What are the differences between these two object-oriented languages? The Java programming language and C ++ are both object-oriented programming languages, but there are some differences between them. After all, Java is an OOP language. Therefore, everything is a Java protest (because everything is fetched from java.lang.object, there is only one root command chain). Despite what might happen. In C ++, there is no such command root chain. C ++ is the foundation of both procedural and object-oriented programming. In this way, it is called a hybrid. Differences between Java and C ++ Here, we examine 11 important factors that make comparisons between Java and C ++. Let’s go through them all:

Pointer to the

Java: Java does not support Pointers, templates, pointer overloading, unions, etc. The Java dialect launcher initially says “No Pointers!” . But when many developers discussed how to work without Pointers, the originators started talking about “restricted Pointers.” Java supports so-called “references.” References are useful, like Pointers in the C ++ dialect. However, you cannot perform numeric operations on Pointers in Java. References are typed and composed safely. These references must not be interpreted as rough addresses and dangerous changes are not allowed.

C ++ : C ++ does support Pointers, constructs, unions, templates, operator overloading, or pointer arithmetic.

Destructors supported: Java: Java does not support destructors. It has an automatic garbage collection system.

C ++ : it supports destructors; It is called when the object is destroyed.

Conditional compilation and inclusion

Java: It does not support conditional compilation and inclusion.

C ++ : These are the main features of C ++.

Thread support

Java: It has Java built-in support threads. Java has a thread class that inherits and creates a new thread to override the run method.

C ++ : It has no built-in support. It depends on third-party libraries.

The default parameters

Java: Java does not support default parameters. :: There is no () in Java. Policy definitions should occur reliably within a class, so there is no need to scope here.

C ++ : C ++ supports default parameters. C ++ has scope resolution (::), which utilizes and characterizes policies outside the class to enter internal variables from neighborhood variables that otherwise exist with similar names.

Turn to the statement

Java: There is no goto declaration in Java. The keywords const and goto are retained, even if they are not used.

C ++ : C ++ has GOto clarity. But, as Goto explains, this is not a good habit.

Multiple inheritance

Java: Java does not provide multiple inheritance, at least in the same sense as C ++.

C ++ : C ++ supports different inheritance. The keyword virtual is used to determine ambiguity (if any) between various legacies.

Exception handling

Java: Exception handling is different because there is no destructor. In Java, try/catch must define whether a function declares that it may throw an exception.

C ++ : In C ++, an attempt/acquisition can be excluded regardless of whether the capacity triggers an exemption.

Method and operator overloading

Java: Java has method overloading, but not operator overloading. The String class does use + and += operators to concatenate strings and String expressions using automatic type conversions, but the built-in case is a special one.

C ++ : C ++ supports technical and administrator overloading.

Documentation comments

Java: Java has built-in annotations to documents (/**… */) support; As a result, Java source files can contain their own documents, which can be read and reformatted into HTML by a separate tool, usually a Java Doc. This helps maintain documents in a simple manner.

C ++ : C ++ is not supported.

Platform independent

Java: Java is largely interpreted and therefore platform-independent.

C ++ : C ++ creates protest code, similar code may not continue to run at all stages

Conclusion In this tutorial, we learned the basic differences between C ++ and Java. We explore each element of Java and C ++. Also, if you have any other questions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment below! Private letter xiaobian has welfare oh