The so-called virtual anchor refers to a person who posts videos or broadcasts live on video websites under the guise of an avatar. They don’t show up in person, but are replaced by virtual personas. Through 3DCG and motion capture technology to show their own character image and action on the screen, so as to complete the corresponding information broadcast work. The voices used include voice actors and virtual anchors using computer-generated voices. With the rapid development and maturity of AI technology, AI virtual anchors “walk” onto the stage and appear on the stage.

AI virtual anchors have attracted much attention in recent years. Reality through gathering the voice and image of the host and use including speech synthesis, face recognition, face image synthesis modeling, artificial intelligence technology, machine translation, synthesis make a virtual host, only enter text version of the news, can automatically generate a multilingual speech and expression of form a complete set, synthesis of news broadcast video.

From CCTV host comfort for prototyping “xiao-hui kang”, to the People’s Daily together to build virtual digital transmission and hkust xunfei anchorwoman “blended”, and during the two sessions, the official Xinhua News Agency to launch virtual host “new small sprout” AI, more and more artificial intelligence to the news broadcast, in the era of media using cutting-edge technology to produce high quality content, To make the news both fast and accurate.

Since February 22 this year, AI virtual anchor “Xiaoqing”, with AI intelligent technology for guangzhou citizens to send “Daily Safety notice” special column, remind the general public during this special period should pay attention to the various matters, so that the general public learned a lot of personal protection tips.

So, how to practice the “18 kinds of martial arts” of AI virtual anchor? Generally speaking, the AI virtual host accuracy of speech recognition and natural language processing the demand is higher, through the collection and recording real image, sound, body, such as material, through the depth of the human face tracking, voice annotations and machine learning algorithms, let the reality and digital model “unity”, in order to present a dynamic broadcast effect. However, in the current technological environment, AI can only achieve relatively simple emotional resonance. AI virtual anchors are far less “vivid” than real people, and their eyes are empty and soulless, which is also commented by some netizens.

From 1.0 to 2.0, AI technology is the main driving force for the development of virtual anchor. At present, in the field of voice, there are spitz, Yunzhisheng, IFLYTEK and other enterprises; In the field of natural language processing, companies such as Google and Microsoft have emerged; In the field of voice animation synthesis technology, enterprises such as Baidu, Sogou, Xiangxin Technology have emerged.

AI virtual anchor can exist, its foundation lies in AI technology. On the one hand, the application of artificial intelligence technology saves the time and cost of video news production and broadcasting, and greatly boosts the content production and production of news industry. On the other hand, the slow progress of AI core technology and the inconsistent standards of ethics and legality also restrict the application of AI in AI virtual anchor.

It can be speculated that the emergence of AI virtual anchor may explore a new business model. The establishment of virtual anchor IP can not only bring a large amount of live broadcast rewards income, but also bring a series of new commercial income, such as brand investment, virtual and physical derivative sales, copyright sales of all kinds of sound works and income from star brokerage activities. Based on this, some investors are also eager to try, and strive to grasp the new opportunities concerned.

With the accelerated arrival of large-scale commercial use of 5G, the interactive forms of future live broadcast rooms will be greatly enriched, and the future network social space may be multi-dimensional. In addition to simply broadcasting news, AI virtual anchors may also interact with audiences in real time, which will bring audiences a brand new experience of listening to news and watching news. If you have the chance, will you choose to interact with the AI virtual anchor?