWhiteSize,

  static const middleSubText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.subTextColor),
    fontSize: middleTextWhiteSize,
  static const middleTextBold = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: middleTextWhiteSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  static const middleTextWhiteBold = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColorWhite),
    fontSize: middleTextWhiteSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  static const middleSubTextBold = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.subTextColor),
    fontSize: middleTextWhiteSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  static const normalText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: normalTextSize,

  static const normalTextBold = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: normalTextSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  static const normalSubText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.subTextColor),
    fontSize: normalTextSize,

  static const normalTextWhite = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColorWhite),
    fontSize: normalTextSize,

  static const normalTextMitWhiteBold = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.miWhite),
    fontSize: normalTextSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  static const largeText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: bigTextSize,

  static const largeTextBold = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: bigTextSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  static const largeTextWhite = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColorWhite),
    fontSize: bigTextSize,

  static const largeTextWhiteBold = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColorWhite),
    fontSize: bigTextSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  static const largeLargeTextWhite = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColorWhite),
    fontSize: lagerTextSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  static const largeLargeText = TextStyle(
    fontFamily: YZFonts.montserrat_font_family,
    color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
    fontSize: lagerTextSize,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
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The main font, as shown in the code below

class YZFonts {
  static const String montserrat_font_family = 'Montserrat';
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Main image size, as shown in the code below

class YZSize {
  static const SMALL_IMAGE_SIZE = 18.0;
  static const NORMAL_IMAGE_SIZE = 24.0;
  static const BIG_IMAGE_SIZE = 36.0;
  static const LARGE_IMAGE_SIZE = 48.0;
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Based on the Widget

Image browsing Widget

Support for loading network images, as shown in the code below

class PhotoViewPage extends StatelessWidget {
  final String title;
  final String url;

  PhotoViewPage(this.title, this.url);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        centerTitle: true,
        title: Text(
          style: YZStyle.normalTextWhite,
      body: Container(
        child: PhotoView(
          imageProvider: NetworkImage(url),
          loadingChild: Container(
            child: Stack(
              children: <Widget>[
                    child: ImageUtil.getImage(
                  child: SpinKitCircle(color: Colors.white30, size: 25.0() [() [() [() [() [() [() [() [() }}Copy the code

H5 Web page loading Widget

Support h5 link loading, system browser opening and sharing functions, as shown in the code below

typedef OnWillPop = void Function(BuildContext context);

class WebViewPage extends StatefulWidget {
  final String title;
  final String url;
  final OnWillPop onWillPop;

  const WebViewPage({Key key, this.title, this.url, this.onWillPop: null})
      : super(key: key);

  State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
    return_WebViewState(); }}class _WebViewState extends State<WebViewPage> {
  bool _isLoading = true;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    returnWillPopScope( child: Scaffold( appBar: widget.onWillPop ! =null
            ? null
            : AppBar(
                centerTitle: true,
                title: Text(
                  maxLines: 1,
                  overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                  style: YZStyle.normalTextWhite,
                actions: <Widget>[
                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                    onSelected: _onPopSelected,
                    itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) =>
                          _getPopupMenuItem('browser', Icons.language, 'Browser open'),
                          _getPopupMenuItem('share', Icons.share, 'sharing'),
        body: Stack(
          children: <Widget>[
            CommonUtil.getLoading(context, _isLoading),
      onWillPop: () {
        if(widget.onWillPop ! =null) {
          return Future.value(false);
        } else {
          return Future.value(true); }}); } Widget _buildWebView() {return WebView(
      onWebViewCreated: (WebViewController webViewController) {},
      initialUrl: widget.url,
      javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
      onPageFinished: (url) {
        setState(() {
          _isLoading = false; }); }); } PopupMenuItem _getPopupMenuItem(String value, IconData icon, String title) {
    return PopupMenuItem<String>(
      value: value,
      child: ListTile(
        contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
        dense: false,
        title: Container(
          child: Row(
            children: <Widget>[
                color: Color(YZColors.textColor),
                size: 22.0,
                width: 5.0,
                style: YZStyle.middleText,

  void _onPopSelected(String value) {
    switch (value) {
      case "browser":
        _launchInBrowser(widget.url, title: widget.title);
      case 'share':

  Future<Null> _launchInBrowser(String url, {String title}) async {
    if (await canLaunch(url)) {
      await launch(url, forceSafariVC: false, forceWebView: false);
    } else {
      throw 'Could not launch $url'; }}}Copy the code

The SideBar SideBar

See article Flutter SideBar control -SideBar for details

Common tool class library

Color Utility (ColorUtil)

/ / STR - > color (0 x000000, 0 xff000000, # 000000)
Color color = ColorUtil.str2Color('0xff000000');
String color = ColorUtil.color2RGB(_currentColor);
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Date utility class (DateUtil)

/ / / today HH: mm
/ / / yesterday HH: mm
// what day of the week is HH:mm
///MM-dd HH:mm
///yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
String date = DateUtil.getMultiDateStr(item.createdAt);

/// Supported time format
enum DateFormat {
  yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss, //yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm, //yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
  yyyy_MM_dd, //yyyy-MM-dd
  yyyy_MM, //yyyy-MM
  MM_dd, //MM-dd
  MM_dd_HH_mm, //MM-dd HH:mm
  HH_mm_ss, //HH:mm:ss
  HH_mm, //HH:mm

  ZH_yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss, // YYYY year MM month DD day HH MM minute ss second
  ZH_yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm, // YYYY Year MM month DD day HH MM minute
  ZH_yyyy_MM_dd, // YYYY MM month DD date
  ZH_yyyy_MM, From MM/yyyy
  ZH_MM_dd, On the dd/MM
  ZH_MM_dd_HH_mm, //MM month DD day HH MM
  ZH_HH_mm_ss, //HH mm minute ss second
  ZH_HH_mm, / / HH mm points
String date = DateUtil.getDateStrByDateTime(item.createdAt);

/ / / several weeks
String weekday = DateUtil.getZHWeekDay(item.createdAt);
String weekday = DateUtil.getWeekDay(item.createdAt);
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File utility Class (FileUtil)

// File size xB, xKB, xMB, xGB
String size = FileUtil.formatFileSize(repos.size);
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Image Utility Class (ImageUtil)

/// get the network image
Widget widget = ImageUtil.getCircleNetworkImage(head, 18.0."assets/images/ic_default_head.png")
Widget widget = ImageUtil.getNetworkImage(head, 18.0."assets/images/ic_default_head.png")
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Logging Utility Class (LogUtil)

For details, see log_util


// get the screen width and height
double width = ScreenUtil.getScreenWidth(context),
double height = ScreenUtil.getScreenHeight(context),
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SP Cache Utility Class (SpUtil)

/ / / initialized
await SpUtil.instance.init();

SpUtil.instance.putInt(SharedPrfKey.SP_KEY_CACHE_TIME, _discreteValue.round());
int time =SpUtil.instance.getInt(SharedPrfKey.SP_KEY_CACHE_TIME, defValue: 4);

SpUtil.instance.putString(SharedPrfKey.SP_KEY_TRENDING_DATE, _since);
String _since = SpUtil.instance.getString(SharedPrfKey.SP_KEY_TRENDING_DATE, defValue: 'daily');

SpUtil.instance.putObject(SharedPrfKey.SP_KEY_USER_INFO, data);
var user = SpUtil.instance.getObject(SharedPrfKey.SP_KEY_USER_INFO);
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Text Utility Class (TextUtil)


TextUtil.equals(_language, language);

List<String> repos = TextUtil.split(, '/');
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Timer Utility Class (TimerUtil)

TimerUtil.startCountdown(5, (int count) {

    if (count == 0) { _jump(context, store.state.userState.status, store.state.userState.isGuide); }}); TimerUtil.cancelCountdown(); TimerUtil.delay(500, (_) {
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Toast Utility Class (ToastUtil)

ToastUtil.showMessgae('Press leave App again');
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Install the APK plug-in

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Android installation package:

Click on the download

Scan code to download

Thanks For

  • Sky24n

The project address

OpenGit client


About the author

  • Personal blog

  • Github

  • The Denver nuggets

  • Jane’s book

  • CSDN