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In order to facilitate the search, it has been roughly classified as follows:

  • The Activity related

    IsActivityExists: checks whether the Activity exists. Activity launchActivity: starts the Activity. GetLauncherActivity: obtains the entry ActivityCopy the code
  • App related

    InstallApp: Installs the App (supports 6.0). InstallAppSilent: silently installs the App. UninstallApp: uninstalls the App. LaunchApp: Open the App closeApp: close the App getAppPackageName: GetAppName: Get the App name getAppIcon: Get the App icon getAppPath: GetAppVersionName: obtain the App version. GetAppVersionCode: obtain the App version. IsSystemApp: Check whether the App is a system application. GetAppSignature: Obtain the App signature getAppSignatureSHA1: Obtain the SHA1 value of the App signature isAppForeground: GetForegroundApp: obtains the name of the foreground application package. GetAppInfo: obtains App information. GetAppsInfo: obtains information about all installed appsCopy the code
  • Column related

    HideStatusBar: Hides the status bar getStatusBarHeight: obtains the status bar height isStatusBarExists Check whether the status bar exists. GetActionBarHeight: obtains the ActionBar height. ShowNotificationBar: displays the notification barCopy the code
  • Clear correlation →

    CleanInternalCache: cleanInternalCache cleanInternalFiles: cleanInternalFiles cleanInternalDbs: clean internal database cleanInternalDbByName: CleanInternalSP: Clear internal SP cleanExternalCache: clear external cache cleanCustomCache: clear files in the customized directoryCopy the code
  • Clipboard related →

    CopyText: copyText to the clipboard getText: getText from the clipboard copyUri: copyUri to the clipboard getUri: get the uri from the clipboard copyIntent: copyIntent to the clipboard getIntent: get the intent from the clipboardCopy the code
  • Close correlation →

    CloseIO quietly: Quietly Close the I/OCopy the code
  • Constant correlation →

    MemoryConst: memory-related constants TimeConst: time-related constants RegexConst: regular-related constantsCopy the code
  • Transformation correlation →

    Bytes2HexString, hexString2Bytes: byteArr interconverts with hexString chars2Bytes, bytes2Chars: Byte2Size, size2Byte: indicates the number of bytes exchanged with the unit. Byte2FitSize: indicates the number of bytes exchanged with the unit. Bytes2Bits, bits2Bytes: indicates the number of bytes exchanged with the unit. Bytes and bits interconvert input2OutputStream, output2InputStream: inputStream and outputStream interconvert inputStream2Bytes, bytes2InputStream: InputStream and byteArr interconvert outputStream2Bytes, bytes2OutputStream: InputStream2String, string2InputStream: OutputStream2String, string2OutputStream: Bitmap2Bytes: bitmap and byteArr: bitmap2bitmap: bitmap2Drawable: View2Bitmap: view to bitmap dp2px, px2dp: view2Bitmap: view to bitmap dp2px, px2dp: Px2sp: sp and PX interrotateCopy the code
  • Crash correlation →

    GetInstance: obtains singleton init: initializes the singletonCopy the code
  • Device correlation →

    Root getSDKVersion: obtains the system version of the device. GetAndroidID: obtains the device. AndroidID getMacAddress: GetManufacturer: obtain the device manufacturer getModel: obtain the device model Shutdown: shutdown reboot: restart reboot2Recovery: Restart to recovery reboot2Bootloader: Restart to bootloaderCopy the code
  • Short correlation →

    IsEmpty: checks whether the object isEmpty. IsNotEmpty: checks whether the object isNotEmptyCopy the code
  • Encoding decoding correlation →

    UrlEncode: URL encoding urlDecode: URL decoding base64Encode, base64Encode2String: Base64 encoding base64Decode: Base64 decoding base64UrlSafeEncode: Base64URL security encoding htmlEncode: Html encoding htmlDecode: Html decodingCopy the code
  • Encryption and decryption related →

    EncryptMD2, encryptMD2ToString: MD2 encryptMD5, encryptMD5ToString: MD5 encryptMD5File, encryptMD5File2String: EncryptSHA224 encryptSHA224ToString MD5 encryptSHA1, encryptSHA1ToString: SHA1 encryptSHA224, encryptSHA224ToString: EncryptSHA256, encryptSHA256ToString: SHA256 encryptSHA384, encryptSHA384ToString: SHA256 encryptSHA384, encryptSHA384ToString: EncryptSHA512, encryptSHA512ToString: encryptHmacMD5, encryptHmacMD5ToString: HmacMD5 encryption encryptHmacSHA1 encryptHmacSHA1ToString: HmacSHA1 encryption encryptHmacSHA224, encryptHmacSHA224ToString: HmacSHA224 encryption encryptHmacSHA256 encryptHmacSHA256ToString: HmacSHA256 encryption encryptHmacSHA384, encryptHmacSHA384ToString: HmacSHA384 encryption encryptHmacSHA512 encryptHmacSHA512ToString: HmacSHA512 encryptDES, encryptDES2HexString, encryptDES2Base64: DES encrypts decryptDES, decryptHexStringDES, decryptBase64DES: DES encrypt3DES, encrypt3DES2HexString, encrypt3DES2Base64: Decrypt3DES encryption decrypt3DES, decryptHexString3DES, decryptBase64_3DES: EncryptAES, encryptAES2HexString, encryptAES2Base64: AES encryptAES decryptAES, decryptHexStringAES, decryptBase64AES: AES decryptionCopy the code
  • File correlation →

    IsFileExists: determines whether a file exists rename: renames a file isDir: determines whether a file exists isFile: determines whether a file exists createOrExistsDir: specifies whether a file exists. Whether directory exists, there is no judgment whether to create successful createOrExistsFile: to determine whether a file exists, does not exist, it determine whether create createFileByDeleteOldFile success: Check whether the file exists and delete the file before creating it. CopyDir: copy the directory. CopyFile: copy the file. Delete files. ListFilesInDir: Obtain all files in the directory. ListFilesInDir: Obtain all files in the directory, including subdirectories. Obtain all files with suffix suffix in the directory listFilesInDirWithFilter: Obtain all files with suffix suffix in the directory, including subdirectory listFilesInDirWithFilter: ListFilesInDirWithFilter: Obtains all filter-compliant files in the directory, including the subdirectory searchFileInDir: WriteFileFromIS: writes input streams to files. WriteFileFromString: writes strings to files. GetFileCharsetSimple: GetFileLines: Obtain the number of lines of a file. ReadFile2List: obtain the number of lines of a file. ReadFile2SB: Obtain the number of lines of a file. GetFileMD5, getFileMD5ToString: obtains the MD5 verification code of the file. GetDirName: obtains the longest directory based on the full path. GetFileName: obtains the longest directory based on the full path. GetFileNameNoExtension: the file name without the extension name is obtained from the full path. GetFileExtension: the file name is obtained from the full pathCopy the code
  • Handler associated

    HandlerHolder: Use required readingCopy the code
  • Pictures related →

    Bitmap2Bytes, bytes2Bitmap: drawable2Bitmap, bitmap2Drawable: Drawable: drawable: drawable: bytes2Drawable: Drawable: byteArr: drawable: Drawable: byteArr: drawable: getBitmap: obtain bitmap scale: scale the image clip: Skew: the image is rotated skew: the image is rotated getRotateDegree: the image is rotated toRound: the image is rounded toRoundCorner: the image is rounded fastBlur: the image is rotated How to add a color to the frame and add it to the addReflection AddImageWatermark: addImageWatermark toAlpha: convert toAlpha bitmap toGray: convert to grayscale image save: save the image isImage: Determine whether the file is a picture based on the file name. GetImageType: obtain the image type. CompressByScale: compress the file by scalingCopy the code
  • Intention correlation →

    GetInstallAppIntent: Obtains the intent to install the App (supports 6.0). Gettuninstallappintent: Obtains the intent to uninstall the App. GetLaunchAppIntent: For open the App intention getAppDetailsSettingsIntent: for specific Settings App intention getShareTextIntent: share access to the intention of the text getShareImageIntent: For share photos intention getComponentIntent: access to the intentions of other application components getShutdownIntent: get off the intention of the getCaptureIntent: access to the intention of the photoCopy the code
  • Keyboard related →

    HideSoftInput: dynamic hide the soft keyboard clickBlankArea2HideSoftInput: click on the blank area to hide the screen soft keyboard showSoftInput: dynamic display soft keyboard toggleSoftInput: Switch the keyboard display stateCopy the code
  • Positioning correlation →

    IsGpsEnabled: checks whether Gps is available isLocationEnabled: checks whether Gps is available openGpsSettings: opens the Gps setting page register: registers unregister: GetCountryName: Obtains the locality based on the longitude and latitude getLocality: Obtains the locality based on the longitude and latitude getStreet: Obtains the locality based on the longitude and latitudeCopy the code
  • Log correlation →

    Init: initialization function getBuilder: Obtain LogUtils Builder V: Verbose log D: Debug log I: Info log W: Warn log e: Error logCopy the code
  • Network correlation →

    IsConnected: checks whether the network isConnected. IsAvailableByPing: checks whether the network is available. GetDataEnabled: Check whether mobile data is enabled setDataEnabled: enable or disable mobile data is4G: check whether the network is4G getWifiEnabled: check whether wifi is enabled setWifiEnabled: IsWifiConnected: Connected to a wifi interface isWifiAvailable: Connected to a wifi interface getNetworkOperatorName GetNetworkType: obtains the current network type. GetIPAddress: obtains the IP address. GetDomainAddress: obtains the IP address of the domain nameCopy the code
  • Mobile related →

    GetIMEI: obtain the IMEI code. GetIMSI: obtain the IMSI code. GetPhoneType: obtain the mobile terminal type. Check whether the SIM card is ready. GetSimOperatorName, getSimOperatorByMnc: Obtains the operator name of the SIM card. GetPhoneStatus: obtains the mobile phone status information. Dial phoneNumber sendSms: jump to the page for sending SHORT messages. SendSmsSilent: send short messages. GetAllContactInfo: obtain mobile phone contacts. Tap a contact to obtain the phone number. GetAllSMS: Obtain a mobile phone short message and save it in XMLCopy the code
  • Pinyin related →

    GetPinyinFirstLetter: Get the first letter of Chinese character ccs2Pinyin: Transfer Chinese character to pinyinCopy the code
  • Process correlation →

    GetForegroundProcessName: access to the foreground thread package name cleanAllBackgroundProcesses, cleanBackgroundProcesses: clean up the background service processCopy the code
  • Canonical correlation →

    IsMobileSimple: verify mobile phone number (simple) isMobileExact: verify mobile phone number (exact) isTel: verify phone number isIDCard15: verify ID card number 15-digit isIDCard18: verify mobile phone number Verify ID card number 18-bit isEmail: verify email address isURL: verify URL isZh: verify Chinese characters isUsername: verify user name isDate: verify date verification in YYYY-MM-DD format, with even leap year taken into account isIP: GetMatches: The portion of the matched regula ti on is obtained. Gettreplacefirst: The first part of the matched regula ti on is replaced. GetReplaceAll: Replace all portions of the re matchCopy the code
  • Screen correlation →

    GetScreenWidth: Get the width of the screen (unit: px) getScreenHeight: Get the height of the screen (unit: px) IsLandscape: determine whether the screen isPortrait isPortrait: determine whether the screen isPortrait getScreenRotation: get the screen rotation Angle captureWithStatusBar: Obtain the current screen shot, including the status bar captureWithoutStatusBar: obtain the current screen shot, excluding the status bar isScreenLock: determine whether to lock the screenCopy the code
  • SD card related →

    GetSDCardPath: path to obtain the SD card getDataPath: path to obtain the Data of the SD card getFreeSpace: calculates the remaining space of the SD card getSDCardInfo: Obtain SD card informationCopy the code
  • Service related →

    IsServiceRunning: Checks whether the service runs stopService: stops the serviceCopy the code
  • Shell related

    ExecCmd: Indicates whether to run the command under rootCopy the code
  • Size correlation →

    Dp2px, px2dp: dp and px convert sp2px, px2sp: sp and px convert applyDimension: Measureviewmeasureviewmeasuredwidth getMeasuredHeight getMeasuredHeightCopy the code
  • Snackbar related

    ShowShortSnackbar: displays the short snackbar showLongSnackbar: displays the long snackbar showIndefiniteSnackbar: displays the user-defined duration snackbar addView: Add layout to SnackBar; dismissSnackbar displayCopy the code
  • SP related

    SPUtils: SPUtils constructor putString: SP writes String value getString: SP reads String putInt: SP writes int value getInt: SPUtils constructor putString: SP writes String value getString: SP reads String putInt: SP writes int value getInt: SP read int putLong: SP read long value getLong: SP read long putFloat: SP read float value getFloat: SP read float putBoolean: SP SP write Boolean type value getBoolean: SP read Boolean getAll: SP obtain all key/value pairs remove: SP remove key contains: SP whether the key exists clear: All data is cleared from SPCopy the code
  • String correlation →

    IsEmpty: checks whether the string is null or 0 in length isSpace: checks whether the string is null or all Spaces equals: checks whether two strings are equal equalsIgnoreCase: Null2Length0: null is converted to a string of length 0. Length: Returns the length of the string. UpperFirstLetter: upperFirstLetter: upperFirstLetter: upperFirstLetter: upperFirstLetter: upperFirstLetter: Lowercase reverse: reverses the character string toDBC: converts to a half-angle character toSBC: converts to a full-angle characterCopy the code
  • Thread pool related →

    ThreadPoolUtils: ThreadPoolUtils constructor execute: execute a given command at a future time execute a given list of commands at a future time shutDown: ShutDownNow: attempts to stop all active tasks in progress. IsShutDown: checks whether the thread pool is closed. IsTerminated: Submit: Submits a Callable task to execute submit: Submit a Runnable task to execute invokeAll, invokeAny: execute the given task schedule: Delay the execution of the Runnable command schedule: Delay executing the Callable command scheduleWithFixedRate: indicates that the Callable command is delayed and executed periodically. ScheduleWithFixedDelay: indicates that the Callable command is executed periodically at a fixed rest timeCopy the code
  • Time correlation →

    [milliseconds2int] [milliseconds2int] [milliseconds2int] [milliseconds2int] [milliseconds2int] [milliseconds2int] Date2Milliseconds date2Milliseconds: [^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^] econds2unit: Milliseconds timestamp unit conversion (unit) getIntervalTime: obtains two time differences (unit) getCurTimeMills: obtains the current timestamp getCurTimeString: GetCurTimeDate: obtains the current Date getIntervalByNow: Obtains the difference with the current time (unit: unit) isLeapYear: obtains the leap year getWeek, getWeekIndex: obtains the leap year. GetWeekOfMonth: Obtains the week in a month. GetWeekOfYear: Obtains the week in a yearCopy the code
  • Toast related →

    Init: toast initialization showShortToastSafe: display short toast showLongToastSafe: safely and securely shows long toast showShortToast: display a short toast showLongToast: CancelToast: Cancel the toast displayCopy the code
  • Compression correlation →

    ZipFiles: decompresses files in batches zipFile: decompresses files in batches unzipFile: decompresses files in batches unzipFileByKeyword: decompresses files with keywords getFilesPath: decompresses files with keywords GetComments: obtains the linked list of comments in the compressed file. GetEntries: obtains the file object in the compressed fileCopy the code
  • Update the Log


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  • My micro blog, please pay attention to it.


-keep class com.blankj.utilcode.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class com.blankj.utilcode.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.blankj.utilcode.**
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