• Why math.max () is Less Than math.min () in JavaScript
  • Dr. Derek Austin 🥳
  • The Nuggets translation Project
  • Permanent link to this article: github.com/xitu/gold-m…
  • Translator: zhanght9527

Why is math.max () smaller than math.min () in JavaScript?

Math.max() < Math.min() === true

Is it surprising? This is why the maxima function in JavaScript is smaller than the minima function when no arguments are passed.

Do you know why math.max () returns a smaller value in JavaScript than math.min () without passing an argument?

console.log(Math.max() < Math.min()) // true
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Why is that? Let’s examine what this function returns:

console.log(Math.max()) // -Infinity
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Weird — Infinity is actually the largest Number in JavaScript, along with number. MAX_VALUE and number. MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.

So what does math.min () return with no arguments?

console.log(Math.min()) // Infinity
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Once again, we expect the opposite — in JavaScript -infinity should be the smallest Number, along with number.min_value.

So why do math.min () and math.max () actually have opposite values than we expect?

The answer lies in MDN Docs:

“-infinity is the initial comparison term because almost all other values are larger than it, which is why -infinity is returned when no argument is given.

If at least one argument prevents it from being converted to a number, the result will be NaN. “– math.max () document in MDN

Of course! Math.max() is just a parameter implementation based on a for loop (see Chrome V8’s implementation).

Therefore, math.max () will start the search with -infinity because any other number is greater than -infinity.

Similarly, math.min () searches from Infinity:

“If no arguments are passed, Infinity is returned.

If at least one parameter cannot be converted to a number, NaN is returned.” — MDN Docs for math.min ()

The ECMAScript specification also states for math.max () and math.min () that +0 is considered greater than -0 by these functions:

console.log(Math.max(+0.0)) / / 0
console.log(Math.min(+0.0)) / / - 0
console.log(+0 > 0) // false
console.log(+0 > 0) // false
console.log(+0= = =0) // true
console.log(+0= =0) // true
console.log(Object.is(+0.0)) // false
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This behavior differs from the > greater and \< less operators, which assume that -0 minus zero equals +0 plus zero.

Technically, the -0 minus zero operator is equal to 0 plus zero according to == and === equality, not according to Object.is().

Thus, in a sense, math.max () and math.min () are more elegant than simply implementing -0 minus zero (see lines 96-99 in the V8 code).

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Now you know all the features of math.max () and math.min ()!

Happy Coding! 😊 💻 😉 🔥 🙃

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