Please please please please please please please please please please please please hurry! Some attention

How do you tell your friends and family what you do on a daily basis?

Programmer is a new profession. Before I went to college, I did not know what a programmer does, nor did I know anything about programming languages, nor did I care how the “games” I played and the “websites” I visited every day came from.

When I joined the freshman group majoring in computer science and technology, I was listening to my senior brothers and senior sisters chatting, among which they talked about the job of “programmer”. At that time, the first reaction in my mind was to imagine “copier, printer and other office” chaotic things

Some “junior high school” students know that I majored in computer science, so they come to me and ask me: computer science should be able to assemble computers, I want to build a new computer, can you help me give some advice, such as computer configuration list.

When I was in college, my father wanted me to take more certificates, such as “electrical and accounting” certificates. He thinks: As long as there are more certificates, it is certainly no problem to find a job, and the salary will be higher than those without certificates.

Face graduation, go out to eat midnight snack with the classmate, I was busy looking for a job at that time, the classmate also asked 1 more: “you are looking for what job”. So I said, “IT, programmers understand.” He said: “don’t understand ah, you can steal QQ, do game plug those things ah? “.

A few days ago, I went to dinner with my relatives and learned that I would leave Guangzhou to hangzhou to do software related work after the New Year. After a few glasses of wine, I told me with profound meaning: “There is a future for me to do” administrative “related work. What’s the use of going so far to do software?

What I want to express here is that most of the older generation do not know much about the Internet industry and think that administrative, banking, teachers, doctors and other professions are the “right way”. I’m in awe of all of these industries, and I don’t mean that sarcastically.

Programmers love to laugh at themselves

The layman’s misunderstanding of programmers can also be as simple as reading what is said about them online and believing that “most” programmers are like that.

For example, programmers wear plaid shirts:

Programmers don’t have girlfriends:

Programmers who talk less die soon:

In fact, many of these comments are made by programmers in their spare time. Most programmers are just like people in other industries, and are not as mysterious as the Internet suggests.

Programmers refer to themselves as “code farmers” online

Programmer overtime

Despite what others say about programmers, overtime is a “common” phenomenon in the Internet industry, and youzan recently announced the 996 work schedule at its annual meeting.

For those of you who don’t know what 996 means, work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week. Referred to as “996

In autumn, I attended several information conferences of guangzhou game companies, and most of them made it clear that the company needed to “work overtime”.

“Suning” before also make a matter

Huawei is also known for its Wolf culture

What is a programming language

Most people can think of things that programmers can do, and programmers can hardly do them

Every programmer has a programming language that he or she knows best, and sometimes a language can be used for a different job. (For example, Java programmer, PHP programmer)

Programmers are dealing with “computers” every day, let the computer do what the computer will do, is very obedient.

How can a computer understand what a programmer tells it to do? For those of you with some background in computer science, computers only recognize binary.

Binary: Enter one for every two. Decimal: every ten is one

You might not be able to read this. That’s all right. Let’s keep going

Programmers are human, and the “common languages” for human communication are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, etc., not “binary” things. For convenience, clever “programmers” try to make computers read “natural language”. (Computers can read Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, etc.)

So programmers created a “compiler,” which basically translates these “natural languages” into binary numbers that computers can read!

In the computer world, there is no ambiguity about anything. One means one, two means two. In order for “natural language” to be translated accurately into binary, there must be “rules”. Using different “rules”, different programming languages emerge. Because most programming languages were invented by “foreigners” and because of the “universality” and “ease of use” of English. Therefore, most programming languages consist of “English”.

(Here are some common programming languages, all of which look different because of their “rules.” But they all do the same thing.)

Explain what programmers do

When people ask me what I do, I often say “wechat”, “Baidu” software and website are made by our programmers.

(Usually I don’t want to go into details at this point, but I’ve seen it happen.)

Next, to continue the demonstration, we can pull out our phones and open wechat:

“We are all wechat users. In order to access wechat, we need to have an account, so we need to register first.”

“Signing up is essentially ‘saving’ your account and password.”

“If you register successfully, the little database will have your account number and password. When you’re logged in, go to your little database and see if your account and password match.”

“See here, do not feel” programmer “is really easy to be, not the input data to record a small notebook, and so on when used to check it. In fact, just like wechat registration page, take the IOS system, from IOS6 to now IOS12 has 6 versions. The Iphone’s screen size has also changed over time, from 3.5 inches to 6.5 inches now. The wechat team needs to be compatible with different “versions” and different “screen sizes” so that both iPhone4s and iPhoneXS Max can work with wechat. (At least on different phones, you’ll see complete sign-ups instead of random ones.)”

“For example, the password recorded in the database cannot be the same as the original password you entered. Take for example: one day, a young man in the wechat team got the small notebook “database” that stored the account number and password, and made the contents of the small notebook “database” public. (or a hacker to break wechat, and then open the small book of “database”), that is not who can go on my wechat signal?”

“Programmers can take that into account, of course, and they do this by encrypting your password and putting it in a little database. Whoever gets the encrypted password can’t ‘reverse’ your original password.”

“So, every time the comparison is an encrypted password.”

“Of course, programmers think much more than that. After all, every programmer wants to write something that is “easy to use and loved.”

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Write at the end:

Bald programmer is not easy, see here, the point of concern! Point attention, do not get lost, continue to update!!