Know the program (wechat sign ZXCX0101), let you know everything about small program.

What exactly is a applets? How is it different from APP and HTML 5? How is it different from a subscription number or a service number? Can applets really do anything? Every day, the app (wechat id zxCX0101) sees these questions in the background… If you really don’t know what a applet is? Find out in this article.
What exactly is a applets?Zhang Xiaolong, the father of wechat, describes small programs like this:

Small program is an application that can be used without downloading and installing, it realizes the dream of application at your fingertips, users can scan or search to open the application. It also embodies the concept of “run out”, so users don’t have to worry about installing too many apps. Applications will be everywhere, ready to use, but not installed or uninstalled.

In simple terms, applets can be used without installation; It’s also very small, no more than 1 meter each. The advent of small programs will bring us a lot of convenience and benefits:
1. Less trouble to install AppIn the app era, if we want to use a feature, we usually need to complete the following steps:

  1. Find apps in the App Store or Android market that do the same thing.

  2. Download and install the application;

  3. On the mobile desktop, find the app;

  4. Open and use the app.

In the era of applets, you just need to search or “scan” to open an app. Without the download and installation link, the connection between people and functions becomes simpler and more direct.
2. Free up the phone’s memoryIn addition to being more convenient to use, the “small size” of small programs can also greatly reduce the burden on your mobile phone. I believe you have many apps installed in your mobile phones. Typically, installing an app takes tens of MB, hundreds of MB, or even a few GIGABytes of memory. People with small mobile phone capacity, once installed several more apps, will face the problem of insufficient memory. In this case, small programs, no larger than 1 Megabyte in size, can be the salvation of a phone’s memory shortage. What’s more, small programs don’t need to be installed. Those apps that are not used most of the time and have to be installed can be completely removed from your phone once they become small programs.
3. Make your mobile desktop simplerWith the advent of applets, many of the apps on your phone’s desktop will probably disappear. Apps with simple functions and low frequency of use will be replaced by small programs, which will no longer occupy a place on the phone’s desktop, but will be folded inside the wechat super app and “summoned” when you use it. At present, wechat small program entrance has not been fully announced, I hope small program to help us “clean” the mobile desktop, wechat interface can continue to keep simple appearance.
What is the difference between applets and HTML 5?When applets were born, many people compared them to HTML 5, and some even confused them. But actually,
Applets and HTML 5 are essentially two different things: applets are computer programs and HTML 5 is Internet pages.
1. For usersWhen we open HTML 5, we actually open a web page that needs to be rendered in the browser. Therefore, to open HTML 5 on wechat, you need to complete the steps of loading the web page, which will give a feeling of “stuck”. For wechat small program, its code can be directly run on wechat, eliminating the steps of rendering through the browser, in the experience will be better than HTML 5 many. All in all,
Using miniprograms in wechat will be much smoother than HTML 5.
2. For developersFor developers,
Compared to HTML 5, applets can save a lot of server resources.That’s because HTML 5 requires developers’ servers to send HTML 5 code to users, and wechat helps developers distribute their mini-programs.
What are the differences between applets and subscription numbers and service numbers?Belonging to the same wechat ecosystem, small programs are also used by many people to compare with subscription accounts and service numbers. So, what’s the difference? Let’s take a look at what subscription numbers and service numbers are:

  • Subscription number: As the name implies, it is the public account used by users to subscribe to articles in wechat. Subscription numbers can push articles and information to users, and also manage subscribers and communicate with users. It is a media property product.

  • Service number: it is a service-oriented public account. It can help organizations provide services to users on wechat, while the service number also allows users to communicate directly with the organization’s customer service system and provide users with brand information.

Both are based on the “chat interface”That is, their functions and interfaces are already defined. The miniprogram allows developers to customize the interface, so it’s not limited to wechat’s chat interface. Not only can developers provide a better user experience, but they don’t have to worry about connecting to public account conversations, and the barriers to development are lower. To put it simply, if you think of these three platforms as three toys, the subscription and service numbers could be figurines or model cars, while the applets could be legos that can be assembled freely.
Are applets “omnipotent”?While applets are great, they are not panacea. Before making applets, we also need to be clear about the limitations of applets:
First, applets cannot carry all user needs.Whether it is the “heavy needs” such as game entertainment, document processing, or marketing needs with the ability to spread, small programs can not meet well. If you want to meet these needs, APP or HTML 5 is a better choice.
Second, the system of small programs as a whole depends on wechat.If your business conflicts with the rules set by wechat, or your main business is in areas where wechat penetration is not strong (such as abroad), wechat mini program is not a good choice.
In addition, applets currently cannot actively send messages (including group and template messages).If you need to provide customer service to users, or if you want to push information to users, an account with a subscription number or service number is more suitable. If you want to add customer service features in small applications, you need to implement them yourself. I hope that after reading the article, you can have a three-dimensional and rational understanding of wechat small program.
This article is produced by ZxCX0101, follow wechat, reply”I want to experienceTo get the chance to experience wechat mini programs.
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