Knowledge points involved
- Particle special Effect production
- Touch event listening and coordinate transformation
- Prefabricated resource production
- The use of object pools
- Dynamic display effect
Making particle Effects
Recommend the free online tool Particle2dx, which uses the Click effects circle1 already in the template
Select the particle effects template | Sets particle effects properties | Export particle effects resource |
Event listeners
For details on keyboard events, touch events, and custom event emission and listening, see CocosCreator’s documentation at the end of this article.
This article focuses on touch events that use the screen.
extends: cc.Component,
properties: {},// onLoad () {},
start() {
_initNodeTouchEvent() {
// Listen on events
this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, this._onTouchBegin, this);
this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, this._onTouchMoved, this);
this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, this._onTouchEnd, this);
this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL, this._onTouchCancel, this);
_destroyTouchEvent() {
// Destruction event, this._onTouchBegin, this);, this._onTouchMoved, this);, this._onTouchEnd, this);, this._onTouchCancel, this);
cc.log("Destruction event...");
_onTouchBegin: function (event) {
_onTouchMoved: function (event) {
_onTouchEnd: function (event) {
_onTouchCancel: function (event) {
onDestroy() {
// Destruction event
// update (dt) {},
Copy the code
Gets the coordinates of the touch point
_onTouchBegin: function (event) {
// Get the global coordinates of the current click
let temp = event.getLocation();
// Get the local coordinates of the current click
let tempClick = this.node.convertToNodeSpaceAR(temp)
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Make prefabricated resources for particle effects
Load prefabricated resources dynamically
Load prefabricated resources dynamically using object pools
// Dynamically instantiate prefabricated resources using object pools
newClickNode(position, callBack) {
let newNode = null;
if (!this._clickPool) {
// Initializes the object pool
this._clickPool = new cc.NodePool();
if (this._clickPool.size() > 0) {
// Request objects from the object pool
newNode = this._clickPool.get();
this.setClickNode(newNode, position, callBack);
} else {
// If there are no free objects, we will recreate them with cc.instantiate
cc.loader.loadRes("prefab/particle_click", cc.Prefab, function (err, prefab) {
if (err) {
newNode = cc.instantiate(prefab);
this.setClickNode(newNode, position, callBack);
setClickNode(newNode, position, callBack) { = "clickNode"; // Set the node name
newNode.setPosition(position); // Set the node location
this.node.addChild(newNode); // Add the new node to all the nodes of the current component
if (callBack) {
callBack(newNode); // return the adjustment point}},Copy the code
Dynamic display effect
_onTouchBegin: function (event) {
// Get the global coordinates of the current click
let temp = event.getLocation();
// Get the local coordinates of the current click
let tempClick = this.node.convertToNodeSpaceAR(temp)
this.newClickNode(tempClick, function (node) {
if(! node)return
// Kill all existing particles, and then restart the particle emitter.
cc.log("Number of child nodes: + this.node.children.length);
this.node.children.forEach(element= > {
if ( === 'clickNode') {
// Get the particle system component
let particle = element.getComponent(cc.ParticleSystem);
// Indicates whether particle playback is complete
if (particle.stopped) {
// Add the node to the object pool
cc.log("Smooth recovery..."); }}}); }.bind(this));
Copy the code
Related references
Brickengine_Guide: CocosCreator
- Particle2dx free particle effects online creation tool
- Launch and listen events
- Built-in System Events
- Particle system related API
After the
Here is the end of the introduction, personal ability is limited if there are mistakes welcome to correct, if there are omissions welcome to add. If you have any questions, please leave a message for discussion.