As wechat, Alibaba, Baidu, Toutiao and QQ have launched mini programs, the development and maintenance costs of developers continue to rise, the burden is too heavy. This has become common sense.

In order to ease the burden of developers, the Alibaba team has integrated a multi-terminal framework into the official applets developer tool.

After a month of public testing, On October 10th, Ali Mini Program officially released version 0.70 developer tool, which realizes multi-terminal development through UNI-app, becoming the highlight feature of this version update! The following is an excerpt from the official update log of Ali Mini Program:

Our version supports the development of uni-App cross-platform applets framework, which allows developers to generate applets for multiple platforms after one writing, avoiding the maintenance of different code on different platforms and reducing development and maintenance costs (click here to view the tutorial) :

More update log reference:….

The integration of Uni-App with Ali applets will enable uni-App to continue its rapid growth and achieve greater success.

In the future, DCloud will deepen the cooperation with Ali and provide developers with more quality services in serverless and other fields.

Using a multi-terminal framework to develop multi-terminal applications is an all-win model. Developers get more new traffic with less burden. And small program platform manufacturers, can also ensure that their platform on the various applications can be updated in time.