
Auto-py-to-exe is a simple widget that to exe graphically using a simple small interface built using Eel and PyInstaller in Python. This is an open source widget that you can view on Github, where Github addresses are given.

Why use it?

It may be possible for us developers to use a Python file or exe, but for non-Python or non-technical people exe is the correct way to open an application, so it’s worth using it both for your own convenience and for the convenience of others


Install and use

  • Installation and use

Install using PyPI

This project can be installed using PyPI:

$ pip install auto-py-to-exe

Then run it and execute the following command from the terminal:

$ auto-py-to-exe

  • Install via GitHub
  • cd auto-py-to-exe$ python install

Then run it and execute the following command from the terminal:

$ auto-py-to-exe

  • parameter

You can also use it to add some parameters in the command auto-py-to-exe [-nc] [-c [CONFIG]] [filename]


Select the script location (paste or use the file browser) the outline will turn blue when the file exists select other options and add ICONS or other files like click the big blue button at the bottom to convert and find the screenshot of the converted file in/Output when finished


Small tool, but very useful!

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