Recently, the 4th China Fintech Industry Summit and the 3rd China-Singapore (Suzhou) Fintech Application Expo opened at Suzhou International Expo Center. Boyun “Cloud native Application and Practice” sub-forum held at the same time of the conference brought together leading institutions in the financial industry and experts in the field of cloud native technology to discuss the market development pattern. Wang Zong, senior technical manager of Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank, delivered the keynote speech “Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank Sensitive Transformation Practice Sharing”. The following is the transcript of the speech.

Speech ‘

Dear leaders and guests, good afternoon. My name is Wang Zong from Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank. I have been engaged in the financial IT industry for 13 years. At present, I am mainly promoting the transformation and implementation of the IT structure of our bank.

The three priorities came naturally

The IT strategic planning of OUR bank is mainly divided into three key points. First, technology control, autonomous and controllable technology is one of the important foundations for the structural transformation of our bank. With the advance of digital transformation, we have encountered some difficulties in IT construction, which may also be common problems faced by many regional banks. As we build more and bigger IT systems, vendors introduce more and more complex technology stacks, which leads to a problem — systems are iterating more slowly and facing more and more complex technology stacks.

That’s why we set up a technology team in 2019 to build the underlying technology platform, because only when the technology is autonomous and controllable can we have the confidence to move on to the next focus — agile transformation. Agile transformation is an important means of digital transformation. Through establishing agile thinking culture and optimizing r&d management process, r&d efficiency and output can be improved.

Another point is data mining and analysis. Data is the most valuable asset of a bank. We all say that technology leads the business. Without an agile and efficient R&D process, a relatively small number of technical personnel are tired of dealing with current system bugs and regular requirements, and will have no energy to lead the development of the business. In fact, both technical mastery and efficient and agile RESEARCH and development processes are for the service of business. We use big data technology and machine learning technology to fully tap the potential of data and innovate business scenarios, which is the breakthrough of technology-led business.

To achieve the above three points, our technology to lead the business will come naturally.

Ten years of mileage gorgeous turn around

In the past 10 years, we have experienced two changes, three stages and four modernizations. Centered on two shift device server phase, the shift to the resource center of the cloud phase, this phase directly using the physical machine and disk interface, switch to the magnetization of the network resources, such as VPC, ERP, file storage, etc., this stage basic is complete, we are now in the resources for the cloud in the center of the stage, primary phase transition to the cloud, The focus shifted to application-centric, agile delivery, fast resiliency, smooth migration, and so on. At this time, we considered how to integrate the infrastructure and the upper application, and sank these business capabilities to the platform side to better realize application automation.

The four modernizations are infrastructure modernization, application architecture modernization, development operation and maintenance modernization, governance and operation modernization. Let me talk about them in detail.

Modernization of infrastructure

According to our research, the container has become a highly recognized new belt infrastructure in the market, prompting us to complete the modernization of infrastructure in three aspects.

First, social factors. In the era of the epidemic, our business scenarios gradually and rapidly shifted from offline to online, and the online traffic increased sharply. For example, during the epidemic, the business volume of our mobile banking doubled, and the flexibility and expansibility of traditional infrastructure could not meet the rapidly changing application needs.

Second is its own factors, as well as external factors, we found that the external manufacturers bring in products in recent years many containers, they also brought in a lot of middleware, but these companies focus is not technology, attention is focused on the business level, so from the perspective of the unified management, application security and autonomous control, we need to build a unified infrastructure, To provide a standard environment for our subsequent business systems.

The third is the strategic factor, infrastructure modernization and cloud native is the only way to complete our strategic transformation. The modernization of infrastructure has brought us great improvement in efficiency, resource utilization rate, environmental management efficiency and so on.

Application architecture modernization

Microservice architecture is a new generation of widely used architecture, all walks of life are using microservice architecture to do system transformation and construction. There is little doubt that micro service brought us a lot of benefits, but also brought us a lot of problems at the same time, it introduces a lot of technology stack, and the technology stack is each have different selection, the selection and there are a lot of version, version iterative soon, so from the complexity of the technology stack, brings us a big headache.

The middleware for the use of resources is also growing exponentially, the personnel’s ability put forward higher requirements, so our technical team to build a set of unified development platform, unified to select a set of technical stations, unified its version, concentrated to the construction of middleware, the middleware and some open source technology stack ability, develop into various development kit, The development kit is integrated into the development framework, so that the upper application can be developed “out of the box”, and based on the development direction of the application, can seamlessly docking operation platform.

Development operation and maintenance modernization

Now our bank through independent development platform for the development, has developed more than ten sets of systems, independent research and development of the project cost can be reduced by more than 50%, efficiency more than 30%, as our new developed system, can be seamlessly to receive sensitive state operation platform, the traditional centralized system is that there is no way to directly receive operation platform, So we build the gateway and side car, through the gateway, and side car on receiving operation platform, formed in the dual mode IT infrastructure of the state of steady and sensitive at the moment we are in progress, in the process of old system through the gateway, the car gradually to receive new sensitive state operation platform, has now completed as a financial management system, online banking system, multi-channel service center for more than ten sets of systems, Sensitive operating platform can provide us with comprehensive visual control ability, hardware resources are also greatly improved.

Modernization of governance and operation

Combined with the current situation of initiation and management of our bank, a set of DevOps technology platform has been built through the basic development platform, operation platform and middleware platform. Through continuous measurement of digital operation, the organizational structure has been gradually improved and the r&d efficiency has been improved.

There are three key points in the modernization of governance and operation. One is the two-station mode of business governance and the IT architecture of sensitive state and steady state. The second is data precipitation and operation in our RESEARCH and development process. The third is unified API governance, including internal financial capability. Internal API is governed by internal gateway, and external API is governed by external gateway. For example, according to our statistics, the demand in 2020 has increased by nearly 40% compared with that in 2019, and our independent and controllable ability has also been greatly strengthened. Previously, the system developed solely by ourselves might be less than 10%, but now we use a new development platform. At least 30 percent of these new systems were built solely by our own development platform.

In terms of technology-led business, we have also built purely independent products from business scenes to development and operation. Our purely online products for public websites are also one of the achievements of our four modernizations.

Combining strategic theory and technology practice, grasping the underlying technology, achieving autonomy and control, and gradually completing the magnificent turn from science and technology service business to science and technology leading business.

That’s all for today. Thank you.

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