In traditional enterprises, it usually involves the use of a lot of equipment. In the past, many enterprises relied on Excel to record all kinds of equipment operation records. However, as the scale of enterprises gradually increases and time goes by, problems will inevitably arise when they only rely on Excel to manually record equipment management. What are the specific problems? Please look down!

First, like enterprises in equipment management common problems and:

1. Low management efficiency

Equipment management depends on manual operation state, easy to occur omissions, resulting in management loss; Traditional management modes such as manual record, paper form and signature approval are inefficient, unable to grasp equipment data information in a comprehensive and timely manner, and lack strong data support to make scientific decisions.

2, high maintenance costs

In the new round of intelligent transformation trend, the production equipment of enterprises tends to be highly automated, information and network, resulting in high maintenance and management costs such as equipment maintenance cost, equipment failure and shutdown loss, spare parts inventory cost.

3, heavy loss of shutdown

Production equipment as an important production tool of modern enterprises, the operation of reliability, stability requirements are becoming stronger and stronger, in the production process of the role and influence are increasingly enhanced. If the frequent occurrence of equipment failure shutdown, the loss is also extremely serious.

4. Information island is serious

All kinds of useful data and information are scattered in different business systems, and the lack of contact between the systems leads to information islands and information asymmetry.

We can imagine that when enterprises encounter the above problems, enterprise managers must be thinking about how to solve the above problems all the time. And then learn from the management methods of other excellent enterprises. Found that everyone is through the purchase of equipment management system to solve these problems, then these systems are really useful? Or how should we buy the right equipment management system? That’s also a problem.

Why many enterprises did not find the right equipment management system, a large part of the reason is enterprise managers for the mixed environment in the market, resulting in slow determination. Because when looking for a suitable equipment management system, enterprise managers will also face a lot of choices, one to look at their own enterprise budget, and secondly to evaluate the risks brought by the system to the project. But the truth is, risk is hard to assess. So how do enterprise managers choose equipment management system? Weisin believes: Everything needs to understand the reason first, then the right medicine!

Two, the following lists several enterprises to buy equipment management system common problems. For everyone to consult!

1. At present, many equipment management system solutions on the market, whether domestic or foreign brands, the price is relatively high, often 500, 600 thousand yuan, millions, are common. Once the budget is limited, the project will be implemented in stages, or the functional modules will be halved, which goes against the system logic of total management.

2. Even when you finally implement your long-awaited equipment management system with layers of application and budget in hand, it turns out that you can only use 30 to 50 percent of all the features because most of them were designed for other industries.

3, in many cases, after-sale legacy problems are inevitable, mainly because many software system suppliers do not care much about after-sale contract renewal, they pay more attention to the development of new customers, the development of new customers is more conducive to achieving annual sales targets.

4. Once the investment is completed, the expected results of the project, or the return on investment, are difficult to control and evaluate.

5. There are, of course, free device management systems on the market, but companies that try them quickly conclude that they simply don’t meet the basic business needs at hand.

Therefore, in the face of these problems, how should enterprises choose their own enterprise equipment management system? Here we go!!

Three, choose the appropriate equipment management system, looktheFive o ‘clock is enough!

1. List the device management problems

It is best for business managers to clearly list the current equipment management problems they are facing and to summarize these problems into their own list of requirements. In short, requirements are king.

2. Don’t be fooled by the big players

When choosing any device management system, keep a cool head and ask yourself: Who will implement this project? Is it a software vendor or a third party outsourcer? Is it a full-time consultant or a freelance consultant? A good product, if there is no good implementation, is useless.

3. Understand its functions and development mode

If a vendor tells you that their product is fully modular, you should be cautious. Whether it is enterprise asset management or equipment management system, its initial designers must focus on the logic of equipment management to do development. As far as equipment management is concerned, spare parts management is indispensable, and vice versa. Whether it is daily maintenance work, or daily maintenance work, generally speaking, the two are complementary. What enterprises need is not a series of functional modules, but a really feasible solution that can improve the level of enterprise equipment management.

4. Choose suppliers who can provide after-sales support

A lot of equipment management system online, the manufacturer certainly can not be placed regardless of, so we must understand whether the manufacturer can free to help our enterprise system upgrade services. Responsible system providers like Wexin take this into account for their customers in their service packages.

5. The most important question is price

In order to reduce the risk investment of enterprises, managers should consider at least the following two aspects:

①, first know whether you can pay by month or installment, rather than all at once investment.

(2) Know whether the system vendor can reduce the investment amount by adopting new technology, such as SaaS software cloud service? In fact, software cloud services are more common than you might think, the most common being Salesforce or any email service.

The biggest benefits of SaaS cloud technology are: no need to purchase hardware, no need to purchase software licenses, no need to purchase additional software support, and many other conveniences, labor, and savings. Therefore, your investment is reduced, the investment risk is reduced, and the return is increased.

If the enterprise managers in the purchase of equipment management system, can be familiar with the content of the heart, at least will not be led by the nose of the supplier, comprehensive views, I believe that enterprise managers can also make their own choices, and believe that their choices.

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