Docker – compose is introduced

Use docker run and other commands to manually start the image, docker stop to stop the image, docker kill to kill the image process. This situation applies only when there are not many mirroring services. However, the reality is that we can start and stop hundreds of services at the same time, and we need to analyze the dependencies between each service before starting it, so it is not practical to operate manually. Docker-compose was born. Next we’ll look at Docker-compose.

What is thedocker-compose

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you can use YML files to configure all the services your application needs. Then, with a single command, all services can be created and started from the YML file configuration.

In simple terms, you define, arrange, and configure your mirroring services according to certain rules in a file called YML. Then use the commands provided by Compose to launch the tool for the entire cluster of services in one click.

The installation

Run the following command to install itdocker-composeThis command will match the appropriate one based on your systemdocker-compose

The curl - L "$(uname - s) - $(uname -m)" - o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Copy the code

Grant execute permission to the installed script

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 

Copy the code

Checking the Installation Result

docker-compose --version

Copy the code

If the following information is displayed, the installation is successful

Docker-compose version 1.26.2, build eeFE0d31

Copy the code

MacOs and Windows users do not need to install Compose separately, because docker-compose already comes with docker for desktop

docker-composeThe command

Docker-compose, like Docker, has its own set of commands, which are often used in the following sections.

  • Docker-compose up ‘: start all containers (defined in docker-compose)

Docker-compose up -d: starts all containers in the background

Docker-compose -f docker-compose template up -d: specifies docker-compose and starts it in the background

  • Docker-compose ps: View the containers running in the project

  • Docker-compose stop: Stops a running container

  • Docker-compose start: starts the stopped container

  • Docker-compose Down: stops and deletes containers, networks, volumes, and images

Docker-compose down-v: deletes the anonymous data volumes that are already defined in the compose file and are attached to the container

  • docker-compose logs: Displays logs generated by the service container
  • docker-compose restart: Restarts services in the project
  • docker-compose rm: Deletes all (stopped) service containers

Note: docker-compose stop should be executed first, and the docker-compose stop should be executed after the service is stopped

  • docker-compose config: View the project configuration
  • docker-compose version: Prints the version information


Docker is composed and docker is composed. Docker is composed and docker is composed. Docker is composed and docker is composed. This will be useful in writing the docker-comemage. yml file.

What is Service Orchestration

Compose allows users to define a set of associated application containers as a project using a docker-comemage. yml template file (YAML format), that is, different services are assembled into a project from a template file.

The Compose template file is a YAML file that defines services, networks, and volumes

Docker-compose standard template file should contain version, Services, and Networks

Writing a template file

Docker-compose: docker-compose: docker-compose: docker-compose: Docker-compose: Docker-compose: Docker-compose: Docker-compose The following example is with the help of the geek time column es author Ruan Yiming teacher’s template, I slightly modified. In the next article we will write our own docker-comemage. yml file to orchestrate our own services.

version: '3.8'



image: Lmenezes/cerebro: 0.8.3

container_name: cerebro


      - "9000:9000"




      - es7net


image: Docker. Elastic. Co/kibana/kibana: 7.8.0

container_name: kibana7


      - I18N_LOCALE=zh-CN





      - "5601:5601"


      - es7net


image: Docker. Elastic. Co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch: 7.8.0

container_name: es7_01




      - bootstrap.memory_lock=true

      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"

      - discovery.seed_hosts=es7_01,es7_02

      - cluster.initial_master_nodes=es7_01,es7_02



soft: - 1

hard: - 1


- es7data1:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data


      - 9200: 9200


      - es7net


image: Docker. Elastic. Co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch: 7.8.0

container_name: es7_02




      - bootstrap.memory_lock=true

      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"

      - discovery.seed_hosts=es7_01,es7_02

      - cluster.initial_master_nodes=es7_01,es7_02



soft: - 1

hard: - 1


- es7data2:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data


      - es7net




driver: local


driver: local



driver: bridge

Copy the code

The main body of the template file contains: version: docker-compatible version of the Compose file format, services: the service to choreographer volumes: data volume mounting path Settings, networks: network definition.

Under service, you need to specify the name of the service, the image used by the service, the name of the startup container, the mapping port, the command executed after the container is started, and the network to be connected.

The elasticSearch service has a slightly more complex configuration, including cluster name, node name, JVM parameters, ES cluster configuration, and restrictions. We will discuss this in the ES article.

Volumes defines two data volume mounting paths for two ES services

Networks Defines a network with bridge name ES7net as the network mode. The four services that are started are connected to this network

Start the project

Docker-compose. Yml file: docker-compose. Yml file: docker-compose.

During startup, Compose checks to see if there are any local images used in the project. If not, Compose will automatically go to the Docker Hub and pull the images.


Ok, friends, in this paper, we introduced, that is the docker – compose and commonly used commands, and analyze how a compose documents should be written. I hope you found it interesting. In the next article, a SpringCloud service will be choreographed. Welcome to keep watching.