SNTP client for Swift. Calculate the time “now” impervious to manual changes to device clock time.

In certain applications it becomes important to get the real or “true” date and time. On most devices, if the clock has been changed manually, then an NSDate() instance gives you a time impacted by local settings.

Users may do this for a variety of reasons, like being in different timezones, Trying to be punctual and setting their clocks 5-10 minutes early, etc. Your application or service may want a date that is unaffected by these changes and reliable as a source of truth. TrueTime gives you that.

How is TrueTime calculated?

It’s pretty simple actually. We make a request to an NTP server that gives us the actual time. We then establish the delta between device uptime and uptime at the time of the network response. Each time now() is requested subsequently, we account for that offset and return a corrected NSDate value.



import TrueTime // At an opportune time (e.g. app start): let client = TrueTimeClient.sharedInstance client.start() // You can now use this instead of NSDate(): let now = client.referenceTime? .now() // To block waiting for fetch, use the following: client.retrieveReferenceTime { result in switch result { case let .Success(referenceTime): let now = case let .Failure(error): print("Error! \(error)") } }Copy the code


@import TrueTime;

// At an opportune time (e.g. app start):
TrueTimeClient *client = [TrueTimeClient sharedInstance];
[client startWithHostURLs:@[[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]];

// You can now use this instead of [NSDate date]:
NSDate *now = [[client referenceTime] now];

// To block waiting for fetch, use the following:
[client retrieveReferenceTimeWithSuccess:^(NTPReferenceTime *referenceTime) {
    NSLog(@"True time: %@", [referenceTime now]);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    NSLog(@"Error! %@", error);
}];Copy the code


TrueTime is currently compatible with iOS 8 and up, macOS 10.9 and tvOS 9.


Add this to your Cartfile:

github "instacart/TrueTime.swift"
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Then run:

$ carthage update
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  • Run git submodule update --init.
  • Run carthage bootstrap.
  • Open TrueTime.xcodeproj, choose TrueTimeExample and hit run. This will build everything and run the sample app.

Manually using submodules

  • Add TrueTime as a submodule:
$ git submodule add
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  • Drag TrueTime.xcodeproj into the Project Navigator
  • Go to Project > Targets > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries, click + and select the TrueTime target.

Notes / Tips

  • Since NSDates are just Unix timestamps, it’s safe to hold onto values returned by or persist them to disk without having to adjust them later.
  • Reachability events are automatically accounted for to pause/start requests.
  • UDP requests are executed in parallel, with a limit of 3 parallel calls. If one fails, we’ll retry up to 5 times by default.
  • TrueTime was built to be accurate “enough”, hence the use of SNTP. If you need exact millisecond accuracy then you probably want NTP (i.e. SNTP + statistical Analysis to ensure the reference time is exactly correct). TrueTime provides the building blocks for this — we welcome PRs if you you’d like to make this change.
  • TrueTime is also available for Android


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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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