Last weekend, I came across an old classmate’s micro blog. The timeline was full of his life. Compared with myself, I found that I was really not a good record taker. Think of such a few years in the past, suddenly look back, but a face of disappointment, so there is this article

The big thing that happened to me recently should be the change of work. The difference between this change and the previous one is that I choose a foreign company that does not work overtime this time.

Why foreign companies?

I had a similar idea when I was working at Ali, and it was pure: one must be free, the other must be free.

Like most people who feel insecure about their status quo, I have a mundane, down-to-earth goal: financial freedom. But finance can’t be paid lip service to freedom, and not everyone is as lucky as Byte’s Guo Yu. It’s a big topic, and there are too many concepts to explain financial freedom. For me, I think there are two important prerequisites for the average person to step up to financial freedom:

  • Free working hours
  • Freedom of work place

If ordinary people can not do the above two premises, they will be trapped in the complex work, not to mention financial freedom, even personal freedom, and gradually become a tool of the company.

What I’ve done throughout my career, including at the startup stage, is basically based on these two premises. What I have to do, must be to liberate some time/place. That’s why I left Ali. Leaving Ali to start a small program is my attempt to liberate the working place. The result of this attempt was not successful, but it did not fail. I didn’t succeed because this attempt did not liberate my working place. It did not fail because this venture brought me about $10,000 of continuous passive income. Some readers are ali colleagues who read my resignation post at the beginning. I believe you will also want to know about my entrepreneurial process and harvest. I will “open source” my projects with continuous passive income in the following articles.

In fact, you can understand why it is a foreign company: yes, this is a decision I made to free up working time. With more time for yourself, there are more things you can do to boost your passive income. Passive income accumulated to a certain stage, gradually have the right to freedom.


I first came to know this word in the article why I left the BAT people. As far as I am concerned, from Ali to Didi, except for the honeymoon period of about half a year at the beginning, the rest days were basically entangled and painful. In the words of ZWR, a start-up friend, “The boss is squeezed by the company, and you are squeezed by the boss. The interview is to show your squeezed value in all aspects and try to squeeze others when you enter the company.”

BAT’s rules of the game are also particularly consistent, the Internet has been full of similar “legitimate/illegitimate”, “grab, pull, get through, synchronization, empowerment and other keywords” a variety of meme, meme is also the status quo.

One thing that happened in Didi impressed me deeply and deepened my determination to leave: a QA at 12:30 in the night made a special call to me and then sent me a phone nail in order to get me to change a copy. Something like that would happen in Ali. If you stay in such a work environment for a long time, you’ll find one thing: it doesn’t matter what you do, it’s important to show your boss that you’re working hard. Everyone has their own way of living, but in BAT, there are many people who live in this way.

I was afraid I was going to be that person, so I left. Of course, after leaving, the Pakage given by foreign companies has increased nearly 100%. This is the next story. I just want to say “evil capitalism.” That smells good.

The road to freedom

Now looking back, saying goodbye to Ali, saying goodbye to Didi, was destined to happen from the beginning. Never to see the Bats again is one of my goals and a necessary stage on the road to freedom.

Thank you for watching. I’m Xuanzi. This article was posted on my official account “Xuanzi Sama”.