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This paper briefly introduces the process and realization principle of an APP from startup to main page display in the form of pictures and pictures. Do not introduce specific source code, just build a general framework.

Startup process:

① Click the desktop App icon, and the Binder IPC sends the startActivity request to the system_server process;

② After receiving the request, the system_server process sends a request to zygote to create a process.

(3) Zygote forks a new child process, that is, App process;

4. The App sends attachApplication requests to the Sytem_server process through the Binder IPC.

(5) The System_server process sends scheduleLaunchActivity requests to the App process through binder IPC after a series of preparations.

The binder thread sends the LAUNCH_ACTIVITY message to the main thread through the handler.

After receiving the Message, the main thread creates the target Activity through the launch mechanism, and calls the activity.oncreate () method.

Today to this, the App was officially launched, begin to enter the Activity life cycle, after the onCreate/onStart/onResume method, after the UI rendering can see the main interface of the App.

The list of steps describes the process of launching an APP to the home screen. Some of the terms in the process may seem confusing. What is Launcher, zygote, and applicationThread…..

Below we introduce one by one.

Second, theoretical basis


Zygote means “fertilized egg”. Android is based on Linux, where all processes are forked directly or indirectly by the init process, and Zygote is no exception.

In Android, zygote is the name of a process. Android is based on the Linux System, and when your phone is turned on and the Linux kernel is loaded, a process called “init” starts. In Linux, all processes are forked by the init process, and zygote is no exception.

We all know that every App is

● A separate Dalvik VM ● A separate process

So when the first Zygote process runs in the system, starting the App after that is equivalent to starting a new process. For resource sharing and faster startup, Android starts new processes by forking the first Zygote process. So, with the exception of the first Zygote process, all applications are children of Zygote, so you can see why this process is called a zygote egg. Because just like a fertilized egg, it divides quickly and produces cells with the same genetic material!


SystemServer is also a process, and is forked by zygote.

Given the nature of SystemServer, this process is one of the two most important processes in the Android Framework — the other is the Zygote process.

Why is SystemServer important? Important services in the system are started in this process, such as ActivityManagerService, PackageManagerService, WindowManagerService and so on.


ActivityManagerService (AMS for short) is a server-side object that is responsible for the life cycle of all activities in the system.

ActivityManagerService is initialized when the SystemServer process starts.

The following introduces the concepts of the server and client in the Android system.

In fact, the concept of server client not only exists in Web development, in the Android framework design, the use of this model. The server side refers to the system services shared by all apps, such as ActivityManagerService, PackageManagerService, WindowManagerService, etc. These basic system services are common to all apps. When an App wants to implement an operation, tell these system services. For example, if you want to open an App, we can open it after we know the package name and the name of the MainActivity class

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);  
ComponentName cn = new ComponentName(packageName, className);              
startActivity(intent);Copy the code

However, our App doesn’t directly open another App by calling startActivity(). This method goes through a series of calls and finally tells AMS: “I want to open this App. I know its address and name. So it’s AMS telling the Zygote process to fork a new process to open our target App. It’s like when the browser wants to open a hyperlink, the browser sends the web address to the server, and the server sends the required resource file to the client.

Now that we know about the Android Framework’s client server architecture, we also need to know that our App and AMS(SystemServer process) and Zygote process are divided into three separate processes. How do they communicate with each other?

App communicates with AMS through Binder, and AMS(SystemServer process) communicates with Zygote through Socket. Details will be introduced later.

So what does AMS do? As we know, if you want to open an App, AMS needs to notify zygote process. In addition, in fact, all activities start, stop, and close are controlled by AMS, so we say that AMS is responsible for the life cycle of all activities in the system.

On Android, any Activity is started by AMS and application processes (mainly ActivityThreads). AMS service uniformly schedules the Activity start of all processes in the system, and the start process of each Activity is specifically completed by the process to which it belongs.


When we click on the icon on our phone’s desktop, the App starts with the Launcher. But have you ever thought about what a Launcher is?

Launcher is essentially an application that, like our App, inherits from an Activity


public final class Launcher extends Activity
        implements View.OnClickListener, OnLongClickListener, LauncherModel.Callbacks,
                   View.OnTouchListener {
                   }Copy the code

Launcher implements callback interfaces such as click and long press to receive user input. Since it is an ordinary App, our development experience still applies here. For example, how do we open the App when we click the icon? Catch the icon click event, and startActivity() sends the Intent request. Yes, that’s what Launcher does. It’s easy!

5. Instrumentation and ActivityThread

Each Activity holds a reference to the Instrumentation object, but only one Instrumentation object exists for the entire process. The methods in the Instrumentation class are mostly related to Application and Activity. This class is the tool class that completes the initialization and life cycle of Application and Activity. Instrumentation this class is very important, the Activity lifecycle method call simply cannot do without him, he can be said to be a big housekeeper.

ActivityThread, which depends on the UI thread. App and AMS communicate information through binders, so ActivityThread works specifically with AMS diplomacy.


We have already known that both App startup and Activity display need AMS control, so we need to communicate with the server, and this communication is two-way.

Client –> Server

And because it inherits the same common interface class, ActivityManagerProxy provides the same function prototype as ActivityManagerService, making it easier for users to call these important system services without knowing whether the Server is running locally or remotely.

Server –> Client

With Binder, you communicate with ApplicationThread and ApplicationThreadProxy instead.

They also implement the same interface, IApplicationThread

private class ApplicationThread extends ApplicationThreadNative {} public abstract class ApplicationThreadNative extends  Binder implements IApplicationThread{} class ApplicationThreadProxy implements IApplicationThread {}Copy the code

For a brief understanding of the Binder mechanism, use of AIDL and a detailed explanation of the Binder mechanism, you only need to read this article.

Ok, in front of a lot of repetitive Rory bar, introduced a pile of nouns, may not be too clear, it doesn’t matter, the following combined with flow chart introduction.

3. Startup process

1. Create a process

Binder calls the startActivity method of ActivityManagerService from the Launcher startActivity() method.

② A series of twists and turns, culminating in a call to startProcessLocked() to create a new process.

(3) This method passes parameters to the Zygote process through the socket channel described earlier. Zygote incubates itself. Call the zygoteinit.main () method to instantiate the ActivityThread object and finally return the PID of the new process.

The activityThread.main () method is called. The ActivityThread then calls Looper.prepareLoop() and looper.loop () to open the message loop.

The method call flow diagram is as follows:

A more straightforward explanation of the process:

①App launch process: When you start an application from the desktop, the launch process is the process of the Launcher. When a remote process is started from within an App, the sending process is the process in which the App resides. The initiating process first sends messages to the system_server process through binder.

(2) System_server: call process.start () method, send a request to zygote Process to create a new Process through socket;

(3) Zygote process: after executing zygoteinit.main (), it enters the runSelectLoop() body. When there is a client connection, it will execute zygoteconnection.runonce () method, and then fork out a new application process after layer upon layer of calls.

The handleChildProc method is executed and activityThread.main () is called.

2. Binding Application

After the process is created above, the ActivityThread.main() method is executed, followed by the attach() method.

Binds the process to the specified Application. This is done by calling the bindApplication() method from the ActivityThread object in the previous section. This method sends a BIND_APPLICATION message to the message queue, which is eventually processed by the handleBindApplication() method. The makeApplication() method is then called to load the App’s classes into memory.

The method call flow diagram is as follows:

A more straightforward explanation of the process:

If you don’t understand AMS,ATP, etc., there are explanations below)

3. The Activity screen is displayed

After the first two steps, the system has the process of the application. The following sequence is normal for an activity that starts a new process from an existing process.

The actual calling method is realStartActivity(), which calls the scheduleLaunchActivity() on the Application thread object to send a LAUNCH_ACTIVITY message to the message queue, The message is processed by handleLaunchActivity(). The Activity’s onCreate() and onStart() methods are called back in the handleLaunchActivity() method with the performLaunchActiivty() method, and then the handleResumeActivity() method, Calls back to the Activity’s onResume() method to display the Activity screen.

A more straightforward explanation of the process:

4. Communication with Binder

Hereinafter referred to as:

ATP: ApplicationThreadProxy

AT: ApplicationThread

AMP: ActivityManagerProxy

**AMS: **ActivityManagerService


(1) startProcessLocked is called in the system_server process. The Zygote process is informed of the need to create a new process through socket, and blocks until the socket returns the PID of the new process.

(2) Zygote process receives the message from system_server, then copies the Zygote process to generate a new process through the method of fork. Load resources associated with ActivityThread into a new process, app Process, which may be used to host components such as activities.

③ Check the AMS of binder server in the system_server process with Servicemanager in the new process APP Process to obtain the corresponding Client, that is, AMP. With the binder C/S pair, app processes can use binder to send requests to cross-process system_server. This is known as attachApplication().

Bindapplication. system_server has ATP/AMS, and bindApplication. system_server has ATP/AMS. Each newly created process has a corresponding AT/AMP to communicate with each other across processes. This is the complete ecosystem of the process creation process.

The above roughly introduced an APP from the start to the main page display experience process, mainly from a macro perspective introduced its process, specific can be combined with the source code to understand.