According to the data of Tencent’s financial report in 2020, monthly active users of wechat have exceeded 1.2 billion. Compared with 750 million online shopping users in China (as of June 2020), there are still more than 450 million empty users. This huge dividend makes many industries ready to move.

Among them, e-commerce enterprises are particularly bad. Layout of wechat ecology, public number, small program, enterprise wechat, community and so on is the basic literacy, how to use “operation tools” to produce aggregation effect is the key to win. Below, this paper will take e-commerce as an example to introduce how to use the operation tool – Shence marketing cloud, in the wechat ecosystem to seize the 450 million people by N dollars of the huge dividend?

One, fast pull new: drainage activation, remove the dross and extract the essence, fission growth

1. Easy to activate users and build core flow pool

In the wechat ecosystem, enterprise wechat, community and public accounts can be used as traffic gathering places. As shown in the figure below, in third-party e-commerce, offline stores, self-operated platforms, etc., businesses can guide the flow of wechat ecology in various ways.At the same time, the channels within the wechat ecosystem can also achieve mutual diversion, focusing on the core of the enterprise wechat flow pool.

Here’s an example:

The core traffic pool of an e-commerce enterprise is “small program”. Take the diversion of small S from the public account to the small program as an example.

The operator will select users who follow the public account during the event at the end of November but do not start the mini program within one hour from the smart operation of Shence and send personalized copywriting to activate them. At the same time, set the completion rate of the startup of the small program after 15 minutes of contact as the primary goal, and observe the real-time effect, so as to adjust the operation strategy in time.

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

It takes 10 minutes for the whole planning to complete configuration and start. This kind of operation can be planned more than 10 times a day, the effect feedback and iteration, the operation efficiency of the operation increased exponentially. For example, in this year’s Double 11, small S used strategic marketing cloud to attract traffic to small programs increased 179% year on year, sales increased 136% year on year.

2. One key monitoring quality and quantity, flow track all know

In the process of building the core flow pool, it is necessary for enterprises to identify the “quality” and “quantity” of each channel.

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

Here’s an example:

As an experienced operator, Xiao S often creates a customized batch tracking TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, and sets the automatic reply after the user scans the code (text, pictures, menu reply, wechat text, external pages, cards, small programs, etc., can be set according to the specific scene), and does not let go of every transformation node of the user.

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

As shown in the picture below, recently, Xiao S did an activity for experts to answer questions for free. She made a qr code with reference to the service number. After scanning the qr code on wechat, it will automatically pop up a guided reply (take Shence School as an example, you can try it) :

A simulation scene of The Service number of Tusence School

During the activity every day before work, Xiao S will do the data analysis of channel drainage in the background:

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

After the whole process, S not only knew the quality and quantity of the traffic of each channel, but also gradually explored different operation guidance strategies adapted to each channel, which improved the ROI of the first half of 2020 by about 24%.

3. Personality setting, fission pull new, find the best communicator

Fission is the key means for e-commerce dark horse Pduo Duo to break through the storm. In the game of pattern fission, how to monitor the effect in real time, find the best communicator and optimize the activity strategy is the key.

Due to the need for technical support to get through the data, S did not use the dazzling fission tools on the market. Instead, she directly set the fission gameplay on shence marketing cloud, monitored the trend of the number of fission promotion, new number and invited number in real time, and adjusted the interactive strategy.

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

Since the fission user data is integrated with the enterprise’s own data, S can easily judge the value of attracting new users, such as whether it is a new user and what kind of commodities are in demand. Every fission effect evaluation report is of great reference value.

2. Precise transformation: personal touch, intelligent promotion and cross recommendation

As mentioned above, 750 million online shopping users and 1.2 billion wechat users have more than 450 million traffic to be reclaimed. It is a common method of e-commerce to make one-to-one contact and realize the “last mile” through operation means.

1. Timing + trigger type, easy to select, intelligent personality touch

One of the most common and effective ways to do business is to add a little help when users are hesitant or almost forgotten at the end of the transition. Here, the timing and triggering planning ability of Shence marketing cloud can be combined to achieve the silent personality transformation and guidance of users.For example, Xiao S selects users who have not paid after purchasing products through the background of Shence marketing cloud to promote accurate conversion, as shown in the figure below:

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

For this group of users, S not only notifes them by SMS, but also pushes them by wechat template to remind them that they can get coupons for payment, and sets the successful payment as the operation target as the real-time monitoring indicator.

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

Now, small S has taken this operation strategy as a daily operation strategy in running, user active rate increased 1.5 times.

2. Focus on user needs, set up promotion plans intelligently, and improve the conversion of re-purchase of the same category

As an operator, XIAO S often looks at the cloud of keywords replied by users in the background and finds the popular commodity categories that users are concerned about recently as a key reference.

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

After finding the key keywords, S will perform the proportion and trend analysis of keywords request times in the background through the visualization of keywords data to verify the conjecture.

Here’s an example:

Through keyword analysis, it was found that skin care products were the recent hot category. Xiao S screened potential user groups on the strategy platform and pushed preferential information of different skin care products to promote the transformation of the same category.

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

Sometimes, the small S to do big and promote more popular category, also use ce marketing processes of cloud canvas, set several promotion plans run at the same time, and will process the canvas to save, this small S late need to adjust the operating time, or launch program can easily run, save a lot of communication with the technical requirements and operating setup time. The diagram below:

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

3. Cross-recommend, copy loyal users, and double the unit price of customers

The secret to improved growth is to increase the proportion of loyal users. There is a way to approximate the replication of loyal users, which is cross-recommendation.

Here’s an example:

After analyzing the event, S, the operator, found that users who bought product A liked to buy product B at the same time, so he took the following operation measures:

Push product information of B to users who have purchased A but not B (Deeplink jump); Push the combined commodity package (coupon) to the user who buys commodity A at the re-purchase node. According to the background data, real-time view of the activity target completion times, completion rate, product visits, purchase volume, order volume, etc., according to the effect feedback, strategy adjustment.

Through the above methods, small S can make 2-3 attempts or optimization of operation strategy every day.

Iii. Intelligent promotion: Breaking through restrictions, strengthening interaction and fine operation

1. Take advantage of the 48-hour interaction period to demonstrate your value to users

There are also many customers in the e-commerce industry who are attracted to wechat ecology due to activities or explosive products and gradually become silent users. It is a required course of operation to make silent users active again.

Operating small S using WeChat public 48 hours of active rules, set by attention reply, welcome to the new user push, discount coupons, history, news, etc., and through the session menu mode to make the user more interaction, breakthrough can sent 4 times a month news setting, strengthen the difference of the user operations, improve user interaction frequency and service experience. The diagram below:2. Skillfully use labels to group, high-quality content library and fine operation

Compared with wechat public platform, Xiao S feels that the interaction between Shence marketing cloud and users is more fun and convenient. She also combs a functional comparison:In addition, small S also found that compared with wechat operation service providers on the market, Shence marketing cloud relying on shence data technology and big data practice advantages, can seamlessly connect the whole data collection and through and all-channel operation, flexible application of analysis model, such as user classification, label portrait and other functions to select groups, fine operation.Here’s an example:

At the end of the month, when the operator is busy with performance or activities, he often selects different user groups and labels on shence marketing cloud, and sends pop-ups and wechat card coupons to promote user interaction.At the same time, Xiao S will also create materials and conduct background management in Shence marketing cloud, test the effect of different types of typesetting design, posters and other message replies, and avoid the inefficient switching between different platforms.

Demo screenshot of Tusce intelligent operation tool

To sum up, S uses the operation tool (Shence Marketing cloud) to realize the transformation of users in the wechat ecosystem from attention to transformation with only one person, and promotes the active promotion of the operation, monitoring, data analysis and other actions of the whole link of customer orders. In addition, the small S discovery tool can customize the role, so that the enterprise operation of internal management rights and responsibilities, enhance security and collaboration efficiency.It is predicted that in the next 3-5 years, wechat ecology will become an important position to acquire users, connect users, and create value with users. “If a worker wants to do a good job, he must sharpen his tools first.” Is this operation tool appealing to you?