First of all, thanks to @Magical Warrior for contributing python source code!


Today, I found the “Teach you to use Python to play wechat jump” written by @magical warrior. I played it on a whim and relaxed about the 599. Then I stopped and helped you write a detailed tutorial, hoping to help beginners successfully start the program.

Runtime environment

First of all, you need to install the Python runtime environment, I use Python2.7, then need to download the python source provided by @magical Warrior for us, and then download the tool adB. exe, the download address is as follows

  • python
  • Program source code
  • adb.exe

There’s a package of downloads at the end

Operation steps (here steps I try to be friendly to beginners) :

Install PYTHon2.7

The default installation is on drive C

2. Save the python source code provided by @Magical Warrior to the specified location:

Set the adB. exe environment variable

After downloading adB.exe, save it in a specified folder, as mine looks like below:

Right click “My Computer” “Properties”, then the picture

Then execute adb command:

Fourth, the final preparation

Set the command line directory to the Python source directory, as shown below

(If you have any questions about command-line tools, check out my previous post on Overcoming command Line phobia.)

Next, install the dependencies: PIP install -r requirements.txt

5. Run the program: Once installed, we are ready to run our Python program.

Connect the mobile phone with the computer, it is important to note that the USB debugging of the mobile phone must be turned on. After the successful connection, the jump small program will be opened

Finally, if you feel that it is difficult to download, you can pay attention to my official account: [Xiaozhou Report], directly download python installation package, adB. exe, and Python source program.

In the public number reply [jump a jump] three words can obtain the extraction code (rushed overnight, the end of the promotion of the public number, please forgive me! .

Baidu cloud

If it helps, don’t forget to click “like” ha!

The problem summary