I. Project background

In recent years, food safety, food hygiene and other news in the catering industry frequently occur, such as a hot pot restaurant, a network red milk tea, food ingredients shoddy, after the kitchen health was burst of worry, all kinds of problems caused public concern and hot discussion. These negative news not only let restaurant brand reputation plummet, the collateral chain effect led to store revenue direct huge losses. At the same time, the health of these restaurants and other hidden dangers to consumers also brought psychological and physical double harm.

To strengthen the supervision of the catering industry has become the industry consensus, especially belong to the gray area of supervision after kitchen hygiene and safety issues. How to use the Internet and other technologies, effectively strengthen the supervision of catering industry service health, severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations, improve the level of catering environmental health, let consumers eat healthy, eat at ease, eat at ease, has become the current catering industry needs to be urgently solved.

2. Program requirements

In 2015, China Food and Drug Administration promoted and deployed “bright kitchen stoves” nationwide. With the development of the Internet and emerging technologies (such as 5G, mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, AI, Internet of Things, etc.), new demands have emerged for “bright kitchen stoves”.

1. The need for real-time monitoring

Food safety involves many links, including warehouse, cleaning, cutting, cooking, special room, sample retention, washing and so on. Therefore, to achieve comprehensive supervision of the hygiene and safety of the kitchen, it is necessary to achieve full coverage of high-definition video surveillance (1080P) in all areas, with no dead angles and high details. In addition, due to the complex environment and different uses in each kitchen area, the requirements for video surveillance are also different. Therefore, different intelligent cameras need to be configured according to the management requirements of different scenarios.

2. Demand for live video presentation

  • In order to achieve “transparency and openness”, the kitchen situation of catering stores can be displayed to the public (such as customers in stores, network fans of stores, other public, etc.) through live video broadcasting. Public key content includes kitchen environmental hygiene, food processing and production, cooking and tableware cleaning and disinfection, cleaning, for example, dining customers in the store can watch the real-time situation of the kitchen through the TV screen.
  • Catering service enterprises (such as primary and secondary school canteens, nursing home canteens, group meal delivery units, takeout food ordering shops, offline stores, etc.) can upload video information to the video live broadcasting platform. Let ordinary users through mobile phones, tablets, computers and other intelligent terminals to access the Internet can be convenient and clear to see the enterprise kitchen and other situations, play the role of public supervision.

3. Video storage requirements

Save video for at least 7 days: Video information collected in the kitchen of restaurants is clearly displayed on the display screen of restaurants or uploaded to the network platform. The video information shall be saved for no less than 7 days, so as to timely verify and track back the incident in case of accidents.

4. Normal operation and maintenance requirements of video surveillance equipment

Video monitoring equipment condition monitoring and maintenance, related to the effective supervision, food and beverage service enterprise therefore need to ensure that the video monitoring and display equipment in food processing and production, after hutch defends in normal operation time cleaning, stores, dining, timely detection of equipment failure problems and can through regulation inform management platform in real time, in order to timely processing and maintenance.

5. The need for remote centralized supervision

The number of catering enterprises is huge, but the number of supervision personnel is relatively insufficient. It is difficult to achieve effective supervision by relying on the original traditional supervision mode based on on-site sampling inspection, and the efficiency is very low. Building an intelligent supervision platform and utilizing video surveillance technology to realize remote centralized supervision will not only save manpower but also be more efficient.

6, the use of intelligent technology

After catering kitchen safety and hygiene issues not only involve personnel, all kinds of food/tableware storage, processing, cooking, disinfection of each link of the environmental requirements, will also involve the safe use of fire, electricity, gas and other aspects of the environmental requirements. With the help of emerging technologies such as AI+ video intelligent analysis (such as face detection, face recognition, flame recognition, etc.), iot and other technical means, the kitchen is comprehensively monitored, including personnel management, food production and processing, tableware disinfection, food storage, environmental sanitation, four hazards prevention and control, etc. Through the intelligent supervision platform, it can timely find irregularities and abnormal situations and timely send alarm information to the supervision personnel, so as to realize the standardization and transparent management of the kitchen.

Iii. Program design

TSINGSEE Video builds a HIGH-DEFINITION, visualized and intelligent “AI+ Supervision” platform for users based on advanced video intelligent analysis technology, EasyCVR video fusion cloud service platform, video surveillance and live broadcasting technology, combined with emerging technologies such as mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, AI and 5G. Through the EasyCVR video fusion cloud service, to digital, scientific, intelligent enabling food safety and health supervision of the catering industry, to create a “bright kitchen bright stove” solution.

Catering enterprise Group locally deployed a set of EasyCVR video fusion cloud service platform, EasyCVR can be responsible for the group’s restaurants and other places of front-end equipment registration access, video monitoring and management, alarm data upload, etc. With the strong video capability of EasyCVR, the live streaming data of video source can be connected to the third-party CDN network service or third-party streaming media service to realize the real-time live streaming of video on the wall and multi-terminal platform. The public can watch the kitchen and other related videos of catering stores through a variety of ways.

EasyCVR video fusion cloud service platform support GB/T28181, Hikang SDK, DAchina SDK, Onvif, RTSP protocol, Ehome protocol and other standards of video streaming access and forwarding, And live broadcast on all platforms (PC, Android, iOS) and all terminals (C/S, Web, App, H5, wechat terminal, small program).

This scheme includes three parts: the device side, the server side and the client side. The device is located on the LAN, and the server and client are located on the Internet. 1) Device side: including a variety of IP Camera, NVR, video server, soldier equipment, encoder equipment, the main specifications need to support RTSP/Onvif protocol, GB/T28181 protocol, RTMP protocol, Hikon SDK, Ehome and other protocols. 2) Cloud server: Video stream distribution (RTMP, RTSP, HLS, WS-FLV, HTTP-FLV live streaming), video capability fusion (real-time video live streaming, video retrieval and replay), cloud computing, central storage, big data multidimensional analysis and capability layer interface output, realizing interface level call and platform level interconnection. The terminal computing force moves up and the cloud computing force sinks, forming computing force fusion at the edge. 3) Client: mobile terminal (Android, iOS), computer terminal, wechat terminal, etc.

The network mode supports monitoring of private network and Internet access at the same time, which is more in line with the characteristics of catering stores’ own network environment. The diversity of network mode also makes the project more operable in implementation.

  • The device has no public IP, so it can be connected to EasyCVR through GB/T28181 and Ehome protocol. EasyNTS device can also be installed on the Intranet to establish a transmission channel with the public network. In this way, it can be connected to EasyCVR through Hikon SDK and Onvif/RTSP.
  • The device has public IP, which can be accessed to EasyCVR through Hikon SDK, Onvif/RTSP, GB/T28181, Ehome and other protocols.

Realization of key functions

1. Real-time video surveillance and live broadcasting

According to different clients (such as PC, tablet, mobile phone, wechat, etc.), the kitchen situation of catering places can be broadcast live on the whole platform to realize real-time transmission of videos, pictures and audio. On the one hand, it can meet the regulatory needs of the group and government functional departments. On the other hand, it can also broadcast live to the public. Through the live video broadcast on the TV screens of dining places or related platforms, it can play the role of national supervision and standardize the food hygiene and safety of dining places.

The work management personnel can check the video surveillance images of catering stores and other catering places to know the working conditions of the staff in the store at any time. Once illegal operations or other abnormal events are found, they can also intervene and deal with them in time.

2, HD video transmission, full platform coverage

EasyCVR utilizes advanced H.264/H.265 video compression technology and 4G/5G wireless communication technology to achieve real-time HD transmission of video, pictures and audio according to different clients. The picture is clear and smooth, which is beneficial to the back-end monitoring staff and the public to watch richer and clearer kitchen picture details.

In addition, EasyCVR supports H.265 coding video Web broadcast, as well as RTSP, RTMP, FLV, HLS, WebRTC and other formats of video stream output, which can meet the needs of the whole platform video playback, flexibility is extremely strong.

3, multi-protocol/multi-device access, good compatibility

In the access of front-end equipment, EasyCVR supports standard protocol (GB/T28181, Onvif, RTSP protocol, etc.) and manufacturers proprietary protocol (Hikang SDK, Ehome protocol, etc.), multiple types of equipment access, compatible with almost all video source equipment on the market, not only conducive to the old equipment of catering stores, Moreover, it can effectively avoid the cumbersome and ungeneral problems of SDK customization by manufacturers when using hardware devices.

4. Cloud video recording, retrieval, playback and storage

EasyCVR can provide video recording, retrieval, playback, storage and other management functions, support 7*24h video recording, can accurately control video playback through the time axis, to achieve the monitoring area of kitchen, storage and other video data traceability, retrieval, evidence.

5. Report and query alarm messages

When the device or platform detects the occurrence of a special event, the alarm is triggered immediately. The platform notifies the management personnel of the event through SMS, voice, or wechat messages. The platform can receive external alarms, video signal loss, occlusion, and dynamic detection alarms uploaded by the device. In addition, EasyCVR can also intercept the video according to the alarm information of the equipment, and obtain the video screenshot of the alarm moment, which is convenient for the management personnel to quickly view and refer to, so as to deal with the alarm in time.

6. Visual management and remote operation and maintenance

EasyCVR platform interface displays device access status, device operation, broadband usage, storage space and other state monitoring, which can realize remote real-time data collection, analysis, alarm, remote intelligent control, device status monitoring and other functions through cloud operation and maintenance. It can not only discover the faulty equipment in time, facilitate the early maintenance and ensure the normal operation of video monitoring, but also improve the work efficiency of staff and save the labor cost.

7. Third-party platform docking and development

It provides solution providers with rapid development of equipment side and application side. With high INTEGRATION of SDK and short integration cycle, APP docking development can be quickly completed, which is convenient for constructing one-stop intelligent, systematic and comprehensive bright kitchen stove solution. (3) Providing external HTTP API interface for server to obtain status, information and control, which can quickly complete APP docking development. Are used with the client SDK and provide a Demo example.

Five, the technology

1. Integration of AI intelligent detection technology

EasyCVR platform integrates AI+ video intelligent detection technology, which can carry out intelligent detection and analysis of on-site video surveillance images, mainly including face detection, face recognition, human flow statistics, fireworks recognition, etc. Once found abnormal, such as: non-staff intrusion, smoking behavior, warehouse fire, etc., can timely alarm to the platform, so that the management personnel timely intervention.

2, easy deployment, easy compatibility, strong fusion

The supervision platform of “Bright kitchen and bright stove” involves data collection, transmission, storage, and final control and display in the whole video surveillance process. There are many related platforms and systems, and the project scale is huge. EasyCVR platform has strong compatibility, easy to deploy, can effectively reduce the cost of system construction, help catering group to protect the existing investment, and the system can also be smooth evolution, easy to expand a variety of business application scenarios.

3, support cascading, multi-platform one-stop comprehensive management

Multi-platform cascade is supported, for example, video surveillance resources of catering stores are cascaded to relevant government regulatory departments, so as to realize joint supervision of food hygiene and safety and standardize operation. And the system can be integrated into a management platform, can solve the problem of data barriers between platforms, to achieve comprehensive monitoring, collaborative work, multi-party sharing.

Six, summarized

TSINGSEE Video’s “bright kitchen and stoves” solution not only meets the daily safety requirements of catering groups, but also the regulatory requirements of government regulators, as well as the joint supervision effect of the public based on multi-channel live video.

Based on EasyCVR video fusion cloud services, help catering group enterprise to build “government supervision, self-discipline of enterprises, public supervision” management model, in addition to basic Internet video monitoring ability, also actively into the artificial intelligence technology, such as help “Ming kitchen bright kitchen” to realize the real LianWangHua, intelligent, lightweight, can enhance supervision efficiency all food and beverage industry.