Background: Since I wrote the first version of CPS access, with the operation of the company, the CPS commission of the company became more and more, and gradually reached the bottleneck. Need fine operation ability fission, want more pattern play.

Taobao private domain user management concept

Specific document: User Manual of Member Operation And Management Authority

Taobao private domain user management has two major capabilities:

  • 1. Member operation management
  • 2. Channel management

Membership operations management is introduced here, because it is easier to understand, and this is what we are mainly investigating.

  1. Definition of member operation management: In order to help Taobao customers precipitate their own members from the huge user system of Taobao, accurate secondary marketing, member management and marketing rebate services are carried out.

    To put it simply, the membership operation can obtain the specific identity of the user in our App corresponding to the order placed in Taobao.

    If we know who placed the order, we can give corresponding rewards to corresponding users, such as points or cash, etc. With reward rules, users will be more conscious to buy things, so that we can get more commission.

  2. Channel management: provide taobao customers with the ability to develop channels to help promote themselves and manage them.

    Different from member operation management, channel management is to bind a Taobao number and our Taobao Union number, and then get a channel ID (relationId), and then spell this ID on the CPS commodity link to know which channel this commodity is promoted, and then through this can give him the corresponding commission. How to operate it has to be explored.

Member operation management practice

How to use the member operation management function — API docking version

Secondary authorization

As you can see from the documentation, the final way to get special_ID is to get accesstoken through Taobao authorization. Previously, with the old Alibaichuan SDK, you could get topAccessToken, but only once, using Alibaichuan AppKey.

Corresponding account address: Taobao Open Platform – Application Management:

Account – Application Management – Mobile Mobile Account – Application Management – Others

It can be seen that the AppKey of Alibaichuan (it can be understood that the main account) is different from the AppKey of Taobao Union (the account that generates commission corresponds to different PID). The basic version of SDK can only be authorized once, and the topAccessToken obtained is Alibaichuan, not Taobao Union. So the AppKey is wrong.

It would be nice if you could specify AppKey, so you get accessToken for the specified account. Through communication with alibaichuan’s technical staff, AppKey needs a second authorization, and the second authorization needs to integrate the flagship SDK.

Flagship SDK document address: Baichuan e-commerce SDK development document -Android (5.x version)

Integration is simpler, can according to documents, problems: implementation ‘com. Alibaba. Baichuan. SDK: alibctradecommon:’ and their Allies to push SDK conflict, because there are utdid. Jar. The solution here is to remove the utdid.jar by putting the other jars in your App’s push directly. Umeng push, Ali Baichuan, Ali cloud burial point, will use this JAR.

After the SDK is integrated according to the document, secondary authorization is required:

Taobao One-time Authorization Second Authorization of Taobao

And the order can not be reversed, first ali Baichuan authorization, and then specify AppKey authorization, the corresponding code:

First Authorization:

Alibclogin.getinstance ().islogin () */
AlibcLogin.getInstance().showLogin(new AlibcLoginCallback() {
     public void onSuccess(String userId, String userNick) {
         Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this."login success" + "-"
                 + userId + "-" + userNick, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

     public void onFailure(int code, String msg) {
         Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this."login fail: code = " + code + ", msg = "+ msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }});Copy the code

Second Authorization:

String appkey = "Media incoming appKey";
TopAuth.showAuthDialog(MainActivity.this, R.mipmap.ic_launcher_round, "Baichuan Test Demo", appkey, new AuthCallback() {
     public void onSuccess(String accessToken, String expireTime) {
          Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this."accessToken=" + accessToken
                          + ", expireTime=" + expireTime, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

     public void onError(String code, String msg) {
          Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this."code=" + code + ", msg="+ msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }});Copy the code

You can see that on the second authorization you can specify appKey, and you get the accessToken for that appkey. So now we have accessToken, and then we can pass that value to the background and have the background generate special_ID. So if an order is placed by this Taobao number, there will be special_ID in the order, and there will be one special_ID for each user, so you know who made the order.

Get the channel ID (relationId), the above process is the same, or through accessToken, but the background generation is a little different.

Open the e-commerce suite page (by product ID)

There are two differences between the flagship SDK and the common SDK: 1. The accessToken 2 of the specified Appkey can be obtained through secondary authorization. If you use an item ID to make a purchase, you need to fill in the package code, which you need to apply for

/ * *@paramActivity Indicates the current activity instance@paramSuiteCode Code (Application required)@paramBizParams business parameters@paramShowParams Page opening mode User-defined parameter@paramTaokeParams Taoguest parameter@paramTrackParams Link Tracking parameters (custom)@paramCallback opens the page event callback */

void openByCode(final Activity activity, final String suiteCode, AlibcBizParams bizParams, AlibcShowParams showParams,AlibcTaokeParams taokeParams, Map<String, String> trackParams, AlibcTradeCallback callback){... }Copy the code

Application Kit:

  • Step one, inAlibaichuan – Developer consoleTo apply forBaichuan e-commerce flagship editionMake sure you can use the flagship SDK.
  • Step two, inBaichuan suite platformTo apply for99- Alliance e-commerce infrastructure Link Suite.
Apply for the flagship version of Baichuan e-commerce Apply for 99- Affiliate E-commerce Infrastructure Link Suite

The specific process of applying for 99-Alliance E-commerce basic link suite can be seen in the instructions for the new Version of Baichuan Suite platform

Baichuan (kit) product details page details

It needs to be noted that the official release takes time to review, it is best to apply in advance, the test is generally effective in time, is taobao ID, rather than a nickname. Since the official version of the suite code is the same as the beta version, if you configure a formal version but do not release it, it will affect the test and will have a jump problem.

Get the package code:

After successful access, users can jump to the middle page of a kit through the product ID and then click “order” to purchase it on Taobao. In this way, they can also get commission.


The flagship SDK is the same as the common SDK, which can be purchased by url and ID jump. Now we find that material link (S.lick or ULand link) and ID jump can get commission, but not material link can not get commission. This has not been solved for the moment, but the amount of data is not large. And can be processed into material links.

General process:

We can integrate the flagship SDK to obtain the special_ID of the user through secondary authorization. Then the user will have this special_ID in the order after placing an order, and we can check the order by using this ID.

Then, if you need to jump to the middle page of Taobao commodity ID to purchase and get commission, you need to apply for suite permission.

A link to the

  • User Manual of Member Operation And Management Authority
  • SDK development document of Baichuan E-commerce -Android (5.x version)
  • Alibaichuan – Developer console
  • Baichuan suite platform
  • New baichuan suite platform instructions
  • Baichuan (kit) product details page details

Contact me at: GitHub. You can leave a message if you have any questions