Resource Canary is used to detect Activity level memory leaks and redundant bitmaps that are created repeatedly. The whole code is divided into two parts: the client detects memory leaks and cuts Hprof files, and the server analyzes the returned Hprof files.

Clients monitor memory leaks and crop Hprof files

This code is located under the matrix-resource-canary- Android module. The general process for monitoring Activity leaks is as follows:

  • Through the Application of ActivityLifecycleCallbacks callback, already destory the Activity information;
  • Background threads check for memory leaks every minute;
  • If memory leaks are found, dump memory information and cut Hprof file to report.

The principle of

ResourceCanary is still the LeakCanary reference, but ResourceCanary has made a little improvement. Check out the details and improvements in the documentation here, and here ARE the improvements to reduce false positives:

  • Add a sentinel object that must be reclaimed to verify that the system did GC
  • Weakreference.get () is directly used to judge whether the object has been recovered to avoid misjudgment due to delay
  • If it is found that an Activity cannot be recovered, the judgment is repeated for 3 times, and the leakage is considered only when more than 2 A-Ctivity is created from the time when the Activity is recorded, so as to prevent misjudgment caused by the local variable holding the Activity in the judgment
  • For activities that are judged to be leaking, record their class names to avoid repeating the message that the Activity is leaking

Plug-in startup

You can look directly at the ResourcePlugin start method:

@Override public void start() { super.start(); . mWatcher.start(); }Copy the code

The startup step is very simple, mWatcher is the ActivityRefWatcher initialized during the configuration phase, so let’s examine the ActivityRefWatcher start method:

Public void start() {Override public void start() {Override public void start() {Override public void start() { final Application app = mResourcePlugin.getApplication(); if (app ! = null) {/ / registered ActivityLifecycleCallbacks, Only to monitor onActivityDestroyed method app. RegisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks (mRemovedActivityMonitor); / / registration application in Taiwan before and after listening AppActiveMatrixDelegate INSTANCE. The addListener (this); // Start scheduleDetectProcedure(); }}Copy the code

Get information about activities that might be leaking

private final Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks mRemovedActivityMonitor = new ActivityLifeCycleCallbacksAdapter() {  @Override public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) { mCurrentCreatedActivityCount.incrementAndGet(); } @override public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity Activity) {// Record Activity that has been destoryed pushDestroyedActivityInfo(activity); }};Copy the code
private void pushDestroyedActivityInfo(Activity activity) { final String activityName = activity.getClass().getName(); // This Activity confirms that there is a leak, If (isPublished(activityName)) {matrixlog. d(TAG, "Activity leak with name %s had published, just ignore", activityName); return; } final UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); final StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Keybuilder.append (ACTIVITY_REFKEY_PREFIX).append(activityName) .append('_').append(Long.toHexString(uuid.getMostSignificantBits())).append(Long.toHexString(uuid.getLeastSignificantBit s())); final String key = keyBuilder.toString(); // Create a data structure, DestroyedActivityInfo DestroyedActivityInfo = new DestroyedActivityInfo(Key, Activity, DestroyedActivityInfo) activityName, mCurrentCreatedActivityCount.get()); / / in the subsequent mDestroyedActivityInfos Activity list are to be detected. The add (destroyedActivityInfo); }Copy the code

After storage, wait quietly for rotation training analysis.

The scheduleDetectProcedure method starts the rotation to analyze:

private void scheduleDetectProcedure() {
Copy the code

ExecuteInBackground will go to the following method:

 private void postToBackgroundWithDelay(final RetryableTask task, final int failedAttempts) {
        mBackgroundHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                RetryableTask.Status status = task.execute();
                if (status == RetryableTask.Status.RETRY) {
                    postToBackgroundWithDelay(task, failedAttempts + 1);
        }, mDelayMillis);
Copy the code

The RetryableTask task is finally executed in rotation at mDelayMillis milliseconds and stops when retryAbletask.status is RETRY. So, let’s look at the RetryableTask that comes in, Namely mScanDestroyedActivitiesTask the execute method of the execute method content is more, we only analyze ResourceConfig. DumpMode = = AUTO_DUMP

Detect for memory leaks

private final RetryableTask mScanDestroyedActivitiesTask = new RetryableTask() { @Override public Status execute() { // Fake, leaks will be generated when the debugger is attached. / / the Debug Debug mode, testing may fail, direct return the if (Debug. IsDebuggerConnected () &&! mResourcePlugin.getConfig().getDetectDebugger()) { MatrixLog.w(TAG, "debugger is connected, to avoid fake result, detection was delayed."); return Status.RETRY; } / / if no has been destory the Activity instance (mDestroyedActivityInfos. IsEmpty () {return Status. RETRY. } final WeakReference<Object> sentinelRef = new WeakReference<>(new Object()); // try to triggerGc triggerGc(); // Return if (sentinelref.get ()! = null) { // System ignored our gc request, we will retry later. MatrixLog.d(TAG, "system ignore our gc request, wait for next detection."); return Status.RETRY; } final Iterator<DestroyedActivityInfo> infoIt = mDestroyedActivityInfos.iterator(); while (infoIt.hasNext()) { final DestroyedActivityInfo destroyedActivityInfo =; // The Activity corresponding to this instance has been labeled leaked, Skip the instance if (isPublished (destroyedActivityInfo mActivityName)) {MatrixLog. V (TAG, "activity with key [%s] was already published.", destroyedActivityInfo.mActivityName); infoIt.remove(); continue; } // If the Activity instance cannot be retrieved by a weak reference, it has been collected. Skip The instance if (destroyedActivityInfo. MActivityRef. The get () = = null) {/ / The activity The was recycled by a gc triggered outside. MatrixLog.v(TAG, "activity with key [%s] was already recycled.", destroyedActivityInfo.mKey); infoIt.remove(); continue; } / / the Activity instance to detect leakage of the number of + 1 + + destroyedActivityInfo mDetectedCount; / / the currently displayed Activity instance and leak the Activity instance differs a few Activity long jump createdActivityCountFromDestroy = mCurrentCreatedActivityCount. The get () - destroyedActivityInfo.mLastCreatedActivityCount; // If the number of leaks detected by the Activity instance does not reach the threshold, or if the leaking Activity is close to the current displayed Activity, this can be considered a fault tolerant method. Skip the instance if (destroyedActivityInfo mDetectedCount < mMaxRedetectTimes | | (createdActivityCountFromDestroy < CREATED_ACTIVITY_COUNT_THRESHOLD && ! mResourcePlugin.getConfig().getDetectDebugger())) { // Although the sentinel tell us the activity should have been recycled, // system may still ignore it, so try again until we reach max retry times. MatrixLog.i(TAG, "activity with key [%s] should be recycled but actually still \n" + "exists in %s times detection with %s created activities during destroy, wait for next detection to confirm.", destroyedActivityInfo.mKey, destroyedActivityInfo.mDetectedCount, createdActivityCountFromDestroy); continue; } MatrixLog.i(TAG, "activity with key [%s] was suspected to be a leaked instance.", destroyedActivityInfo.mKey); // If (mHeapDumper! = null) { final File hprofFile = mHeapDumper.dumpHeap(); if (hprofFile ! = null) { markPublished(destroyedActivityInfo.mActivityName); final HeapDump heapDump = new HeapDump(hprofFile, destroyedActivityInfo.mKey, destroyedActivityInfo.mActivityName); Mheapdumphandler.process (heapDump); infoIt.remove(); Matrixlog. I (TAG, "heap dump for further analyzing activity with key [%s] was failed, just ignore.", destroyedActivityInfo.mKey); infoIt.remove(); }} else {// Lightweight, just report leaked activity name. Matrixlog. I (TAG, "Lightweight, just report leaked Activity name."); markPublished(destroyedActivityInfo.mActivityName); if (mResourcePlugin ! = null) { final JSONObject resultJson = new JSONObject(); try { resultJson.put(SharePluginInfo.ISSUE_ACTIVITY_NAME, destroyedActivityInfo.mActivityName); } catch (JSONException e) { MatrixLog.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e, "unexpected exception."); } mResourcePlugin.onDetectIssue(new Issue(resultJson)); } } } return Status.RETRY; }};Copy the code

(1) the sentry

This sentinel is the condition to determine what gc is actually firing, so why sentinel, as the documentation states:

The VM does not provide an API to force GC to be triggered. GC can only be "suggested" to the System via system.gc () or Runtime.getruntime ().gc(). If the System ignores our GC request, the recoverable object will not be added to the ReferenceQueueCopy the code

(2) manual gc

Although runtime.getruntime ().gc() is not guaranteed, the GC must be triggered manually

③ Whether the sentry is recovered

If the sentry is collected, gc is actually triggered. If not, let the rotation continue and retry

④ The total number of detection

This place is annotated in English, mainly to prolong the testing time, Although the sentinel tell us the activity should have been recycled, the system may still ignore it, so try again until we reach max retry times.

AndroidHeapDumper = AndroidHeapDumper = AndroidHeapDumper = ComponentFactory

Public File dumpHeap () {/ / by store Manager to produce a final File File File hprofFile = mDumpStorageManager. NewHprofFile (); . Try {/ / will dump information storage to Debug hprofFile dumpHprofData (hprofFile. GetAbsolutePath ()); . // Dump file return hprofFile; } catch (Exception e) { MatrixLog.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e, "failed to dump heap into file: %s.", hprofFile.getAbsolutePath()); return null; }}Copy the code

⑥ Compress and report dumpFile

MHeapDumpHandler is AndroidHeapDumper HeapDumpHandler class, it is also provided in ComponentFactory, then let’s take a look at the process method:

protected AndroidHeapDumper.HeapDumpHandler createHeapDumpHandler(final Context context, ResourceConfig resourceConfig) { return new AndroidHeapDumper.HeapDumpHandler() { @Override public void process(HeapDump Result) {/ / process flow eventually call CanaryWorkerService cutting and reporting CanaryWorkerService. ShrinkHprofAndReport (context, result); }}; }Copy the code
public static void shrinkHprofAndReport(Context context, HeapDump heapDump) {
        final Intent intent = new Intent(context, CanaryWorkerService.class);
        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PARAM_HEAPDUMP, heapDump);
        enqueueWork(context, CanaryWorkerService.class, JOB_ID, intent);
Copy the code
Copy the code

CanaryWorkerService and CanaryResultService are both run in separate processes. CanaryWorkerService executes the doShrinkHprofAndReport method:

private void doShrinkHprofAndReport(HeapDump heapDump) { final File hprofDir = heapDump.getHprofFile().getParentFile(); // Clipped HprofFile name Final File shrinkedHProfFile = new File(hprofDir, getShrinkHprofName(heapdump.gethProffile ())); final File zipResFile = new File(hprofDir, getResultZipName("dump_result_" + android.os.Process.myPid())); final File hprofFile = heapDump.getHprofFile(); ZipOutputStream zos = null; try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); HprofBufferShrinker().shrink(hprofFile, shrinkedHProfFile); MatrixLog.i(TAG, "shrink hprof file %s, size: %dk to %s, size: %dk, use time:%d", hprofFile.getPath(), hprofFile.length() / 1024, shrinkedHProfFile.getPath(), shrinkedHProfFile.length() / 1024, (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); Zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipResFile))); Final ZipEntry resultInfoEntry = new ZipEntry(""); // Record some device information. / / cut after Hprof files final ZipEntry shrinkedHProfEntry = new ZipEntry (shrinkedHProfFile. The getName ()); zos.putNextEntry(resultInfoEntry); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(zos, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); pw.println("# Resource Canary Result Infomation. THIS FILE IS IMPORTANT FOR THE ANALYZER !!" ); Pw.println ("sdkVersion=" + build.version.sdk_int); Pw. println("manufacturer=" + build.manufacturer); / / after cutting Hprof filename pw. Println (" hprofEntry = "+ shrinkedHProfEntry. GetName ()); Println ("leakedActivityKey=" + heapdump.getreferenceKey ()); pw.flush(); zos.closeEntry(); zos.putNextEntry(shrinkedHProfEntry); copyFileToStream(shrinkedHProfFile, zos); zos.closeEntry(); // ShrinkedhProffile.delete (); hprofFile.delete(); MatrixLog.i(TAG, "process hprof file use total time:%d", (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); / / CanaryResultService report execution logic CanaryResultService. ReportHprofResult (this, zipResFile getAbsolutePath (), heapDump.getActivityName()); } catch (IOException e) { MatrixLog.printErrStackTrace(TAG, e, ""); } finally { closeQuietly(zos); }}Copy the code

The clipped core code is as follows:

public void shrink(File hprofIn, File hprofOut) throws IOException { FileInputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; try { is = new FileInputStream(hprofIn); os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(hprofOut)); final HprofReader reader = new HprofReader(new BufferedInputStream(is)); Reader.accept (new HprofInfoCollectVisitor()); // Reset. is.getChannel().position(0); / / 2, find a Bitmap, the String holding the byte array, and find content repeat. Bitmap reader accept (new HprofKeptBufferCollectVisitor ()); // Reset. is.getChannel().position(0); Accept (new HprofBufferShrinkVisitor(new HprofWriter(OS))); } finally { if (os ! = null) { try { os.close(); } catch (Throwable thr) { // Ignored. } } if (is ! = null) { try { is.close(); } catch (Throwable thr) { // Ignored. } } } }Copy the code


private class HprofInfoCollectVisitor extends HprofVisitor { HprofInfoCollectVisitor() { super(null); } @Override public void visitHeader(String text, int idSize, long timestamp) { mIdSize = idSize; mNullBufferId = ID.createNullID(idSize); } @Override public void visitStringRecord(ID id, String text, int timestamp, Long Length) {if (mBitmapClassNameStringId == null && " ".equals(text)) {//Bitmap type String Index of the String mBitmapClassNameStringId = id; } else if (mMBufferFieldNameStringId = = null && "mBuffer" equals (text)) {/ / mBuffer field String String index mMBufferFieldNameStringId = id; } else if (mMRecycledFieldNameStringId = = null && "mRecycled" equals (text)) {/ / mRecycled field String String index mMRecycledFieldNameStringId = id; } else if (mStringClassNameStringId == null && "java.lang.string ".equals(text)) {// Index of String type mStringClassNameStringId = id; } else if (mValueFieldNameStringId == null && "value".equals(text)) {mValueFieldNameStringId = id; } } @Override public void visitLoadClassRecord(int serialNumber, ID classObjectId, int stackTraceSerial, ID classNameStringId, int timestamp, long length) { if (mBmpClassId == null && mBitmapClassNameStringId ! = null && mBitmapClassNameStringId. Equals (classNameStringId)) {/ / find the Bitmap index of this class mBmpClassId = classObjectId; } else if (mStringClassId == null && mStringClassNameStringId ! = null && mStringClassNameStringId. Equals (classNameStringId)) {/ / find the String of this class index mStringClassId = classObjectId; } } @Override public HprofHeapDumpVisitor visitHeapDumpRecord(int tag, int timestamp, long length) { return new HprofHeapDumpVisitor(null) { @Override public void visitHeapDumpClass(ID id, int stackSerialNumber, ID superClassId, ID classLoaderId, int instanceSize, Field[] staticFields, Field[] instanceFields) { if (mBmpClassInstanceFields == null && mBmpClassId ! MBmpClassInstanceFields = instanceFields; = null && mbmpClassid. equals(id)) {mBmpClassInstanceFields = instanceFields; } else if (mStringClassInstanceFields == null && mStringClassId ! = null && mStringClassId. Equals (id)) {/ / find the String all the forces of field information mStringClassInstanceFields = instanceFields; }}}; }}Copy the code

The Bitmap and String types are treated here (because the byte array will be collected in the next step).

Before android SDK < 26, the byte array for storing pixels is placed in the Java layer, and after 26 is placed in the Native layer.

String Before the Android SDK < 23, the byte array for storing characters is placed in the Java layer, and after 23 is placed in the Native layer.


private class HprofKeptBufferCollectVisitor extends HprofVisitor { HprofKeptBufferCollectVisitor() { super(null); } @Override public HprofHeapDumpVisitor visitHeapDumpRecord(int tag, int timestamp, long length) { return new HprofHeapDumpVisitor(null) { @Override public void visitHeapDumpInstance(ID id, int stackId, ID typeId, byte[] instanceData) {try {// Find Bitmap instance if (mBmpClassId! = null && mBmpClassId.equals(typeId)) { ID bufferId = null; Boolean isRecycled = null; final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(instanceData); for (Field field : mBmpClassInstanceFields) { final ID fieldNameStringId = field.nameId; final Type fieldType = Type.getType(field.typeId); if (fieldType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("visit bmp instance failed, lost type def of typeId: " + field.typeId); } the if (mMBufferFieldNameStringId equals (fieldNameStringId)) {/ / find the instance mBuffer field index id bufferId = (id) IOUtil.readValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize); } else if (mMRecycledFieldNameStringId equals (fieldNameStringId)) {/ / find the instance mRecycled Boolean value (basic data types, IsRecycled = (Boolean) ioutil. readValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize); } else if (bufferId == null || isRecycled == null) { IOUtil.skipValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize); } else { break; } } bais.close(); / / confirm the Bitmap is not recycled final Boolean reguardAsNotRecycledBmp = (isRecycled = = null | |! isRecycled); if (bufferId ! = null && reguardAsNotRecycledBmp && ! Bufferid.equals (mNullBufferId)) {// Add mbmpBufferids.add (bufferId); } else if (mStringClassId! = null && mStringClassId.equals(typeId)) { ID strValueId = null; final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(instanceData); for (Field field : mStringClassInstanceFields) { final ID fieldNameStringId = field.nameId; final Type fieldType = Type.getType(field.typeId); if (fieldType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("visit string instance failed, lost type def of typeId: " + field.typeId); } the if (mValueFieldNameStringId equals (fieldNameStringId)) {/ / find the String instance value field of the corresponding byte array index id strValueId = (id) IOUtil.readValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize); } else if (strValueId == null) { IOUtil.skipValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize); } else { break; } } bais.close(); if (strValueId ! = null && ! Strvalueid. equals(mNullBufferId)) {// Add the byte array id corresponding to the value field to the collection mStringValueids. add(strValueId); } } } catch (Throwable thr) { throw new RuntimeException(thr); } } @Override public void visitHeapDumpPrimitiveArray(int tag, ID id, int stackId, int numElements, int typeId, Byte [] elements) {/ / will all the byte array index id, as well as the corresponding byte [] data set to join mBufferIdToElementDataMap. Put (id, elements); }}; } @Override public void visitEnd() { final Set<Map.Entry<ID, byte[]>> idDataSet = mBufferIdToElementDataMap.entrySet(); final Map<String, ID> duplicateBufferFilterMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<ID, byte[]> idDataPair : idDataSet) { final ID bufferId = idDataPair.getKey(); final byte[] elementData = idDataPair.getValue(); // If the byte array is not part of the Bitmap, continue if (! mBmpBufferIds.contains(bufferId)) { // Discard non-bitmap buffer. continue; } calculate md5 final String of byte[] data buffMd5 = DigestUtil.getMD5String(elementData); final ID mergedBufferId = duplicateBufferFilterMap.get(buffMd5); / / memory Bitmap if there is no duplicate byte [] data if (mergedBufferId = = null) {duplicateBufferFilterMap. Put (buffMd5 bufferId); } else {// If the Bitmap contains duplicate byte[] data, All references to the same byte array index (facilitate subsequent cutting out duplicate byte [] data) mBmpBufferIdToDeduplicatedIdMap. Put (mergedBufferId mergedBufferId); mBmpBufferIdToDeduplicatedIdMap.put(bufferId, mergedBufferId); } } // Save memory cost. mBufferIdToElementDataMap.clear(); }}Copy the code


private class HprofBufferShrinkVisitor extends HprofVisitor { HprofBufferShrinkVisitor(HprofWriter hprofWriter) { super(hprofWriter); } @Override public HprofHeapDumpVisitor visitHeapDumpRecord(int tag, int timestamp, long length) { return new HprofHeapDumpVisitor(super.visitHeapDumpRecord(tag, timestamp, length)) { @Override public void visitHeapDumpInstance(ID id, int stackId, ID typeId, Byte [] instanceData) {try {// If the Bitmap type is typeid.equals (mBmpClassId)) {ID bufferId = null; int bufferIdPos = 0; final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(instanceData); for (Field field : mBmpClassInstanceFields) { final ID fieldNameStringId = field.nameId; final Type fieldType = Type.getType(field.typeId); if (fieldType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("visit instance failed, lost type def of typeId: " + field.typeId); } if (mMBufferFieldNameStringId.equals(fieldNameStringId)) { bufferId = (ID) IOUtil.readValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize);  break; } else { bufferIdPos += IOUtil.skipValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize); }} // If the index of this instance's mBuffer field is not null if (bufferId! = null) {// Get the byte array index (if there are duplicate byte[] data, Finally leads to an id index) final id deduplicatedId = mBmpBufferIdToDeduplicatedIdMap. Get (bufferId); if (deduplicatedId ! = null && ! bufferId.equals(deduplicatedId) && ! Bufferid.equals (mNullBufferId)) {// Update byte array index ID modifyIdInBuffer(instanceData, bufferIdPos, deduplicatedId); } } } } catch (Throwable thr) { throw new RuntimeException(thr); } super.visitHeapDumpInstance(id, stackId, typeId, instanceData); } private void modifyIdInBuffer(byte[] buf, int off, ID newId) { final ByteBuffer bBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); bBuf.position(off); bBuf.put(newId.getBytes()); } @Override public void visitHeapDumpPrimitiveArray(int tag, ID id, int stackId, int numElements, int typeId, Byte [] elements) {/ / repeat byte array index index after the redirection id final id deduplicatedID = mBmpBufferIdToDeduplicatedIdMap. Get (id); // Discard non-bitmap or duplicated bitmap buffer but keep reference key. if (deduplicatedID == null || ! Id.equals (deduplicatedID)) {return if (! mStringValueIds.contains(id)) { return; } } super.visitHeapDumpPrimitiveArray(tag, id, stackId, numElements, typeId, elements); }}; }}Copy the code

The process of Hprof file pruning is mainly to crop the byte[] data of the repeated Bitmap, and the pruning is not very strong. Can we just keep the reference chain and discard all PrimitiveArray? The reason for keeping Bitmap here is that after sending back, PNG image information can be restored. Bitmap is not very useful, but also a lot of space for cropping).

Finally, the clipped Hprof file is reported in the CanaryResultService Service

@Override protected void onHandleWork(Intent intent) { if (intent ! = null) { final String action = intent.getAction(); if (ACTION_REPORT_HPROF_RESULT.equals(action)) { final String resultPath = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_PARAM_RESULT_PATH); final String activityName = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_PARAM_ACTIVITY); if (resultPath ! = null && ! resultPath.isEmpty() && activityName ! = null && ! activityName.isEmpty()) { doReportHprofResult(resultPath, activityName); } else { MatrixLog.e(TAG, "resultPath or activityName is null or empty, skip reporting."); } } } } private void doReportHprofResult(String resultPath, String activityName) { try { final JSONObject resultJson = new JSONObject(); // resultJson = DeviceUtil.getDeviceInfo(resultJson, getApplication()); resultJson.put(SharePluginInfo.ISSUE_RESULT_PATH, resultPath); resultJson.put(SharePluginInfo.ISSUE_ACTIVITY_NAME, activityName); Plugin plugin = Matrix.with().getPluginByClass(ResourcePlugin.class); if (plugin ! = null) { plugin.onDetectIssue(new Issue(resultJson)); } } catch (Throwable thr) { MatrixLog.printErrStackTrace(TAG, thr, "unexpected exception, skip reporting."); }}Copy the code

The server parses the tailored Hprof file

Java memory reclamation works by determining whether the object has a chain of references to GCRoot. The principle of analyzing Hprof here is also to get the leaked Activity’s reference chain to GCRoot.

First, clarify which objects belong to GCRoot;

In the code for the Resource Canary, the reference chain is found using these GCRoot types

private void enqueueGcRoots(Snapshot snapshot) { for (RootObj rootObj : Snapshot.getgcroots ()) {switch (rootobj.getrootType ()) {// JAVA_LOCAL: Instance thread = HahaSpy.allocatingThread(rootObj); String threadName = threadName(thread); Exclusion params = excludedRefs.threadNames.get(threadName); if (params == null || ! params.alwaysExclude) { enqueue(params, null, rootObj, null, null); } break; case INTERNED_STRING: case DEBUGGER: case INVALID_TYPE: // An object that is unreachable from any other root, but not a root itself. case UNREACHABLE: case UNKNOWN: // An object that is in a queue, waiting for a finalizer to run. case FINALIZING: break; // GCRoot case SYSTEM_CLASS: // A local variable in native code. // NATIVE_LOCAL: // A global variable in native code. // Case NATIVE_STATIC: Referenced from An active thread block. Case THREAD_BLOCK: // Everything that called the wait() or notify() methods, or that is synchronized. case BUSY_MONITOR: case NATIVE_MONITOR: case REFERENCE_CLEANUP: // Input or output parameters in native code. case NATIVE_STACK: Case JAVA_STATIC: enqueue(null, null, rootObj, null, null); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown root type:" + rootObj.getRootType()); }}}Copy the code

Let’s look at the entry method for analysis

private static void analyzeAndStoreResult(File hprofFile, int sdkVersion, String manufacturer, String leakedActivityKey, JSONObject extraInfo) throws IOException { final HeapSnapshot heapSnapshot = new HeapSnapshot(hprofFile); // Some leaks that may result from system problems, You can think out final ExcludedRefs ExcludedRefs = AndroidExcludedRefs. CreateAppDefaults (sdkVersion, manufacturer). The build (); Final ActivityLeakResult ActivityLeakResult = New ActivityLeakAnalyzer(leakedActivityKey, excludedRefs).analyze(heapSnapshot); DuplicatedBitmapResult duplicatedBmpResult = DuplicatedBitmapResult.noDuplicatedBitmap(0); If (sdkVersion < 26) {final ExcludedBmps ExcludedBmps = AndroidExcludedBmpRefs.createDefaults().build(); duplicatedBmpResult = new DuplicatedBitmapAnalyzer(mMinBmpLeakSize, excludedBmps).analyze(heapSnapshot); } else { System.err.println("\n ! SDK version of target device is larger or equal to 26, " + "which is not supported by DuplicatedBitmapAnalyzer."); }... }Copy the code

The ActivityLeakAnalyzer class analyzes the chain of references from GCRoot to the leakactivity instance.

private ActivityLeakResult checkForLeak(HeapSnapshot heapSnapshot, String refKey) { long analysisStartNanoTime = System.nanoTime(); try { final Snapshot snapshot = heapSnapshot.getSnapshot(); Final Instance leakingRef = findLeakingReference(refKey, snapshot); // False alarm, weak reference was cleared in between key check and heap dump. Has been recycling the if (leakingRef = = null) {return ActivityLeakResult. NoLeak (AnalyzeUtil. Since (analysisStartNanoTime)); } return findLeakTrace(analysisStartNanoTime, Snapshot, leakingRef); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ActivityLeakResult.failure(e, AnalyzeUtil.since(analysisStartNanoTime)); }}Copy the code

Finding a leaking Activity instance is determined by using the DestroyedActivityInfo class used when detecting an Activity leak.

Public Class DestroyedActivityInfo {// Determine the leaked Activity instance by deciding whether the Hprof instance key in the dump file is the same as the passed key. public final String mActivityName; Public final WeakReference<Activity> mActivityRef; public final WeakReference<Activity> mActivityRef; public final long mLastCreatedActivityCount; public int mDetectedCount = 0; public DestroyedActivityInfo(String key, Activity activity, String activityName, long lastCreatedActivityCount) { mKey = key; mActivityName = activityName; mActivityRef = new WeakReference<>(activity); mLastCreatedActivityCount = lastCreatedActivityCount; }}Copy the code
private Instance findLeakingReference(String key, Snapshot snapshot) { // private static final String DESTROYED_ACTIVITY_INFO_CLASSNAME= "com.tencent.matrix.resource.analyzer.model.DestroyedActivityInfo"; final ClassObj infoClass = snapshot.findClass(DESTROYED_ACTIVITY_INFO_CLASSNAME); if (infoClass == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unabled to find destroy activity info class with name: " + DESTROYED_ACTIVITY_INFO_CLASSNAME); } List<String> keysFound = new ArrayList<>(); // Run through all instances of DestroyedActivityInfo for (Instance infoInstance: infoClass.getInstancesList()) { final List<ClassInstance.FieldValue> values = classInstanceValues(infoInstance); // private static final String ACTIVITY_REFERENCE_KEY_FIELDNAME = "mKey"; final String keyCandidate = asString(fieldValue(values, ACTIVITY_REFERENCE_KEY_FIELDNAME)); if (keyCandidate.equals(key)) { // private static final String ACTIVITY_REFERENCE_FIELDNAME = "mActivityRef"; final Instance weakRefObj = fieldValue(values, ACTIVITY_REFERENCE_FIELDNAME); if (weakRefObj == null) { continue; } final List<ClassInstance.FieldValue> activityRefs = classInstanceValues(weakRefObj); Return fieldValue(activityRefs, "referent"); } keysFound.add(keyCandidate); } throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not find weak reference with key " + key + " in " + keysFound); }Copy the code

Once you get the leaked Activity instance, you need to find the reference chain from GCToot to that instance.

private ActivityLeakResult findLeakTrace(long analysisStartNanoTime, Snapshot snapshot, Instance leakingRef) {// Path search help class, ShortestPathFinder(mExcludedRefs) ShortestPathFinder = new ShortestPathFinder(mExcludedRefs); / / to find the shortest chain of references, and returns the Result ShortestPathFinder. The Result Result = pathFinder. FindPath (the snapshot, leakingRef); // False alarm, No strong reference path to GC Roots. / / if no reference chain (result) referenceChainHead = = null) {return ActivityLeakResult.noLeak(AnalyzeUtil.since(analysisStartNanoTime)); } final ReferenceChain referenceChain = result.buildReferenceChain(); final String className = leakingRef.getClassObj().getClassName(); // If exclude is matched, Return if no reference chain (result. ExcludingKnown | | referenceChain. IsEmpty ()) {return ActivityLeakResult.noLeak(AnalyzeUtil.since(analysisStartNanoTime)); } else {/ / return the Activity leak results return ActivityLeakResult. LeakDetected (false, the className, referenceChain, AnalyzeUtil.since(analysisStartNanoTime)); }}Copy the code

FindPath is the core method for discovering chains of references

public Result findPath(Snapshot snapshot, Instance targetReference) { final List<Instance> targetRefList = new ArrayList<>(); targetRefList.add(targetReference); final Map<Instance, Result> results = findPath(snapshot, targetRefList); if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) { return new Result(null, false); } else { return results.get(targetReference); }}Copy the code
public Map<Instance, Result> findPath(Snapshot snapshot, Collection<Instance> targetReferences) { final Map<Instance, Result> results = new HashMap<>(); if (targetReferences.isEmpty()) { return results; } clearState(); // Find the GCRoot object and put it in the queue enqueueGcRoots(snapshot); CanIgnoreStrings = true; for (Instance targetReference : targetReferences) { if (isString(targetReference)) { canIgnoreStrings = false; break; } } final Set<Instance> targetRefSet = new HashSet<>(targetReferences); while (! toVisitQueue.isEmpty() || ! toVisitIfNoPathQueue.isEmpty()) { ReferenceNode node; if (! toVisitQueue.isEmpty()) { node = toVisitQueue.poll(); } else { node = toVisitIfNoPathQueue.poll(); if (node.exclusion == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected node to have an exclusion " + node); }} // Termination GCRoot -> targetRef if (targetRefSet. Contains (node.instance)) {results. Put (node. new Result(node, node.exclusion ! = null)); targetRefSet.remove(node.instance); if (targetRefSet.isEmpty()) { break; If (checkSeen(node)) {continue; } if (node.instance instanceof RootObj) {// If (node.instance instanceof RootObj) {// If (node. } else if (node.instance instanceof ClassObj) {// If it is Class, look for the child node visitClassObj(node); } else if (node.instance instanceof ClassInstance) {// If it is an instance, look for the child node visitClassInstance(node) according to the rules of the instance; } else if (node.instance instanceof ArrayInstance) {// If (node.instance instanceof ArrayInstance) {// If (node.instance instanceof ArrayInstance); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected type for " + node.instance); } } return results; }Copy the code
private void visitRootObj(ReferenceNode node) { RootObj rootObj = (RootObj) node.instance; Instance child = rootObj.getReferredInstance(); If (rootobj.getrootType () == rootType.java_local) {Instance holder = hahaaspy.allocatingThread (rootObj); // We switch the parent node with the thread instance that holds // the local reference. Exclusion exclusion = null; if (node.exclusion ! = null) { exclusion = node.exclusion; ReferenceNode parent = new ReferenceNode(null, holder, null, null, null); enqueue(exclusion, parent, child, "<Java Local>", LOCAL); } else { enqueue(null, node, child, null, null); }}Copy the code
private void visitClassObj(ReferenceNode node) { ClassObj classObj = (ClassObj) node.instance; Map<String, Exclusion> ignoredStaticFields = excludedRefs.staticFieldNameByClassName.get(classObj.getClassName()); for (Map.Entry<Field, Object> entry : classObj.getStaticFieldValues().entrySet()) { Field field = entry.getKey(); // It is not a reference type, there is no next level of reference chain; Check if (field.getType()! = Type.OBJECT) { continue; } String fieldName = field.getName(); if ("$staticOverhead".equals(fieldName)) { continue; } Instance child = (Instance) entry.getValue(); boolean visit = true; if (ignoredStaticFields ! = null) { Exclusion params = ignoredStaticFields.get(fieldName); if (params ! = null) { visit = false; if (! params.alwaysExclude) { enqueue(params, node, child, fieldName, STATIC_FIELD); } } } if (visit) { enqueue(null, node, child, fieldName, STATIC_FIELD); }}}Copy the code
private void visitClassInstance(ReferenceNode node) { ClassInstance classInstance = (ClassInstance) node.instance; Map<String, Exclusion> ignoredFields = new LinkedHashMap<>(); ClassObj superClassObj = classInstance.getClassObj(); Exclusion classExclusion = null; while (superClassObj ! = null) { Exclusion params = excludedRefs.classNames.get(superClassObj.getClassName()); if (params ! = null && (classExclusion == null || ! classExclusion.alwaysExclude)) { // true overrides null or false. classExclusion = params; } Map<String, Exclusion> classIgnoredFields = excludedRefs.fieldNameByClassName.get(superClassObj.getClassName()); if (classIgnoredFields ! = null) { ignoredFields.putAll(classIgnoredFields); } superClassObj = superClassObj.getSuperClassObj(); } if (classExclusion ! = null && classExclusion.alwaysExclude) { return; } for (ClassInstance.FieldValue fieldValue : classInstance.getValues()) { Exclusion fieldExclusion = classExclusion; Field field = fieldValue.getField(); if (field.getType() ! = Type.OBJECT) { continue; } Instance child = (Instance) fieldValue.getValue(); String fieldName = field.getName(); Exclusion params = ignoredFields.get(fieldName); // If we found a field exclusion and it's stronger than a class exclusion if (params ! = null && (fieldExclusion == null || (params.alwaysExclude && ! fieldExclusion.alwaysExclude))) { fieldExclusion = params; } enqueue(fieldExclusion, node, child, fieldName, INSTANCE_FIELD); }}Copy the code
private void visitArrayInstance(ReferenceNode node) { ArrayInstance arrayInstance = (ArrayInstance) node.instance; Type arrayType = arrayInstance.getArrayType(); // Each element is a reference Type if (arrayType == type.object) {OBJECT [] values = arrayInstance.getValues(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Instance child = (Instance) values[i]; enqueue(null, node, child, "[" + i + "]", ARRAY_ENTRY); }}}Copy the code

Once the complete chain of references is found, it jumps out of the while loop of the findPath method and returns the chain.

Resource Canary still has repeated Bitmap detection, which is located in DuplicatedBitmapAnalyzer

   public DuplicatedBitmapResult analyze(HeapSnapshot heapSnapshot) {
        final long analysisStartNanoTime = System.nanoTime();

        try {
            final Snapshot snapshot = heapSnapshot.getSnapshot();
            new ShortestDistanceVisitor().doVisit(snapshot.getGCRoots());
            return findDuplicatedBitmap(analysisStartNanoTime, snapshot);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return DuplicatedBitmapResult.failure(e, AnalyzeUtil.since(analysisStartNanoTime));
Copy the code

The resulting returned DuplicatedBitmapResult has a list of duplicatedBitmapentries, which is the result of the final analysis.

public static class DuplicatedBitmapEntry implements Serializable { private final String mBufferHash; private final int mWidth; private final int mHeight; private final byte[] mBuffer; private final List<ReferenceChain> mReferenceChains; public DuplicatedBitmapEntry(int width, int height, byte[] rawBuffer, Collection<ReferenceChain> referenceChains) { mBufferHash = DigestUtil.getMD5String(rawBuffer); mWidth = width; mHeight = height; mBuffer = rawBuffer; mReferenceChains = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(referenceChains)); }}Copy the code

Resource Canary’s Hprof file analyzes the logic to deepen your understanding of the Java memory model. Memory analysis code underlying cited ‘com. Squareup. Haha: haha: 2.0.3’, want deeper principles need to be carefully read haha this library.

Hprof file format

The basic data types used by Hprof files are U1, U2, U4, and U8, which represent the contents of 1 byte, 2 byte, 4 byte, and 8 byte respectively, and consist of the file header and the file content.

The file header contains the following information:

The length of the meaning
[u1]* A null-terminated string of bytes representing the format name and version, such as JAVA PROFILE 1.0.1 (consisting of 18 U1 bytes)
u4 Size of identifiers (length of ids for strings, objects, stacks, etc.)
u8 Time stamp, time stamp, number of milliseconds since 1970/1

The file content consists of a series of records, each of which contains the following information:

The length of the meaning
u1 TAG: indicates the record type
u4 TIME, timestamp, the millisecond relative to the timestamp in the file header
u4 LENGTH is the LENGTH of the BODY in bytes
u4 BODY, specific content

The hprof file defines the following tags:


There are three main types of information to focus on:

  • String information: Holds all strings and can be referenced by index ID during parsing
  • Class structure information: this includes variable layout inside the class, information about the parent class, and so on
  • Heap information: Details of memory footprint and object references

If the heap is HEAP_DUMP or HEAP_DUMP_SEGMENT, then the BODY consists of a series of sub-records, which are also distinguished by tags:


For each TAG and its corresponding content, please refer to HPROF Agent. For example, the format of String Record is as follows:

Therefore, when reading the Hprof file, if the TAG is 0x01, then the current record is a string, the first part of the information is the string ID, and the second part is the contents of the string.

Hprof file clipping

The goal of Matrix’s Hprof file clipping is to remove the values from the array of the underlying types of all objects except Bitmap and String, because the Hprof file’s analysis only needs the String array and Bitmap’s buffer array. On the other hand, if there are cases where different bitmaps have the same buffer array value, you can point them to the same buffer to further reduce the file size. The tailored Hprof file is usually more than 1/10 smaller than the source file.

HprofReader, HprofVisitor, and HprofWriter correspond to ASM ClassReader, ClassVisitor, and ClassWriter respectively.

Hprofreaders are used to read data from Hprof files, and each type of data that is read (using tags) is handed over to a series of HProfVisitors for processing. Finally, HprofWriter outputs the clipped file (HprofWriter inherits from HprofVisitor).

The cutting process is as follows:

Public void shrink(File hprofIn, File hprofOut) throws IOException {final HprofReader reader = new HprofReader(new BufferedInputStream(is)); Reader.accept (new HprofInfoCollectVisitor()); Is.getchannel ().position(0); reader.accept(new HprofKeptBufferCollectVisitor()); Is.getchannel ().position(0); reader.accept(new HprofBufferShrinkVisitor(new HprofWriter(os))); }Copy the code

As you can see, Matrix needs to read the input Hprof file three times repeatedly in order to complete the clipping function, each time handled by a corresponding Visitor.

Read the Hprof file

HprofReader reads the file header, then reads the record according to the TAG, then reads the record according to the format given by the HPROF Agent, then gives the HprofVisitor processing.

Read the file header:

Private void acceptHeader(HprofVisitor hV) throws IOException {final String text = IOUtil.readNullTerminatedString(mStreamIn); // Read data continuously until null mIdSize = ioutil. readBEInt(mStreamIn); // int is 4 bytes final long timestamp = ioutil. readBELong(mStreamIn); // long is 8 bytes hv.visitHeader(text, idSize, timestamp); // Notification Visitor}Copy the code

Read a Record (for example, a string) :

Private void acceptRecord(HprofVisitor hV) throws IOException {while (true) {final int tag =; // Final int timestamp = ioutil. readBEInt(mStreamIn); // Timestamp Final Long Length = ioutil.readBeint (mStreamIn) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL; // Body Bytes long Switch (tag) {case HprofConstants.RECORD_TAG_STRING: // acceptStringRecord(timestamp, length, hV); break; . String record private void acceptStringRecord(int timestamp, long length, HprofVisitor hv) throws IOException { final ID id = IOUtil.readID(mStreamIn, mIdSize); Final String text = ioutil. readString(mStreamIn, length-midsize); Hv.visitstringrecord (id, text, timestamp, length); }Copy the code

Record Bitmap and String class information

To do this, we first need to locate the Bitmap and String classes and their internal mBuffer and Value fields. This is also the purpose of the first Visitor in the cropping process: to record the Bitmap and String classes.

Includes string ID:

Public void visitStringRecord(ID ID, String text, int timestamp, long length) { if (mBitmapClassNameStringId == null && "".equals(text)) { mBitmapClassNameStringId = id; } else if (mMBufferFieldNameStringId == null && "mBuffer".equals(text)) { mMBufferFieldNameStringId = id; } else if (mMRecycledFieldNameStringId == null && "mRecycled".equals(text)) { mMRecycledFieldNameStringId = id; } else if (mStringClassNameStringId == null && "java.lang.String".equals(text)) { mStringClassNameStringId = id; } else if (mValueFieldNameStringId == null && "value".equals(text)) { mValueFieldNameStringId = id; }}Copy the code

Class ID:

Public void visitLoadClassRecord(int serialNumber, ID classObjectId, int stackTraceSerial, ID classNameStringId, int timestamp, long length) { if (mBmpClassId == null && mBitmapClassNameStringId ! = null && mBitmapClassNameStringId.equals(classNameStringId)) { mBmpClassId = classObjectId; } else if (mStringClassId == null && mStringClassNameStringId ! = null && mStringClassNameStringId.equals(classNameStringId)) { mStringClassId = classObjectId; }}Copy the code

And the fields they have:

Public void visitHeapDumpClass(ID ID, int stackSerialNumber, ID superClassId, ID classLoaderId, int instanceSize, Field[] staticFields, Field[] instanceFields) { if (mBmpClassInstanceFields == null && mBmpClassId ! = null && mBmpClassId.equals(id)) { mBmpClassInstanceFields = instanceFields; } else if (mStringClassInstanceFields == null && mStringClassId ! = null && mStringClassId.equals(id)) { mStringClassInstanceFields = instanceFields; }}Copy the code

The second Visitor records the value ids of all String objects:

// If it is a String, Public void visitHeapDumpInstance(ID ID, int stackId, ID typeId, byte[] instanceData) { if (mStringClassId ! = null && mStringClassId.equals(typeId)) { if (mValueFieldNameStringId.equals(fieldNameStringId)) { strValueId = (ID) IOUtil.readValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize); } mStringValueIds.add(strValueId); }}Copy the code

And the Buffer ID of the Bitmap object and its corresponding array itself:

// If it is a Bitmap object, Public void visitHeapDumpInstance(ID ID, int stackId, ID typeId, byte[] instanceData) { if (mBmpClassId ! = null && mBmpClassId.equals(typeId)) { if (mMBufferFieldNameStringId.equals(fieldNameStringId)) { bufferId = (ID) IOUtil.readValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize); } mBmpBufferIds.add(bufferId); }}Copy the code
/ / save the Bitmap object mBuffer ID and an array of mapping relationship public void visitHeapDumpPrimitiveArray (int the tag, ID ID, int stackId, int numElements, int typeId, byte[] elements) { mBufferIdToElementDataMap.put(id, elements); }Copy the code

Then analyze the buffer arrays of all bitmaps. If their MD5 values are equal, it indicates that they are the same image. Map these duplicate buffer ids so that they can point to the same buffer array later and delete other duplicate arrays:

final String buffMd5 = DigestUtil.getMD5String(elementData); final ID mergedBufferId = duplicateBufferFilterMap.get(buffMd5); If (mergedBufferId == null) {// If the buffer ID is null, That is a picture of new duplicateBufferFilterMap. Put (buffMd5 bufferId); } else {// If it is the same image, point the current Bitmap buffer to the previously saved buffer ID, In order to remove duplicate image data mBmpBufferIdToDeduplicatedIdMap. Put (mergedBufferId mergedBufferId); mBmpBufferIdToDeduplicatedIdMap.put(bufferId, mergedBufferId); }Copy the code

Crop the Hprof file data

HprofWriter writes to the tailored Hprof file. The code is very simple. HprofReader reads the data and HprofWriter writes it to the new file. The only two things to watch out for are bitmaps and arrays of underlying types.

First look at the Bitmap. When exporting the Bitmap object, we need to point the same Bitmap array to the same buffer ID, so as to remove the repeated buffer data:

Public void visitHeapDumpInstance(ID ID, int stackId, ID typeId, byte[] instanceData) { if (typeId.equals(mBmpClassId)) { ID bufferId = (ID) IOUtil.readValue(bais, fieldType, mIdSize); / / find a common buffer id final id deduplicatedId = mBmpBufferIdToDeduplicatedIdMap. Get (bufferId); if (deduplicatedId ! = null && ! bufferId.equals(deduplicatedId) && ! bufferId.equals(mNullBufferId)) { modifyIdInBuffer(instanceData, bufferIdPos, deduplicatedId); } / / modify after written to a new file. Super visitHeapDumpInstance (id, stackId, typeId, instanceData); } private void modifyIdInBuffer(byte[] buf, int off, ID newId) { final ByteBuffer bBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); bBuf.position(off); bBuf.put(newId.getBytes()); }}Copy the code

For an array of underlying types, if it is not an mBuffer field in a Bitmap or a value field in a String, it is not written to the new file:

public void visitHeapDumpPrimitiveArray(int tag, ID id, int stackId, int numElements, int typeId, byte[] elements) { final ID deduplicatedID = mBmpBufferIdToDeduplicatedIdMap.get(id); Duplicatedid: duplicateDID: duplicateDID: duplicateDID: DuplicateDID: DuplicateDID: DuplicateDID Its image data does not need to be printed repeatedly if (! id.equals(deduplicatedID) && ! mStringValueIds.contains(id)) { return; / / return directly, not write new file}. Super visitHeapDumpPrimitiveArray (tag, id, stackId numElements, typeId, elements); }Copy the code